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Brampton – Gelt Woods


About two miles south of Brampton in Cumbria is Gelt Woods, a delightful walk and also an RSPB nature reserve.

Hugging the banks of the river Gelt is a most remarkable quarry. This Quarry was chiselled out by Roman Engineers 1800 years ago. The stone was either used to build or to repair the 70 mile long wall built by Emperor Hadrian shortly after 122AD.


The wall is the largest Roman Monument in Europe and has recently been designated a World Heritage Site.  Looking at the size and grandeur of this quarry truly brings home just how immense the wall is, and the amount of labour and money it must have taken to build.


All along the cliff face are the marks and chippings left by the quarry-men as they chiselled out the stones for the wall. The chisel marks seem to form a herringbone pattern and the first impression formed is that it is not a quarry but a large temple, it is an awe inspiring place, equally as impressive as the wall itself. And yet almost unknown to the tourist.



Location : Brampton Cumbria
Grid Ref : NY 528580

And nearby runs the river Gelt....

Millions of Midgies here!

River Gelt having cut a channel into the sandstone....

Unusual erosion holes.....image4image5

          *     *     *     *     *     *     *

For a list of Ian Cook's photography and TravelGumbo contributions, please click on this link.


Images (12)
  • Quarry adjoining the River Gelt
  • Quarry adjoining the River Gelt
  • Quarry adjoining the River Gelt
  • Quarry adjoining the River Gelt
  • Quarry adjoining the River Gelt
  • Quarry adjoining the River Gelt
  • The River Gelt
  • Lots of Midges, River Gelt
  • Channel eroded into the sandstone, River Gelt
  • Unusual erosions, River Gelt
  • Unusual erosions, River Gelt
  • Channel eroded into the sandstone, River Gelt

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Super post my friend ,with great shots


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