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The Village of Crail, Scotland


Crail is a historic fishing village on the East Neuk, or eastern corner, of Fife coast. I passed through this delightful parish last year while driving from Edinburgh to St Andrews.


The East Neuk was once the heart of Scotland’s east-coast fishing trade and contains a number of small villages, but Crail is one of the prettiest. Ancient, cobbled streets meander down to the tiny harbour, which is sheltered by cliffs and surrounded by traditional fishing cottages.



Crail is only 90 minutes by car from Edinburgh and 16 kilometres south of St Andrews. However, keen hikers can explore the area on foot and take the Fife Coastal Path, which runs from the Forth Estuary in the south to the Tay Estuary in the north. This 188-kilometre waymarked path skirts around Crail and other fishing villages including Elie and St Monans, and can be explored in small sections if you’re not up for the long walk.


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"Not all who wander are lost."  JRR Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

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Thanks for this excellent post. I lived in Crail for my second year at the University of St. Andrews.  From your photos, it looks as pretty as I remember it from 50+ years ago, although the weather seems better than I recall, as most of the university year was during the winter. As you show, there's a lot more to St Andrews and the Fife coast than golf and the University.

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