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Antwerp dinner sets 2-kilometre table


A Ramadan fast-ending feast in Antwerp, Belgium that also took in Easter Sunday celebrations set a Belgian record for the longest dinner table and the most diners, with 7,000 seated at a table that stretched 2,011 metres down a street in Antwerp's Borgerhout district.

Last year's meal, organized by the local Muslim community didn't include Easter, but did set a one-kilometre table. The feast included a variety of cuisines: One organizer told reporters that "You can really eat anything here. There's Flemish potato salad, but also Palestinian maklouba, a dish of upside-down rice often eaten in Syria. And of course, there's Moroccan harira, a spicy soup with which we often break the fast."

The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Petra de Sutter and other prominent politicians such as Borgerhout Mayor Marian El Osri, who said "We want to bring together people from different backgrounds to create connections and promote dialogue."

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