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In my travels, I have had the opportunity to meet people and have dinners in homes quite a few times - but only when I was staying for quite some time in a place.  I know many who have full time jobs don't have such luxury to stay and slowly meet people while traveling. So I created a website to allow people to jump right in and meet locals through dinners in people's homes.  

It's still in the early stages, but there are already 600 members in almost 90 countries, and now I'm working on a better website platform for it, and I hope it will soon be used by travelers all over the world!

It's called and my partner and I just launched a Kickstarter campaign to help us complete the new website.  Please have a look at this 3-minute Kickstarter video if you're interested!  Thanks so much, and I hope you will consider using the PurpleDinner website, even before our upgraded website is finished.  It's a great way to meet people when traveling, or to host travelers.


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Wow, thank you SO Much, Gumbo Guru!!  That means so much to me!  I really appreciate it!  And I do hope this will result in so many wonderful meetings and friendships between travelers and locals in the future.  If you know of any others who might have a particular interest in this, please send the info along.

Thank you so much!  And thank you for your wonderful travelgumbo website!


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