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Meal delivery: Takeaway eats Just Eats


Remember when we used to go to restaurants to eat, or at least to pick up dinner? In the few years since app-based companies started us down the road of being able to have nearly any meal delivered, the competition among delivery companies has mushroomed—and now it's tightening.

In a $10 billion deal, UK-based is taking over Danish-founded Dutch-based Just Eat. The price tells you something about how big the business has become. 

Even with this consolidation, there's no lack of competitors, including Uber Eats and Deliveroo, a company backed by Amazon. Deliveroo has just acquired Cultivate, a software developer that has designed 'user experience' software including Deliveroo's own.

In the U.S., a similar pattern can be seen. GrubHub and Seamless long ago became one, but are fighting off competition from PostMates, Uber Eats, DoorDash and more. 

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