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October 7, 2020: Reformation Memorial, Copenhagen


The Reformation Memorial is situated in the Latin Quarter of Copenhagen, across from the Vor Frue Kirke (Church of Our Lady), the Lutheran cathedral of Copenhagen.  It was erected in 1936 to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Denmark's movement from Catholicism to the Lutheran faith (i.e. Catholic to Protestant).  

03 Reformation Memorial (5)

The Memorial is a four-sided obelisk, the base having four bronze plaques depicting scenes from Danish reformation history.  In a world where many seem to want to forget about their country's history, the monument is an interesting if old-fashioned way of helping people remember.

The four reliefs are:

03 Reformation Memorial (1)

1) Sermon of Hans Tausen in the Franciscan Church in Viborg, interrupted by soldiers.  Mr Tausen brought Martin Luther's teachings to Denmark and his activity in Viborg lead to armed conflicts between burghers and the Bishop's men. 

03 Reformation Memorial (4)

2) The assembly of noblemen in Copenhagen adopting reformation on October 30th, 1536.   King Christian III is proclaiming Denmark a protestant country.

03 Reformation Memorial (2)

3) Evangelical bishops being consecrated in Our Lady's Church in Copenhagen on September 2nd, 1537.

03 Reformation Memorial (3)

4) Danish reformed church service led by Peter Palladius, who was known for delivering his sermons in the Danish language.


Images (6)
  • 03 Reformation Memorial  (5)
  • 03 Reformation Memorial  (1)
  • 03 Reformation Memorial  (2)
  • 03 Reformation Memorial  (3)
  • 03 Reformation Memorial  (4)
  • Coourtesy Wikimedia and Mark and Adam's Adventures

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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