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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.


On a visit to Windsor Castle in England, I couldn’t resist the opportunities to photograph the Queen’s Guard as they patrolled the neighborhood.  I’ve heard it rumored that Queen Elizabeth, aka Her Maj, is a thrifty soul and goes about her castle homes turning out lights.  But when I took this one I was imagining a silver-haired head popping out a window above, calling, “Don’t let the corgis out, please, close the gate!”


What had inspired my visit was the availability of tickets on the castle website for a small group tour of the castle kitchens.  Two personable and knowledgeable castle staff members showed about half a dozen of us around parts of the house rarely seen by the public, and told us about changes that had been made over the centuries, some ancient and only discovered during remodeling projects.  We were entertained by stories of the history of the house including the people involved, prompted by the unusual settings.  It was a memorable visit.


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  • Please Close the Gate

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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is the richest woman in the World.

She has a fortune of 33 Trillion Dollars (including assets)

When she is resident in Windsor Castle she has 24 hour security as you'd expect.

She doesn't annoy the Staff who work through the night by going around the Castle turning off the lights !!

I've heard a few Drongo's down under calling her Maj but don't use that name in the UK as you'll offend people.

Last edited by GarryRF

1-663Well, leaving aside anyone's feelings about royalty or whatever (play nice, everyone!), someone has to do the chores and mopping up, and the gatekeeper above is not alone in that...this picture is from the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace ("Christopher Robin went down with Alice...") After the impressive parade and band performance, this fellow and two or three others were left behind to store the music stands...


The best part of every trip is realizing that it has upset your expectations


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  • 1-663

When I stay with Family in the US I'm told there are many cultural subjects to avoid.  

I don't talk about your recent history, religion, your politics or your gun laws. With or without a sense of humour !

So I'll tread on the side of caution and not upset the natives !




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