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The Weymouth Seafood Festival 2014


I have written a short note about my newly adopted hometown of Weymouth on the southern English coast. Amongst the many delights that we have already experienced was last weekend's Weymouth Seafood Festival. Here is my mini photo-blog of this delightful weekend. I hope that the photos will explain themselves rather than giving some tedious explanation! It was great fun in full sunshine!!

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Here is the old harbour with it's coming and goings....

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All sorts of ethnic cooking platters were present.

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Love your hat dear lady....

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This is Ben who is a world champion BBQ expert - really - and who had endless tips on cooking the perfect BBQ - fish or meat! Great stuff. Have you heard of "planking" in BBQ matters?

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Ah, the Champagne sponsor's publicity poster shot! Hic!!

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And lovely breads...

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In the busy harbour.

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And some lovely crab - "Cocks" or "Hens" - I am now a new 'expert' in dressing a crab thanks to the Festival!

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Cook on!

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And a "crabbing" contest for the kids to capture harbour crabs.

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An occasional tipple went very well with the sea food on offer.

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Someone has to drive the "Rolls Royce" boat into the harbour...

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And craft bakers were present too..

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Phew! Our lunch time with cider arrived....

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And the crowds lined the streets on both sides of the old harbour...

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At the end of the day there was an auction of the fish that had been used for the cookery demonstrations - all for charity and all at excellent prices for the visitors!

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  • Weymouth Seafood festival-2
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  • Weymouth Seafood festival-3
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  • Weymouth Seafood festival-5
  • Weymouth Seafood festival-7-2
  • Weymouth Seafood festival-8-2
  • Weymouth Seafood festival-8
  • Weymouth Seafood festival-9
  • Weymouth Seafood festival-10-2
  • Weymouth Seafood festival-10
  • Weymouth Seafood festival-11
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  • Weymouth Seafood festival-15
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  • Weymouth Seafood festival-37

One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."  Henry Miller

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