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I like birds and enjoy spending some time watching them, as I did today on Merritt Island in Florida.  But I lack the enthusiasm and dedication of true birders.  Those folks who get up before the sun rises, drive hundreds of miles to see that rare bird.  The one with yellow feathers on its cheeks instead of green ones.  People who care enough to keep detailed lists of all the birds they've seen during their lifetime, including when and where.  I just can't see myself doing it.  But I admire my birding friends passion.


Many birders dream of completing a BIG YEAR -- traveling near and far to see as many bird species as they can in one year.  The competition is one of honor -- the birder who presents the longest list wins that year's honors -- and was demonstrated with great humor in the fine film, THE BIG YEAR, well worth watching if you haven't seen it.  The trailer follows:


Imagine my surprise when PHeymont brought to my attention an article in Telegraph Travel.  The New Zealand Bird of the Year contest has been rocked by a voting scandal.  It seems that some birders are cheating!!!  You can read more about it at this link.


Can it be.  The most honest of hobbyists cheating?  Any birders out there? 

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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