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Tagged With "Frank Lloyd Wright"


Re: Books That Send You Packing...

Former Member ·
There are so very many great travel tales. I am partial to non-fiction. I enjoy reading well researched, historical accounts of the human drama that is within the scenery. I enjoy writing that gives a strong sense of place and context to what I see. " The Old Patagonian Express " by Paul Theroux " The Pillars of Hercules " by Paul Theroux " Cut Stones and Crossroads: A Journey to Peru " by Ronald Wright " Basin and Range " by John McPhee " Two Years Before the Mast " by Richard Henry Dana,...

Best Places to Visit In Amsterdam

jenifer levis ·
Amsterdam also known as Venice of the North or Mokum. Amsterdam is famous for many things, from its art and rich heritage to its elaborate canals and limitless cafes but it stands out for one thing over all else; making for the most unique and unforgettable trip for young adults and people of age alike. Any Amsterdam trip would be considered unfinished if it did not include- Rijksmuseum - Starting off slow, this excellent museum houses some of the greatest European masterpieces of all time.