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Where in the World is Travelgumbo #531


Gumbo's been resting for a few weeks, but his desire to get out to see and do things can't be denied.  With the car packed, Gumbo's off again.   He visits an interesting destination, one of its exhibits being our first photo clue.

There will be new clues posted each day to help you find your way to the correct solution.  Email your answer to us before Sunday night. If you're correct, you'll be credited in Monday's featured blog.

Keep checking in, observing, suggesting, reading and commenting along with you fellow readers. Good luck!


  1. Please do not post answers here; all answers should be emailed to
  2. Solutions must be received by midnight Sunday, Eastern Time to be credited in the Monday 'reveal' blog.
  3. To leave a comment, you need to be a member...but that's free and easy.  Just click HERE!

So exactly where is TravelGumbo visiting this week?  Please be as specific as possible.


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  • witw 531a - Copy

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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