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April 28, 2019: Salto Angel, Venezuela

Angel Falls or Salto Angel, in the middle of the Canaima National Park in Venezuela, is the highest waterfalls in the world with 979 meters.

It was named after the daredevil pilot who first saw the falls when flying his plane into “Canon de Diabolo”.  This is surely one of the most striking places I have experienced so far.
Nonetheless, the smaller waterfalls in the Canaima Lagoon (Salto Ucaima, Salto Hacho & Salto Sapo) are equally sensational.


Images (6)
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  • SaltoAngel-Canaima-106

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Another terrific Pic of the Day, Gilles.  Thanks very much for sharing this with us.

When I was a much younger man, Venezuela was very doable and pretty high up my list of places to go. But Hugo Chavez and his cronies changed all that and sadly have destroyed the lives of the residents of this beautiful country.

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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