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11Worth Station: a Place for Nostalgia


Say the name 'Leavenworth,' and the first response you'll almost always get is 'Prison.' I know; I lived there for several years of my childhood, and whenever I mention I spent five years in Leavenworth, the response is "What were you in for?"

20230810_204613Yes, that's the (in)famous Federal prison, above


But while Leavenworth is the hub of several state, Federal and military prisons, its present and past inhabitants, who often refer to it as "11Worth," know there's a lot more to it: First city in Kansas, a critical junction on the Oregon and Santa Fe trails, pioneer military post, and former home of factories that turned out carousels and mechanized chicken-pluckers.


The city has had some down years lately and has plans for renovation and regrowth, but in the meantime, there's plenty to remember, and the 11Worth Station, a tavern and grill, has incorporated a lot of that in the clipping-filled tabletops and walls I enjoyed on a recent visit.

20230810_204825And yes, Buffalo Bill Days (he was born there) did feature an Outhouse Race down the main streets...



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The best part of every trip is realizing that it has upset your expectations

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