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This is something I've always avoided. I keep my money...never too much...deep in my pants pocket, not in a wallet; my cards and passport are elsewhere.


However, everywhere I turn, I see recommendations to use a money belt or hidden wallet in Cuba since it is so much a cash and not a card economy.


I'm still not comfortable with the implications of the advice...but I would like advice on products. So far, what I've seen is mostly either belts with zippered compartments (I guess you have to unbelt to use it?) and hidden pockets or pouches to go inside clothes. I'd appreciate hearing people's experience with either type, and or some other recommendations!





The best part of every trip is realizing that it has upset your expectations

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I never travel to a foreign destination without a money belt.  I prefer to use a leg device to stash my cash and spare credit card.  This is the product I like:


Be sure to put your cash and cards in a small ziplock bag to keep it dry.  Switch from leg to leg every day, and wash the money belt out every few days when in a hot climate.  It dries over night.


I find money belts hidden around the waist to be uncomfortable when flying, and modified leather belts themselves are pretty clear when money's stashed inside.  Neck pouches are good for security, but people know you have them and if they want to rob you they'll definitely take that along.  Not many people think to left for money strapped around your calf.

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

Last edited by DrFumblefinger

I find anything with strings, neck or waist, unbearable.  I made myself a simple pouch with a velcro closing and can pin it into whatever garment I'm wearing, pant or skirt waist or inside any unobtrusive pocket.  I use a diaper pin to fasten it.  It's sized for cards & folded cash, not big and I've been using it for years.  With the velcro I can get into it easily if I must, but mostly carry items I won't be likely to need during the day.  A cloth wallet that's not too bulky might serve similarly, pinned into a pocket.'ve helped me to a decision, by reminding me that it's basically for what I have to carry but won't be using during the day. I also realize that any of these is basically to thwart pickpockets or grabbers, and that therefore, anything inside and inconvenient works.


I ended up ordering an Eagle Creek item that attaches to my belt but hangs inside the pants, behind the pants' own pocket. I'm planning to wear it for a while before we go to make sure it doesn't annoy me too much! This is what it looks like...

The best part of every trip is realizing that it has upset your expectations

PHeymont, be forewarned that the pickpockets will see these unless you have your shirt hanging over your belt.


A friend of mine had the belt loop of his hidden money pouch of this style 99% cut thru by a razor in Rome (he was completely unaware of it, but aware that someone was trailing him).  Fortunately the 1% that didn't get cut kept the belt in place, but it was a narrow miss and he would have been out $1500 and his credit cards.

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

I use a cheap nylon travel wallet with a Velcro closure (noisy to open) attached to a metal chain to attach it to a leather belt loop on my belt (sort of biker style...). I carry only a minimum of cards and cash that I 'must' have that day and leave the remainder in my hotel safe. If I have small denomination notes for tips etc I keep these separately in an old money clip in a pocket so as to reduce the number of times that my wallet has to come out into the open.

One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."  Henry Miller

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