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Tagged With "guidebook"


Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

Travel Rob ·
I'm really excited part of the focus of these guides is back to budget travel.And budget travel is more than about saving money. I think during the Wiley ownership days of Frommers, they tried to be all things to all people,and had too many destination guides. More focused, quality ,and passion, is just what the Guidebooks need.

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a great review Paul, and I'm delighted to see Frommers guides back in the hands of the Frommers. I like their simple "Day By Day" series and this reboot of their guidebooks sounds very helpful and useful. I still like to travel with a guidebook in hand (though I research the trip beforehand). Thanks for the thoughtful review.

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

Former Member ·
What great news to hear that a publisher recognizes the need for practical budget travel information. I can spend ages on the Internet trying to work out a basic trip scheme. When a location is new to me, I need that overview in hand. It does me no good to read that the Paris' Luxembourg gardens are wonderful when I am trying to work out how long I can afford to be in Paris. It does me no good to know that there are marvelous chambre d'hotes in the Ile de Cite when what I need is a couple of...

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

Former Member ·
A much needed breath of fresh air. Thank you, Frommer's !

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

GarryRF ·
I told Pauline Frommer that I was disappointed with the Frommers' England Guide. She said I'd be Happy with the new Frommers' London (not England) so I wait with baited breath for a read of the new issue.

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

DrFumblefinger ·
I think the series will improve, GarryRF. Unlike Wiley's and Google, who really are just business guys who weren't passionate about travel, Pauline and Arthur do care about the experience. The quality of a guidebook depends largely on the author/researcher, but good editorial direction is very important. Passion about something matters. Clearly you have it about your home and your travels. We hope our readers find this website has it, too. We love travel related stuff!

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

GarryRF ·
I did enquire if a proof read was possible - not just for me - but some of the contributors whose expertise was better than most "proffesionals writers". But no reply.

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

Paul Heymont ·
Garry...I don't have an order in for London (not going there soon, alas) but will you review it for Gumbo when it appears?

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

GarryRF ·
A review for London ? Haven't been there for 40 years Paul. Really don't like big Cities and the "too busy to care attitude of people who live there" It's just my personal opinion. On the Tube Train into London people don't make eye-contact or talk to strangers. Here in Liverpool you'll be in conversation with 3 or 4 strangers and share a few laughs on the journey ! Someone falls on the street here ( and most of Northern England ) and folks rush to help. London they step over you. Rant over...

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

Paul Heymont ·
Garry...I hope you'll give London a chance again sometime. Some of the things you're saying about London are a lot like the very popular (but totally untrue) things people say about us New Yorkers...

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

GarryRF ·
I know Paul - I'm just being a bad traveller ! It's like folks go to France and complain that Parisians don't smile! But they do when they know you! I just find big cities much the same. Like Havana is the same as any other overgrown City in the Caribbean! Crumbling Spanish Architecture. Dominican Republic is another good example. I must be getting Claustrophobic Paul ! Give me the wide open spaces of Delaware State Park and I'm in heaven. Some days I have the whole Park to myself. Solitude...

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

GarryRF ·
Over the years I've posted many Budget Travel ideas to the Fommers Site. But they were all ripped apart by people who've never tried them or would even consider them. So I'm pleased to see the focus has been brought back to Europe on $5 a day - and up !

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

DrFumblefinger ·
Like GarryRF, I'd rather be in wide open places. But that said, I do love snippets of big cities. A week at a time is about enough to satisfy my need for hustle and bustle for awhile. I know others can't live without the constant adrenaline rush of a city. The beauty of a free world is that everyone can pick what they want.

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

GarryRF ·
Beautiful Rideau Lakes In Ontario Canada - and me living in borrowed clothes to enjoy it ! ...and that's me on the balcony looking out ! I said I liked Cold but that Canadian Cold is so cruel !!

Re: Check out what's available in Guidebooks!

Paul Heymont ·
Even in the day of all-online, there's a role for printed guidebooks, especially specialized ones! Thanks!

Re: Frommers Color Complete Guides: A New Debut

vivie ·
I agree with PortMoresby. Your writing and DrFumblefinger's pics made me want to hop on a plane...

Re: Frommers Color Complete Guides: A New Debut

GarryRF ·
Hi Rob - Have you read the new Frommers England yet? I hope its a vast improvement over the Wileys version. Is the new range of Travel Guides moving away from Arthur Frommers "Budget" format?

Re: Frommers Color Complete Guides: A New Debut

Travel Rob ·
PortMoresby and Vivie- Thanks for the kind words. I am really excited that these books are out and really good. Garry, I haven't read Frommers England yet .I read the new France and Spain Guides and I liked them so I'm hopeful about England. Frommers is incuding different price ranges now and from what I've seen ,it's a lot more budget choices too

Re: Frommers Color Complete Guides: A New Debut

PortMoresby ·
Rob, thanks so much for these. It's great to hear the excitement in your "voice". I hope we hear it more often.

Re: Outdated Information, Print & Online

DrFumblefinger ·
This is problematic, especially when it comes to accommodations and restaurants in my experience, because ownership and management changes and closures are far from rare in the travel industry. A lot of guide book publishers have on line sites which provides updates to the guidebook. But that takes lots of effort and this is a real downside of printed media -- its short half life. Glad to hear you're looking at Sri Lanka! It's a wonderful destination.

Re: New Book Line coming from Frommers

Travel Rob ·
Glad to see Frommers with all these new travel guides coming out! There is still a great need for travel guides and i hope travelers will step up and show their support by buying copies.

Outdated Information, Print & Online

PortMoresby ·
 This morning UPS delivered my new LP Sri Lanka guidebook, published January '15.  Then I ran across this thread on another site.  It highlights what many of us already know, that even a "new" guide is often, in fact, not new....
Blog Post

New Book Line coming from Frommers

Paul Heymont ·
This spring marks the first anniversary of Arthur and Pauline Frommer taking back the Frommer guidebook lines from the Great Google disaster, and as this  REPORT in Publishers' Weekly notes, they've used the year to launch a new series of over...
Blog Post

Check out what's available in Guidebooks!

Marilyn Jones ·
Marilyn Jones takes a look at some new and favorite guidebooks from two of her favorite series.
Blog Post

Frommers Color Complete Guides: A New Debut

Travel Rob ·
Frommers' "Color Complete" France Guidebook 2015 is a great guidebook and a marked change from most of the later Wiley Frommer's Guides. The big differences I noticed are that the info is current and there are a lot of budget options.
Blog Post

Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

Paul Heymont ·
Over the past past year, there’s been a lot of musing among travelers and in the travel industry about whether the day of the printed travel guide is over, in the face of vast stores of on-line information.