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Improving airline food: Do you hunger for umami?

An interesting piece by Wall Street Journal columnist, Scott McCarthy, on what some airlines are doing to make their food taste better.  Apparently there are significant taste perception differences at high altitude as opposed to eating at sea level.  Umami seems to be the key.


Here's that link.

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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It is very good to know that the airlines are still trying to improve the "customer experience".   I rather like airline food.  Perhaps my expectations are low, but I find it a modern miracle that food arrives at my lap at 35,000 feet.   What a luxury to sit in a metal tube, examining each bit of the meal, while, outside of the window, I know that the immediate environment is not survivable.  Hurray for overcooked mystery meat and somewhat bland chicken.   A good dose of umami fixes that.  Say, Mister, if you do not want your meal, I will take it...

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