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Controversy for New Concert Hall in Paris


          Photo from Philharmonie of Paris / W. Beaucardet


The €390 million Philharmonie of Paris opened in January of 2015, after delays and cost overruns with controversy. Its star architect, Jean Nouvel, boycotted the opening saying the structure was “not finished,” He also has gone to court to remove all references to him until all his original designs are implemented.  A decision is expected April 16 on that. Its chosen location (in the working class 19th arrondissement) sparked debate as well .


Despite the controversy, Philharmonie of Paris is booked up until June and is getting good reviews for it's acoustics. The farthest seat is just 32 meters from the conductor.


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 Photo from Philharmonie of Paris /W. Beaucardet



 Photo from Philharmonie of Paris /W. Beaucardet





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