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Tagged With "Holocaust Memorial"


Re: Jan. 28: Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Berlin

Marilyn Jones ·
When I was in Berlin I wanted to see this tribute, but I simply ran out of time. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos of such an important monument.

Re: Jan. 28: Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Berlin

DrFumblefinger ·
I was impressed by the name of the memorial. "Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe". Full credit and kudos to the Germans for acknowledging what happened and their role in it. I'm not sure if other countries would have used such strong language.
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December 10, 2015: Stolpersteine, Berlin, Germany

Ottoman ·
On the sidewalks of Berlin, you are likely to find these commemorative stones. Learn more about them.
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Jan. 28: Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Berlin

Ottoman ·
While exploring Berlin, Ottoman visited this unique memorial.
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The Holocaust Memorial of Miami Beach (Where Gumbo was #307)

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits the extremely unusual and moving Holocaust Memorial situated in Miami Beach.

Re: December 10, 2015: Stolpersteine, Berlin, Germany

DrFumblefinger ·
I have to admire the Germans for looking at their historic atrocities full on and not sugar coating anything. These stones use the word "Ermordet", which means "Murdered". I wonder how many other nations in the world would say that about their past actions?

Re: December 10, 2015: Stolpersteine, Berlin, Germany

Paul Heymont ·
Few indeed, and it's a change (a controversial one for many) from earlier years when it was difficult to find anyone in Germany who acknowledged having even been there. There was a great deal of that in the late 50s when we lived there. Perhaps what is significant is that the recognition was NOT at the moment of defeat, but only after struggle and reflection. If you're interested, there's an official German site for Sites of Remembrance 1933-1945 at with many links...

Re: December 10, 2015: Stolpersteine, Berlin, Germany

Marilyn Jones ·
I am so glad you wrote this article. I saw the stumbling stones when I was in Northern Germany last year. Excellent article and photos!
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July 30, 2020: Tomb of the Unknown Concentration Camp Prisoner, Copenhagen

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger came across this Memorial and Monument somewhat unexpectedly when exploring the older areas of Copenhagen.
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Alberta Holocaust Memorial, Edmonton

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits the Holocaust memorial on the Alberta Legislative grounds, in Edmonton.
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The New Jewish Cemetery, Krakow

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits the largest Jewish cemetery in Krakow, know as the New Cemetery, and shares some of the site's history.