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"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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I have mixed feelings on this one...


Been on buses, been on trains where people can use their cells. With a few exceptions--and you can find them on the street, in the airport in restaurants, too--people just don't act as bad as some of you expect.


P.S....before people get too excited, this isn't going to be cheap, either. You will pay extra to use the relay circuits that go plane to satellite to cell tower!

On an airplane, you are captive.  You can't walk away from the salesman on the phone, the teenager fawning over a new friend, etc.


They might not be badmannered, but I don't want my flight to be filled with 4 hours of an insurance guy pitching his stuff beside me.  I have as much right to silence as they do to talk. 

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