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Tagged With "NYC"


Re: November 30, 2016: The Guggenheim Museum, New York

Paul Heymont ·
I'm not a big fan of the Guggenheim's collection, but i do love the building, and wonder why it hasn't become the template for many others. Quite aside from its own beauty, it seems one of the best ways to display art. I'm often frustrated in museums by a labyrinth of rooms, not always well laid out, that keep me from back-tracking to reconsider a painting I'd passed in light of ones I saw further on. The spiral solves that brilliantly. In 1962, my uncle, a painter, took me there to see an...

Re: November 30, 2016: The Guggenheim Museum, New York

DrFumblefinger ·
Mr. Wright was a genius. A beautiful use of space, nicely illustrated, Jonathan. This is actually one of those places I've yet to visit and hope to some day.

Re: More WiFi in NYC Subway...soon...maybe.

Travel Rob ·
This is supposed to be the current list of stations with wireless and Wi-Fi service. What I don't understand is if this a free service ,how exactly does Transit Wireless, make money ? Are the phone carriers paying for them?

Re: More WiFi in NYC Subway...soon...maybe.

Paul Heymont ·
Transit Wireless is a company formed for this project; it's owned by the phone and data carriers, which have paid part of the costs. The other revenue stream is the potential for advertising, and also sponsorships ("WiFi at this station is sponsored by...") Everything here seems to be a big to-do; we've been on lots of European systems that have had full service, including tunnels, for quite a while. We're also way behind on "train will arrive" signs, because the NYCTA way is to design from...

Re: AirBerlin Black Friday: $499 to Europe R/T!

Travel Rob ·
It's a fantastic deal! Milan is a budget airline hub too so you can go to a lot Europe for not much more. Time to buy those spring break tickets

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

PortMoresby ·
From the Bloomberg article: "Airbnb has been working hard in recent months to change the law in the company’s favor." This limited characterization makes me wonder whose side Bloomberg is on, given any individual NYC host or user has more to loose or gain than Airbnb, since the company will succeed with or without NYC listings. Given the timing of the original law, it seems clear that it's largely commercial interests that back the law limiting just who can participate in the short-term...

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

DrFumblefinger ·
Bloomberg is a big business type publication so I believe they would tend to favor the big corporate guys. And the unions they employee. And the government officials these big corporations tend to grease. I personally believe in free choice. Let people decide where they want to stay. New York City, being one of the most expensive for hotel rooms in the world, needs more consumer choices in my opinion. AirBnB is one of the most innovative products to hit the travel market in a long time.

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

PortMoresby ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: " Bloomberg is a big business type publication so I believe they would tend to favor the big corporate guys. And the unions they employee. And the government officials these big corporations tend to grease." Indeed, it is. I didn't really wonder.

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

Paul Heymont ·
As a frequent Airbnb renter (about 16 times) I obviously think it's a valuable thing and want it to succeed. I also think that there's room for reasonable regulation that's sensitive to local needs, and that a reasonable compromise can be found. Let's take the case of New York City...there is a real shortage of affordable housing. While it's not caused by Airbnb, but rather by a series of market issues that I won't rehearse here, it's reasonable for the city/state to ban short-term rentals...

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

PortMoresby ·
Everything you say, P, is logical and fair. The problem becomes compliance and enforcement, not a separate issue. A segment of people will always try to game the system and it's impossible to enforce these kinds of regulations in such a complex and populous place. Even here, where I live in a relatively rural place, I suspect I'm the only one in a large county collecting and paying the short-term occupancy tax. I do it, not because I'm honest, but because I don't want to think about possible...

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

Paul Heymont ·
I think my proposal as written could work; in my haste I left out one aspect and that is that Airbnb or similar would be expected to require that a host supply his or her city registration number, or look it up on city website. The company would be subject to penalty for unlicensed listings or for handling rentals beyond the limit. Of course if the host rented through other agencies beyond the limit, that would not be on Airbnb...some city enforcement mechanism would be ended but that's true...

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

PortMoresby ·
Listings on Airbnb are done as independent contractors and while Airbnb can advise their listers to comply, and do, I don't think they will, or even should, be responsible for that compliance. Companies who hire independent contractors , including Airbnb, aren't responsible for those people doing what they're supposed to do. I think it's unrealistic to suppose that what isn't a requirement in other industries, should be in this one. One may want them to be responsible for everyone's...

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

Paul Heymont ·
Well, I see the point of your argument, but even without any liability on Airbnb's part it could work. Part A) If the local jurisdiction (NY or elsewhere) catches you in violation you can be fined, or whatever penalty. Part B) on notification by local jurisdiction that a listing is in violation, agency required to remove listing. I'm sure Airbnb and others would be able to work with that...they're willing to collect taxes and this would be far less burdensome than that!

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

PortMoresby ·
I missed something...what taxes do they collect? None in my case. I collect it, include the bed tax in my price, which Airbnb gives to me in their payment, and I file a return with the county quarterly when I pay them. Income reported to IRS, but my responsibility to pay any tax due. But I think the rest is reasonable. No requirement that Airbnb enforce anything except in response to local authorities that a rental is illegal. In theory, they already remove substandard listings, so much the...

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

Paul Heymont ·
In their negotiations with New York and San Francisco, among others, Airbnb has offered to collect and transmit the taxes imposed. Don't know if they currently have an agreement along those lines in any jurisdiction.

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

PortMoresby ·
I'd love it if they collected the bed tax here. Since they don't, and it's my impression that few here pay it, including it as part of my fee creates an imbalance for me, making it appear as though I'm getting more than I do. I state the breakdown in my listing but hardly anyone actually reads the listings. If they collected it, it would give a fair comparison of the room rate with the taxes added on at the end, as the fees are now. I think, though, despite what seems a good idea from the...

Re: Back to the Future: Transit Ridership Keeps on Rising

Travel Rob ·
Besides traveling, I never really used public transport on a daily basis until last year.Gas prices in recent years I think have driven me and others to not use the car as much.I dont really miss using a car daily, but I do miss taking as many car roadtrips.I wonder if daytrips by car is down too?

Re: Back to the Future: Transit Ridership Keeps on Rising

DrFumblefinger ·
When it makes sense to use public transit (financially, convenience, time savings), people do so. When it doesn't they don't. I'm all for free choice and believe most people have the sense to exercise their choices well.

Re: Arthur Ave -NYC's Real Little Italy

Paul Heymont ·
When my kids were younger, Arthur Avenue made a great end to a day at the Bronx Zoo or Botanical Garden...I'm glad it's still going!

Re: Selfie-stick backlash at NYC museums

DrFumblefinger ·
It won't interfere with what I do. Selfie sticks are the tools of amateurs!

Re: March 6, 2016: CCNY Grotesques

GarryRF ·
"The terra cotta gargoyles (animal-like) and grotesques (humanlike) have chipped and flaked. Some fell from their parapets and smashed into a thousand pieces." - NYTimes.

Re: March 6, 2016: CCNY Grotesques

Jonathan L ·
Thanks for the article Garry. I am planning a longer piece on CCNY and will use the info.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 18, 2015: The Conservancy Gardens NYC

Paul Heymont ·
Quite a surprise! I can't believe, for all the time I've spent in New York parks, that I completely missed these. Thanks for the introduction! Do you know who the sculptor was? I'm reminded a bit of Carl Milles.

Re: Kiku: The Art of Japanese Gardening at NY Botanical Gardens

Paul Heymont ·
I've never been long on botanical knowledge, sadly, but I've come to love walking through serious gardens, including the Brooklyn Botanic, almost in my backyard. Now you've given me something new to look for there!

Re: Union Square NYC

Samantha ·
Hi Jonathan, thanks for sharing this info about Union Square. We were in NYC in Oct and had wanted to see this area, but sadly never made it due to time. It is definitely on our list to see the next time we are there - hopefully in the spring so we can sit out and enjoy lunch while people watching We did make it to Battery Park though, and that was pretty interesting. Thanks again for sharing.

Re: NYC's Laguardia gets builder for new terminal

DrFumblefinger ·
Estimated construction costs of $3.6 billion.... Shall we start a pool on what the real costs will end up being? I'd guess double that.

Re: NYC's Laguardia gets builder for new terminal

Paul Heymont ·
So you're taking the low end of the pool? LOL! Actually, there is a smallish incentive to keep the cost low as possible, because the consortium's $2.5 billion share is meant to be made back out of operating profits once the terminal is open. So, if they run the cost up, it will take them longer to get their money back. On the other hand, my guess at the scenario is that they'll have arranged for most of any overrun to come from PA or state funds...

Re: $240 NY-London, LA $320: Norwegian Air

Travel Rob ·
That is a super deal .In recent the wear coast sales to Europe are few and far between

Re: $240 NY-London, LA $320: Norwegian Air

Travel Rob ·
Originally Posted by Travel Rob: That is a super deal .In recent years the west coast sales to Europe have been few and far between.Great to see.

Re: As if you didn't know: NY Gov calls NYC airports terrible

PortMoresby ·
I'm going to have to agree with the Governor. One must acknowledge a problem before it can be fixed. I believe La Guardia is just about the worst airport I've had the misfortune to use in recent years. I include any number of developing nations in the assessment. Most countries try to encourage tourism by giving a good impression on arrival. Even in places where infrastructure as a whole is lacking, the airports are often clean and new. I sincerely hope the Governor succeeds in this.

Re: As if you didn't know: NY Gov calls NYC airports terrible

Paul Heymont ·
Well, fortunately LGA hosts no international flights except to and from Canada, and hey, they're family, right? No need to do heavy cleaning. Seriously, though: It's actually my favorite of all the NY airports. It's compact, I can park easily across the road from the main terminal and the luggage comes faster than at either JFK or EWR. It's even got a Todd English restaurant and a few other amenities. It doesn't dwarf me or make me feel lost in future space. To me, it's like a pleasant...

Re: As if you didn't know: NY Gov calls NYC airports terrible

PortMoresby ·
By "worst" I meant grubbiest. And crowded. I can certainly see how the convenience factor would temper one's opinion in the case of locals. But you, too, PHeymont deserve better.

Re: As if you didn't know: NY Gov calls NYC airports terrible

GarryRF ·
When I was stranded in JFK for 3 days trying to get back to England I found the Staff there were extremely friendly. No...No... not the TSA. The folks who worked at Starbucks and BK. The Airline Reps and the Skycaps. All generous to all the young kids who were waiting to get back to England too. They'd all spent their last Dollar before we boarded our original flight home. Then we returned 6 hours later with technical problems. The cash machines soon ran out of Dollars. I even had time to...
Blog Post

AirBerlin Black Friday: $499 to Europe R/T!

Paul Heymont ·
AirBerlin, a OneWorld member, is offering a $499 roundtrip to several European destinations at cut-rate prices from now to Tuesday, with flights from Jan. 12 to Mar. 22. The $499 rate is for Berlin from Chicago, and Stockholm or Copenhagen from NYC....
Blog Post

KLM Flash Sale: NYC to Kilimanjaro RT for $798

Paul Heymont ·
If Mt. Kilimanjaro has been on your mind since reading Hemingway in high school (or if you've seen the movie), here's your chance. KLM has a 24-hour flash sale at $798 RT from NYC, or $848 if you're leaving from Chicago or DC. The fare is only...
Blog Post

New plans "Motivate" Alta Bike Share

Paul Heymont ·
Alta, the biggest US player in the bicycle sharing market (with contracts in New York, Chicago, Columbus and other cities) is under new management—and a new name. The company's moving from Portland to NYC, has hired Jay Walder, an experienced...
Blog Post

NYC&Co: We bring you tourists, we'll show you how to serve them

Paul Heymont ·
Taking a step beyond just beefing up the number of tourists arriving, New York City's tourism promotion agency, NYC&Co. has developed a program to help businesses and attractions in all five boroughs be ready for the numbers. And they are impressive numbers. Last year 56.4 million visitors came to New York; the city is pushing to hit 67 million by 2021. The new program, called "Tourism Ready" builds on Brooklyn's success in branding and marketing itself; experts including former...
Blog Post

JetBlue to start NYC-Havana flights

Paul Heymont ·
JetBlue will fly scheduled direct service from NYC JFK to Havana each Friday, starting July 3rd. Like all U.S. flights to Cuba it will operate as a charter with one of the officially approved travel service companies, in this case Cuba Travel...
Blog Post

Disney Cruises return to NYC, Galveston

Paul Heymont ·
Disney's cruise line division made a little magic onboard Disney Magic this week, with a glitzy announcement of a series of cruises starting October 2016 from New York, and from Galveston. Complete with Minnie Mouse dressed as the Statue of Liberty...
Blog Post

NYC airports set records for busy...

Paul Heymont ·
The five airports operated by the Port Authority of NY and NJ (JFK, Laguardia, Newark, Stewart/Newburgh and Atlantic City) set a record for passenger traffic last year, with 117.1 million passengers, up 3 million from the year before.   And,...
Blog Post

Selfie-stick backlash at NYC museums

Paul Heymont ·
As if it weren't bad enough having people lined up to take pictures of their favorite pictures in museums, now it appears that hordes of visitors are lining up with selfie-sticks to take pictures of themselves in front of their favorite pictures....
Blog Post

July 16, 2017: Spinning the Cube - Greenwich Village

Jonathan L ·
A large public sculpture in New York City inspires many passers-by to give it their best efforts.
Blog Post

August 20, 2017: NYC Skyscrapers

Jonathan L ·
A camera, an unusual sculpture and a photographer with an instinct for the unusual were the recipe for Jonathan L's Picture of the Day.
Blog Post

July 30 2017: Battery Park, New York City

Jonathan L ·
On a warm summer's day, a boy is just cooling off in the fountain at Battery Park, at the southern tip Manhattan.
Blog Post

Walking around New York City: Surprises everywhere!

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L loves walking around a city. It is the only way to really understand its life and rhythm. And his hometown, New York City, is one of the most walkable.
Blog Post

March 1, 2020: Looking Up in New York City

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L looks up while walking around NYC and finds some beautiful and fun sights
Blog Post

March 15, 2020: Take the A Train

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L gives us a subway scene
Blog Post

December 29, 2019: After the Ice Storm

Jonathan L ·
An Ice storm hit NYC, and Jonathan L went to document it.
Blog Post

NYC's Laguardia gets builder for new terminal

Paul Heymont ·
New York's Laguardia Airport, my favorite (but it don't get no respect) has taken a big step toward its major upgrade with the selection of a developer consortium that will design, build and operate a new terminal to handle double the passengers with...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 18, 2015: The Conservancy Gardens NYC

Jonathan L ·
  Up near the Northern end of Central Park is an oft forgotten gem - The Conservancy Gardens.  These 3 gardens are 6 acres of formality in what is often an area of the park that has been allowed to grow close to natural.   The Gardens...