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Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#147)


Gumbo was visiting the small town of El ChaltÉn in Argentina's Patagonia, when he decided to go here. More clues will follow. Keep checking in, observing, suggesting, reading and commenting along with your fellow readers. Have fun!


  1. Share your suggestions, hints, observations and discussions with others by posting them here as comments...
  2. If you absolutely know what and where it is....please give others some time to work on it  before you pounce.  Email us your answer to  We acknowledge everyone who correctly answers the puzzle when the "reveal" is posted on Monday in the order these answers are received. 
  3. To leave a comment, you need to be a member...but that's free and easy.  Just click HERE

So,  where is Gumbo visiting today? Please be as specific as possible!


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  • Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#147): Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#147)

If you want a thing done, ask a busy man.

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I agree with Dr. FumbleFinger that this looks like a castle in Europe.  The slits in the castle for archers look like those I saw in France - but I imagine such a construction is quite widespread.

From the photo with the cannons, this seems to be at the top of a hill, common for castles, but the region looks rather flat - not mountainous.

The infrastructure around the castle seems to be a bit sparse, and it makes me think the country may be poorer than France.  All the tourists inside and outside of the building (and there aren't many) are alone - not in groups.  This makes me think this is not a big tourist destination, since international tourists looking at a castle usually do so in groups or pairs.  I think these are locals looking at their own castle.  This is more common in East Europe than in West Europe.  In addition, I see a lot of rugs on the walls of this castle - this is very common in Russia, or places with Russian influence.

In the last photo, the shadow of the short castle wall is substantially shorter than the wall itself - this means that either this photo was taken in the South, or it was taken near midsummer, and midday, in the North.  The trees are in full bloom which means it is summer, and the people outside are dressed rather warm for summer.  So I believe this was probably in June in the North.

So my guess is this all puts us most likely in the Baltics or Russia.  In the photo with the cannons, the clouds seem rather low for this type of clouds, which makes me think it's near the sea, where I have seen this phenomenon more often.  

Therefore my guess is somewhere in Estonia...

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