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Tagged With "Dublin"


Re: St Stephen's Green, Dublin. (Where Gumbo was #137)

Paul Heymont ·
I have to admit that the first clue reminded me, in succession, of a spot in Parc des Buttes-Chaumont in Paris, of Prospect Park in Brooklyn and of Frogness Park in was only when the clues got more specific that I could rule them out, and only when the Fusiliers Arch appeared and I could search its text that I could find the answer. That arch, by the way, provoked a lot of controversy when erected in 1907; it memorializes a regiment in England's colonial war against the Dutch Boers...

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

GarryRF ·
To say that Ireland is typically wet and cold is true of Winter. The Summers are often pleasant and warm but when you get to the West Coast then the wind blows in of a cold Atlantic Ocean. But the weather can change 4 times a day - so there's something there to please everyone. Ireland has wonderful fresh food. Fresh from the sea and farm. Try a locally produced Vintage Cheddar Cheese or an 18 year old Jamesons Whiskey. Soda bread is a local speciality. But stay away from the home made...

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comments, Garry! We actually had very nice weather during our visit, GarryRF. It was windy and rainy at times, but being from Canada that was no great hardship. Still, good for people to be forewarned and prepared. Always pack in layers and let one layer be a rain shell. It was one of your fellow countryman who said, "There's no bad weather, just bad clothing" or something to that affect, but I can't remember who that was. Didn't try the "moonshine" (no one offered!), but my...

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

GarryRF ·
The American addiction for "Ice Cold Beer" should not be applied to Guinness! Its a Stout - full of flavour - to be savoured - cool as the Pubs Cellar! Billy Connelly is the Scottish comedian who's observations of life have had us in stitches for years now. But like many Brits - he's felt the warm winters of LA and is reluctant to come back ! Is it uniquely British to actually enjoy cool weather? Perhaps the way we've been bred ! I do get odd looks in the Autumn when many North Americans are...

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm more partial to the lighter beer, wheat ales specifically. But the Guinness was good. Had one other stout there, the name of which eludes me, and we enjoyed it, too. Like women, cars, food, etc. beer is very much an individual taste. I actually like my beer cool, but not ice cold. Also a matter of taste. What's your favorite English brew?

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

GarryRF ·
When I go to my local Pub in Liverpool I'll have a choice of Beers. Heineken Dutch Lager - San Miguel Spanish - Carlsberg Danish - Stella Belgian - Fosters Australian - Sagres Portuguese. Plus many local brews. Old Speckled Hen, Bishops Finger and my favourite Newcastle Brown Ale. Served in a Pint - 20 ounce - Bottle. With a half pint glass. It keeps cooler in the bottle ! Liquid Toffee ! Not a light Beer. Lots of Flavour and quite potent. I've found bars around Ocean City Maryland who serve...

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

DrFumblefinger ·
I didn't know that there were so many Irish in Liverpool. There are certainly many of them in Canada and the USA as well. One wonders how many more Irish live abroad than on their home island.

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

GarryRF ·
Stephen Fry commented on the BBC (jokingly) to an Irish Guest "Do you know why the grass is so much greener back in Ireland ?- Because you're all over here walking on ours !"

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov 14, 2013 : Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland

Former Member ·
I do like a person who gives their all to their work. Go, Guinness !

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov 14, 2013 : Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland

Travel Luver ·
That's a cool photo! But I guess bartenders are supposed love their job. You sure he might not have had a pint or two before the photo was snapped?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov 14, 2013 : Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland

Former Member ·
Ottoman - Did you also have the "crisps" that the gentleman is peddling at the bar ? Nothing like a few munchies when quaffing a drink.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov 14, 2013 : Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland

Ottoman ·
Voyager... along with my free pint of Guinness, I enjoyed a delicious Irish Stew. By the time I finished both, I couldn't eat another bite. Travel Luver...I'm thinking at least two pints of Guinness were consumed by the bartender, a man who as Bling mentioned, gives his all to his work and (cough cough) may have to sample an occasional pint or two to make sure the brew meets his high standards.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov 14, 2013 : Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland

DrFumblefinger ·
Seems you have an affinity for not only the Irish people, but also their Guinness? Can that be? You are not a Molson Canadian fan?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov 14, 2013 : Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland

Theodore Behr ·
That's a cool photo, Ottoman! Reminds me of the bartender at my local pub. His smile is even bigger if you leave him a nice tip.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov 14, 2013 : Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland

Mac ·
Great photo! I find that self-guided tours in Dublin tend to end up with a lot of staggering between bars looking for even more 'Craic'!

Re: The National Museum of Ireland: Archaeology, Dublin: Where Gumbo was #78

HistoryDigger ·
Wonderful. Can't wait to read the rest of your Ireland posts to help plan my next trip. Ireland was at the top of the list.

Re: The National Museum of Ireland: Archaeology, Dublin: Where Gumbo was #78

DrFumblefinger ·
It really is a terrific country to visit, HistoryDigger! Wonderful people, great history, great scenery. We enjoyed every day of our visit and I hope to get back to Ireland sometime soon. Just as an FYI to our audience in general, I've published around 15 posts on my visit which you can find at this link .

Re: Dublin, Ireland's Trinity College: Where Gumbo Was #29

Andre Pur ·
Amazing Library, very inspiring, if i would go to college there i will be at library every day ( at my college i go to library only at the end of the semester )

Re: Dublin, Ireland's Trinity College: Where Gumbo Was #29

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the note, Andre. It is a great library, but like many college students those at Trinity College like to party as much as study, so you'll likely not see them there much before the end of the semester either. What you might find even more amazing is that every student has the right to sign out any of those books (with the exception of the ancient ones like the Book of Kells). Despite how historic it looks, it is still a university library for students.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, September 26, 2015: The Famine Memorial in Dublin & Happier Present Times

GarryRF ·
It's good to see the Irish economy is making excellent growth after the 2007 crash of the "Celtic Tiger" Maybe - one day - we'll see some of the $20+ Billion contribution England made to help their recovery, coming back home !

Re: How to spend 24 hours in Dublin

GarryRF ·
Try a Guinness the way it is served - don't ask for "Ice Cold" Quote - "We're nothing if not precise; a perfect Guinness should be served at 6-7 degrees centigrade". That's 43'F.

Re: How to spend 24 hours in Dublin

The Traveloid ·
Couldn't agree more! Also try the original Guinness, not the standard draught version. The original version tastes better IMO

Re: How to spend 24 hours in Dublin

DrFumblefinger ·
I notice the only thing you didn't do in your 24 hours was sleep! I guess that's what the flight home is for. I'm somewhat older and have less energy than you, Seb. One of my favorite things to do in Dublin is to take a walk around St. James Park on a nice day. Or a stroll around Trinity College. But you definitely need to at least try the Guinness in Dublin. Even if you don't like Guinness elsewhere, the Guinness you get here has a better richer taste that stuff we get in North America.

Re: How to spend 24 hours in Dublin

The Traveloid ·
Haha, there was a little bit of sleep between about 4:30am to 9 when I went, though I didn't mention it in the post! Had a nap on the flight home fortunately

Re: How to spend 24 hours in Dublin

Travel Rob ·
Great post and welcome to TG! I spent a few days in Dublin last summer and it's also a good place to catch up on during a long trip. They have cheap internet places open 24 hours a day and good full service Laundromats where you can drop off laundry in the morning and pick up in late afternoon. it's about the same price as a luggage locker so good to use if going on a day trip and headed home

Re: How to spend 24 hours in Dublin

Paul Heymont ·
Timing is everything! Just a day ago, Ireland got added to our future plans, and I'm excited about trying some of your suggestions! Thanks, and welcome aboard!

Re: How to spend 24 hours in Dublin

GarryRF ·
You can get a flight to Dublin from most anywhere in Europe - like here in Liverpool. Early flight to Dublin. Bus into the city. All day walking about. Bus back to Airport. Last flight back to where you're staying. Ryanair. Under $50

Re: Dublin’s Guinness Storehouse Wins Best Tourist Attraction

GarryRF ·
Will Americans still drink Guinness when they discover it's not served "Ice Cold" The Irish standard dictates that Guinness should be served at between 38 and 41 degrees Fahrenheit .

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 12, 2014: Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland

Mac ·
A great place for the craic! Love it.

Re: Canada's Westjet enters Trans-Atlantic market

DrFumblefinger ·
Westjet has been promoting this to its frequent flyer members (like yours truly) for months now. They have extensive routes in North America, including Mexico and the Caribbean, but this is a big change in their business model. I'm not sure if this will work well, though. Westjet only flies Boeing 737s (much like Southwest, for example). That transatlantic journey is a long and uncomfortable one to make in a single aisle aircraft. In contrast, Air Canada, the other major Canadian airline,...

Re: Canada's Westjet enters Trans-Atlantic market

Paul Heymont ·
If they do as well at this venture as they clearly hope, that could change rapidly, especially since the 737s are what make it necessary to stop in Newfoundland and fly no further than Ireland. They already had a "wet-lease" arrangement with Thomas Cook, which provided 2 757s and pilots for Hawaii service, and according to this article they are considering dry-leasing (their own pilots) 767s, A330s or more for expanded European routes, perhaps as early as next year.

Re: Canada's Westjet enters Trans-Atlantic market

DrFumblefinger ·
Anything to increase competition is welcome! For those of us living in western Canada, where Westjet's main hub is (Calgary), we would welcome more options for direct flights to Europe.

Re: Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland. Where Gumbo was #44

PortMoresby ·
While not a beer fan I did once live in Golden, Colorado within smelling distance of Coors when the wind was blowing my direction. Which it obviously was not the day I decided that was the house for me. But I'll concede, it could have been worse. My only other distantly related experience was spending a few days in Norfolk with Val Guinness, a very gracious & entertaining lady. Beer is a thing I lump together with team sports and spending time beneath the hood of a car for no discernible...

Re: Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland. Where Gumbo was #44

DrFumblefinger ·
A love for beverages is a personal and often acquired taste. Others share your feelings about beer. Others feel the same way about wine, hard spirits, coffee or tea. To each, their beverage of choice! I enjoy sampling whatever beverage is popular in a region. For example, when in the hills of Sri Lanka, there's nothing better than a cup of BOPF tea. In Italy, it makes sense to focus on the wine. When in Ireland, you need to try the Guinness and some of their triple distilled whiskey.

Re: Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland. Where Gumbo was #44

PortMoresby ·
Interesting, Dr F, that you're a fan of fannings (the F in BOPF). The smallest particles of the tea, what tea bags are made from, I too prefer it to whole leaf as I like my tea strong. Now we have a beverage in common.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 24, 2014: Statue of Oscar Wilde, Merrion Square, Dublin, Ireland

DrFumblefinger ·
So that's Oscar Wilde lying on the rock? I thought it was you, Ottoman!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 24, 2014: Statue of Oscar Wilde, Merrion Square, Dublin, Ireland

Ottoman ·
DrFumblefinger... The gentleman sitting on the rock isn't holding a Guinness, that's how you can tell it's not a picture of me
Blog Post

The National Museum of Ireland: Archaeology, Dublin: Where Gumbo was #78

DrFumblefinger ·
  Seems not even the master Gumbo travel sleuths were able to crack our last puzzle.   Gumbo was visiting the fascinating Museum of Ireland, Archaeology division, situated on Kildare Street in Dublin.  The Archaeology Museum is housed...
Blog Post

A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

DrFumblefinger ·
I remember being in Wales several times and looking across the sea to the west, thinking that I needed to get to Ireland.  Well I finally made it, completing this journey with my brother on our annual "getaway trip"!  It was a trip we really...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov 14, 2013 : Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland

Ottoman ·
 This is one of my favorite photos I took on a recent trip to Ireland.  To me it represents much of what Ireland is known for...friendly people, great pubs, and their world famous Guinness beer.  Like many of my favorite photos taken in...
Blog Post

Dublin’s Guinness Storehouse Wins Best Tourist Attraction

Travel Rob ·
    Dublin’s Guinness Storehouse has been named by the World Travel Awards as Europe’s leading tourist attraction. They beat out such sites as Paris’ Eiffel Tower.   The Guinness Storehouse tells the 250 plus...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, September 26, 2015: The Famine Memorial in Dublin & Happier Present Times

Travel Rob ·
  I was at the midpoint of my two month trip when I left England and headed for Ireland by Ferry. The week before had been pretty stressful. I lost my passport in Belgium and had to get a new one. Then a ferry strike occurred and I had to...
Blog Post

St Stephen's Green, Dublin. (Where Gumbo was #137)

DrFumblefinger ·
    (St. Stephen's Green, Dublin, 1899)   Gumbo was visiting the best known city park in Dublin, St. Stephen's Green.  Situated atop the busy pedestrian mall, Grafton street, it's the "green lungs" of the city. ...
Blog Post

Aer Lingus adds 3 U.S. cities to its network

Paul Heymont ·
Aer Lingus is expanding its roster of U.S. cities with service to Dublin, adding new routes to Los Angeles, Newark and Hartford, CT. It's Aer Lingus' biggest one-time expansion since it first started flying trans-Atlantic in 1958.   Aer Lingus...
Blog Post

Dublin, Ireland's Trinity College: Where Gumbo Was #29

DrFumblefinger ·
  Gumbo was visiting historic Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland.  Through the trees (top photo) he saw the college's bell-tower (Campanile), better seen in the second photo.   The  Campanile  is one of Dublin's iconic...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 24, 2014: Statue of Oscar Wilde, Merrion Square, Dublin, Ireland

Ottoman ·
  This captivating statue of Oscar Wilde can be found in Merrion Square, Dublin, Ireland.  Commissioned by the Guinness Ireland Group and sculpted by Danny Osborne, this fetching statue was unveiled on October 28, 1997.     Oscar...
Blog Post

Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland. Where Gumbo was #44

DrFumblefinger ·
  I was surprised at how challenging this puzzle turned out to be, but it was correctly picked off by Ottoman in its waning minutes.  PortMoresby submitted the only other suggestion, the Labbatt's brewery in Toronto.   Gumbo was...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 12, 2014: Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland

Ottoman ·
    Ireland is well known for it's music, food, brews and friendly fun people, all of which (and more) can be found and enjoyed in Temple Bar.         Temple Bar is an area on the south bank of the River Liffey in...
Blog Post

Canada's Westjet enters Trans-Atlantic market

Paul Heymont ·
Canada's Westjet, once an upstart Western Canada regional and now a major national has taken a next step by starting flights from Toronto to Dublin for the summer and into the fall. The Toronto leg makes a brief stop at St. John's, Newfoundland, which...
Blog Post

How to spend 24 hours in Dublin

The Traveloid ·
Looking for a fun but busy day in Dublin? Then check out the Traveloid's itinerary!