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Tagged With "Medieval"


Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov 17, 2015: Mdina Gates, Malta

PortMoresby ·
Mdina is one of the few places I've been that's, in my experience, unlike any other. I thought it so beautiful on my first visit that I booked a room in the closest hotel just outside this gate and spent several days exploring it and the adjacent town of Rabat. Lunch at the restaurant of, I believe, the only hotel in Mdina, the Xara Palace , was memorable, wonderful service and food and a small compensation for not staying in the 5 star hotel. Thanks for the memory, IslandMan.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan 27, 2014: Man with bike, Chartres, France

GarryRF ·
"I thought of that while riding my bicycle" Albert Einstein on The Theory of Relativity

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 8, 2013: Cologne, Germany

Paul Heymont ·
The picture reminds me of similarly-colorful rows of small buildings in Nyhavn (Copenhagen) and on Bryggen (in Oslo). There must be something to the width-and-taxes idea, because it's certainly been true elsewhere. In New York, from colonial times until the early 20th-century, the number of windows affected the property tax rate, and it was only 2009 when the city ended the practice of basing the water rates on "frontage."

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 8, 2013: Cologne, Germany

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the note, Pheymont. I saw the main BANK OF IRELAND building in Dublin a few days, which is windowless. All the window spaces were filled in with rock (in a tasteful manner). Seems the government decided to levy a window tax. The company responded in kind.

Re: Medieval Meandering in Ghent, Belgium

DrFumblefinger ·
It's an amazingly beautiful town, Marilyn! Thanks for sharing this with us. Brilliant photography!!

Re: Where Gumbo Was: #6.5

PortMoresby ·
Wouldn't you know, the mystery within the mystery. And while I'm at it, WE WANT MORE WALLANDER!! In English or otherwise. I kind of liked the original version. Scandinavians do depressed so well.

Re: Bratislava: An overlooked travel destination

Former Member ·
Thanks for the great pics! I've only ever seen Bratislava from the river while on a Budapest to Vienna ferry...but now you've put it on the menu for our next time in Vienna. Worth noting: since Ryanair flights to "Vienna" actually land at Bratislava, it's a good opportunity for budget flyers to pay a visit before or after their time in Vienna.

Re: Bratislava: An overlooked travel destination

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks, Ready2Go! I didn't know about Ryanair landing there. Bratislava has the benefit of being much cheaper than Vienna, so if you want to spend time in the region, your budget will go much further here than in Austria. Also, it's much less heavily touristed, and in some of the side streets you'll feel like you've got the place to yourself.

Re: Strasbourg & Route Du Vin

Paul Heymont ·
We had a two-day flying visit to Strasbourg (pre-TGV) a few years ago and loved it...and now you've pushed it way high up the re-visit list! Thanks...

Re: Strasbourg & Route Du Vin

Travel Rob ·
Wonderful photos and descriptions! I'll be adding Strasbourg to my travel list!

Re: Strasbourg & Route Du Vin

DrFumblefinger ·
What a beautiful and great destination! I've also not visited it before but it's definitely on my radar. How much time would you recommend for a first time visit?

Re: Strasbourg & Route Du Vin

HistoryDigger ·
DrFumblefinger— A few days could be enough in Strasbourg itself, but if you want to tour the vineyards, I'd stay a week in the area. You could stay two nights in Strasbourg and then a night or two in Riquewihr and beyond. And I'd suggest renting a car to go at your own pace. For my next trip, I will plan at least full week in the region because I want to stop at the vineyards and visit more of the museums. And don't forget Chateau Haut Koenigsburg.

Re: The Maltese Islands – Underrated gems or best kept secret ?

Former Member ·
What an interesting group of islands. Thanks so much for this article. Wondering - Do people get around mostly by boat ? Is English widely spoken ?

Re: The Maltese Islands – Underrated gems or best kept secret ?

IslandMan ·
Hello F-car, people mainly use their cars to get around, which is a pity as the roads are not the best and there are far too many cars for the roads to cope with. There is an extensive bus network which I found more preferable to driving. Boats are used more for leisure but there are many fisherman who make their living from the sea. Although the Maltese have their own language, English is widely spoken and visitors get by without problems. Many locals also speak Italian (them being our...

Re: The Maltese Islands – Underrated gems or best kept secret ?

Travel Rob ·
Thanks so much Island Man.What a great post! I'll definetly include a visit to Malta in my future travel plans.
Blog Post

Sighisoara, Romania

Travellinn ·
Wow! What a charming place! That was my first thought driving through the gate to Sighisoara citadel. The impression was certainly still applicable when we started wandering the cobbled streets among the pink, green, yellow, blue and red houses. You...
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov 17, 2015: Mdina Gates, Malta

IslandMan ·
    The medieval city of Mdina , the ancient capital of Malta, stands proudly on top of a hill in central Malta. Known to be first fortified by the Phoenicians around 700 BC, this walled city has withstood centuries of invasions, battles and...
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Bratislava: An overlooked travel destination

DrFumblefinger ·
(Bratislava's Slovak National Theater) Bratislava, capitol of land-locked Slovakia, was not what I expected.  It’s an old city whose history goes back to well before the time of Christ, including envelopment into the Hungarian and...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 14, 2013: Street performers, Luxembourg

DrFumblefinger ·
 I remember my delight in making soap bubbles as a small boy!  My mother would mix the soapy solution and I'd take my little wand and run outside, blowing and watching the little bubbles drift away (before they popped). So it appealed...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 8, 2013: Cologne, Germany

DrFumblefinger ·
 Not much survives of old Cologne anymore.  The city, which had (and still has) a heavy industrial base was almost completely flattened during Allied bombing runs in the Second World War.  But its remarkable Cathedral survived, and so...
Blog Post

Where Gumbo Was: #6.5

Paul Heymont ·
    See original puzzle HERE. This week's second puzzle, the puzzle set for the TravelGumbo detective squad has a detective story of its own. These buildings are on Apotekesgatan, part of the medieval core of Ystad, Sweden, the...

The Maltese Islands – Underrated gems or best kept secret ?

IslandMan ·
I have an affinity with the Maltese islands . The fact that I was born there may have something to do it, but, as I have lived most of my life in Australia, the distance between the 2 countries has made this affinity more special. I was constantly reading about it and wanted to know more. I returned there many times for short holidays, and my fondness grew with each subsequent visit. Sliema Waterfront I am now a permanent resident of the country, and, while I may seem biased towards it, it’s...
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The Cloisters, New York City

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L visit's The Met's own medieval museum at The Cloisters
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Medieval Meandering in Ghent, Belgium

Marilyn Jones ·
 The best way to see beautiful and historic Ghent, Belgium is on foot.
Blog Post

Praha = Prague = Fantastic!!! (part 1)

DrFumblefinger ·
 Prague (pronounced and spelled Praha on local maps) was a city I’d wanted to visit for almost 2 decades, ever since the Iron Curtain collapsed at the hands of the Velvet Revolution. Finally I was there.
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 21, 2014: Cesky Krumlov, the Czech Republic

DrFumblefinger ·
Probably the prettiest small medieval town I've ever seen is Cesky Krumlov, a 2.5 hour drive southwest from Prague.  It seems little changed these past 500 years and fortunately was not damaged by bombing in the Great Wars.  
Blog Post

Olomouc — Now that’s a Plague column!

DrFumblefinger ·
 During our visit to the Czech Republic we ventured on a day trip from our base in Prague east to Olomouc (pronounced OH-loh-moats).   It was a nice change of pace and an enjoyable community.
Blog Post

Cesky Krumlov: A Stroll thru a Medieval Town

DrFumblefinger ·
My first view of the southwestern Czech town of Český Krumlov (pronounced CHESS-key KRUM loff — from now on I’ll just call it Krumlov, as the locals do) was from Castle Hill. It was enchanting.
Blog Post

Strasbourg & Route Du Vin

HistoryDigger ·
My son, his girlfriend, and I spent four nights in lovely Strasbourg.    We had a wonderful time!
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan 27, 2014: Man with bike, Chartres, France

DrFumblefinger ·
A scene of every day life in an historic city. After having spent the morning exploring the great medieval cathedral in Chartres, we finished a fine lunch before heading into the medieval city down by the River.  
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 29, 2013: Chartres, France

DrFumblefinger ·
Chartres is a great day-trip destination for those visiting Paris.  An hour's train ride from the City of Lights, Chartres' main highlight is its magnificent cathedral (itself a UNESCO World Heritage Site).  
Blog Post

A Visit to Normandy: Magnificient Mont St. Michel

DrFumblefinger ·
As we drive through the pretty farmland of Normandy, with its pleasing apple orchards and pastures dotted with sheep and dairy cows, it’s easy to forget this region’s turbulent past.