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Tagged With "Jefferson"


Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Travel Rob ·
Thanks ,it truly is a highlight of any trip to the area.I loved the Location and setting of the house.

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Paul Heymont ·
Jefferson has always been a fascinating and difficult character, with many sides to his life and work. Aside from the Monticello and other designs, he was also a pioneer agriculturalist, importing many varieties of flowers and vegetables, and improving them by breeding. But for me, the hardest task, mentally and emotionally, is to reconcile the brilliant political and philosophical words with an absolute refusal to even question the institution of slavery, when many others of his time in...

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

DrFumblefinger ·
PHeymont, I never try to judge historic figures through the prism of modern values. Remember in the 18th century slavery was a global institution -- absolutely every country in the world had slaves. And being from Virginia, he knew the southern states wouldn't join northern colonies in forming a new country without slavery being allowed, so I don't think he thought it was time to fight that fight. I think he valued the formation of the new country above all else -- risking his life to do so...

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Paul Heymont ·
I would agree that presentism is a real danger for historians...but without wanting to veer this discussion too far off course, you'll note that I cited two of his close colleagues and acquaintances in Virginia alone, not to mention Lafayette and many others IN HIS TIME AND ACQUAINTANCE who had already concluded that it was time, and many others were acting on it. It was an active debate in his time and place, he was aware of it, and sadly...he took the wrong side.

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

DrFumblefinger ·
I agree his side was not the right one, PHeymont, but I also believe of greatest importance for him was forming the new country. I don't think we'll ever know his personal feelings about slavery because he didn't write about them.

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

PortMoresby ·
I believe you can tell a great deal about someone from what they leave behind. On a visit to Monticello I was struck by the design of the house and the distinct sensibility it indicated regarding the creative mind of it's designer. I bought a sundial in the gift shop and am reminded of the man every time I look at it.

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

PortMoresby ·
Regarding his feeling about slavery, I have no doubt, because of the nature of the man as shown by the things he did write, he was conflicted. And while he seems never to have come to a personal solution I don't believe, either, that his lack of action was de facto support for the institution. Sometimes there just isn't time to resolve one's own conflicts and be a father of a new nation too. We may be asking too much of human beings if we expect tidy packages and complete resolutions in 1 ...

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Hank ·
I visited Monticello as a kid and enjoyed the views. I need to go back now and look at the architecture here and especially at the U of V in more detail. My favorite John Kennedy quote (to his staff at a dinner in the White HOuse) I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House - with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone. Read more at

Re: June 23, 2016: Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Washington, D.C.

DrFumblefinger ·
I like this memorial, especially at night time, when the bronze figure of Jefferson really stands out against the light colored dome. Thanks, Ottoman!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 9, 2014: Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Pennington County, South Dakota

Ottoman ·
Hi Travel Luver I apologize for the lateness of this response. In answer to your question, I unfortunately did not see the monument lit up at travel schedule didn't permit it. I too hope to go back to Mount Rushmore in the near future, primarily to see it lit up, for I have heard it is quite special, and the photos I have seen confirm that. When you make it back to Mount Rushmore, I hope you will share your adventures with us. Thanks for your feedback. I appreciate it. Take care,...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 9, 2014: Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Pennington County, South Dakota

Travel Luver ·
Amazing place! I saw it once as a boy but see I need to get back and study it more. Did you see it lite up at night? I seem to recall that's quite special.

Re: The Library of Congress: Where Gumbo Was (#65)

HistoryDigger ·
Thanks for posting. I have no idea why I never visited when I lived in DC. I must rectifythe situation. Your piece has tempted me.

Re: The Library of Congress: Where Gumbo Was (#65)

Paul Heymont ·
Quite possibly for the same reason I've missed so many NYC spots...I lived for three years two blocks from the Washington Heights campus that includes the Hispanic Society Museum, the Audubon Museum and at that time the Museum of the American Indian. I always planned to go "some weekend soon..." I didn't go to the Library of Congress when I lived in the area in the early 60s; our visit earlier this month came about because a Catalan friend of ours who teaches in NY had taken her visiting...

Re: The Library of Congress: Where Gumbo Was (#65)

PortMoresby ·
I have been there, I'm now reluctant to admit, used the library for some research. I obviously failed to look up. Recognizing the era of the decoration, I guess, is something, but a lesson in not drawing too many conclusions. I obviously need to go back and pay attention to the building, as well as the contents.

Re: The Library of Congress: Where Gumbo Was (#65)

Travel Rob ·
PortMoresby- I've done that a few times now,not recognizing the Pic of The Day I've already been to. So I'm definitely going to take more photos from now on to see what else I'm missing or forgetting

Re: The Library of Congress: Where Gumbo Was (#65)

PortMoresby ·
Rob, I think I miss more when I'm taking pictures. It's a dilemma, see it, or take the pictures, It seems I cannot do both at the same time.
Blog Post

The Library of Congress: Where Gumbo Was (#65)

Paul Heymont ·
Roderick Simpson seems to always know where TravelGumbo is...the Puzzlers have had a hard time hiding from him, and once again he's found the answer. He's so good at it, we've invited him to join the crew of Puzzlers...   The Library of Congress...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 9, 2014: Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Pennington County, South Dakota

Ottoman ·
  The Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore in Pennington County (near Keystone), South Dakota, in the United States.  Sculpted by Danish-American Gutzon Borglum and his son, Lincoln...
Blog Post

June 23, 2016: Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Washington, D.C.

Ottoman ·
If you ever visit Washington, D.C., make sure to visit this beautiful memorial dedicated to Thomas Jefferson, a complex 18th century man with a wide ranging impact on the very makeup of America itself.
Blog Post

Feb. 23, 2017: Statues of the Presidents, Grand Forks, ND

Ottoman ·
Discovering these presidential statues made an ordinary trip to a shopping center extraordinary.
Blog Post

A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

DrFumblefinger ·
  Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United States.  His brilliance and great writing skills are well known.  He authored one of the greatest statements of liberty in human history, the Declaration of...
Blog Post

Library of Congress: Underestimated Treasure

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes us on a tour of the Library of Congress, underappreciated and worth a visit.

Re: Library of Congress: Underestimated Treasure

George G. ·
Jonathan, this place is on my list for my next visit to D.C. It was on my list during my last visit, but I ran out of time. I now have a great orientation to prepare my visit. I did not know about the Packard Campus which is under a 2-hour drive from my location. Thanks again for another insightful travel blog.

Re: Library of Congress: Underestimated Treasure

Jonathan L ·
You are welcome.
Blog Post

Jefferson's Monticello: Our Unplanned Visit

Samantha ·
Samantha and her husband had to change plans for the day and ended up doing a tour of Monticello in VA. She is happy the day worked out the way it did.

Re: Jefferson's Monticello: Our Unplanned Visit

George G. ·
Just down the street (Rt. 53) from me.