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Tagged With "Electronic Travel Authority"


Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

DrFumblefinger ·
The mystery and waiting are over. The puzzle has been solved by PortMoresby. Here is her answer: " Tangalla Bay Hotel, Tangalle, Sri Lanka." I'll post the discussion for this on Tuesday. Another travel puzzle will be up very soon.

Re: Southwest Pulling Out of Smaller Cities

Travel Rob ·
Originally Posted by Travel Rob: I wanted to link to our story on Allegiant ,which is in part expanding because of Southwest eliminating these smaller city routes.

Re: Budget Deal Asks Air Passengers to Pay More

DrFumblefinger ·
This is a massive tax increase hidden as a "small fee". There are millions of people flying every day and paying already steep prices for tickets. I can't see this helping air travel or the economy in any way.

Re: How'd We Live Without Travel Apps?

FlashFlyer ·
A lot to be said for what might be the ultimate travel app category: Maps and GPS. I know people have their favorites (Google's not the only one, according to my wife...) but almost everyone uses some version on their phone or tablet. Another good one is local transit. Most big cities have a route-finder on their transit site, but you have to find it. But Google Maps and HopStop and some others have transit info for most big cities. One downside: Apple is as bad as Google about business;...

Re: Budget Way to Use a Cell Phone and VOIP in Europe

Travel Rob ·
Thanks for sharing that PHeymont.It's definetly not a perfect solution and my thinking it's a partial solution to those who normally don't travel with a cell phone. Or if travel with one,they can use is in conjuction with theirs.It's also a great solution for people who don't have good cell Phone connection at home if they have WiFi,no need to run outside for coverage. phone reception in their house.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Former Member ·
PowerStick only charges from a USB port. The PowerStick has a capacity of 750mAh Perfect ! That is all that I need for my modest travel needs - just a little juice for a camera or my old flip (!) phone, if needed during a day of sightseeing. The PowerStick is only about the size of a pen, takes no thought to use and does not involve batteries. My kind of tool. Travelers who carry a lot more toys have greater needs than little me.

Re: Please Don't Squeeze the Passengers: Airbus

Travel Luver ·
If this standard were adopted, it might be the single greatest improvement in quality of travel in economy class. 17 inches is alright if no one is beside you, a rarity today. On an Transocean flight, it make sleeping very difficult indeed. I'm glad to see Airbus take this proconsumer stand.

Re: FAA: Now you can use electronics gate-to-gate

DrFumblefinger ·
About time!

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Staying in the UK is no more expensive than being a tourist in the USA. You wont get a month in London. Same as me travelling from the UK to New York. Silly Prices ! So decide on what you want to do over here and start planning, Have a look at the YHA web site. Youth Hostels Association. Forget the Youth reference. My Kids aren't Youths anymore. And I use them too! They are used by Travellers like yourself - and me - across Europe. They are Family groups and Ramblers ( Countryside Walkers)...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Getting around the UK is very easy using Public Transport. Students travel around the country all the time - going to Uni and back home for the weekend. Friends going to weddings and folks going to London. London - like big Cities in the US - is a Traffic Nightmare ! Fortunately the UK is about the same size as a US State. Maybe Florida ? So its only a few hours by road. Trains are much faster - but more expensive, You're choice. So... look at They're...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Wow, this is turning into a real education!! I checked with my uncle and yes, I can fly Chicago to Manchester and return from either London or Paris to Chicago. The ticket is free to him and he said he would cover any fees as a "graduation gift to me" (he's a pretty cool dude!), but I don't want to burden him with a heavy departure fee, so maybe Paris would be the way to go. I'd like to leave about Friday, May 9th and return 4 weeks later, June 6th. A few days later and returning a few days...

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

Travel Rob ·
I'm really excited part of the focus of these guides is back to budget travel.And budget travel is more than about saving money. I think during the Wiley ownership days of Frommers, they tried to be all things to all people,and had too many destination guides. More focused, quality ,and passion, is just what the Guidebooks need.

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
That's helpful too, Rob. So with your guys advice, I'm thinking of the following plan, which still has holes I need to fill. I actually like the idea of Paris more than Scotland for this trip, plus I worry about the cost of travel to Scotland back so unless I can get a really cheap plane ticket or train ticket to Edinburgh, I think I'll drop that and focus on eastern UK and then on to Paris. So this is where I'm at now: 1) Arrive in Manchester. Maybe ??2 days 2) Travel Liverpool. 3 days 3)...

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a great review Paul, and I'm delighted to see Frommers guides back in the hands of the Frommers. I like their simple "Day By Day" series and this reboot of their guidebooks sounds very helpful and useful. I still like to travel with a guidebook in hand (though I research the trip beforehand). Thanks for the thoughtful review.

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

Former Member ·
What great news to hear that a publisher recognizes the need for practical budget travel information. I can spend ages on the Internet trying to work out a basic trip scheme. When a location is new to me, I need that overview in hand. It does me no good to read that the Paris' Luxembourg gardens are wonderful when I am trying to work out how long I can afford to be in Paris. It does me no good to know that there are marvelous chambre d'hotes in the Ile de Cite when what I need is a couple of...

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

DrFumblefinger ·
I think the series will improve, GarryRF. Unlike Wiley's and Google, who really are just business guys who weren't passionate about travel, Pauline and Arthur do care about the experience. The quality of a guidebook depends largely on the author/researcher, but good editorial direction is very important. Passion about something matters. Clearly you have it about your home and your travels. We hope our readers find this website has it, too. We love travel related stuff!

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

GarryRF ·
Over the years I've posted many Budget Travel ideas to the Fommers Site. But they were all ripped apart by people who've never tried them or would even consider them. So I'm pleased to see the focus has been brought back to Europe on $5 a day - and up !

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

Paul Heymont ·
AirBnb, and the other major rental agencies, have cancellation policies upfront that give you some choice. AirBnb has several levels allows you to cancel almost up to the last minute, others have shorter deadlines. An advantage of using an agency that works this way...pretty much like a hotel booking that the intermediary is holding your deposit and that can save hassles. Obviously, rules about dissatisfaction vary also, but usually if it can't be ironed out, you'll get at...

Re: The Worst Train in the World

GarryRF ·
I hope that wasn't your last venture into third world high speed travel. Reminds me of Austria on the Zillertal Bahn Valley Railway. The Train went so slow that passengers would lean out and pick wild flowers from the trackside. Each carriage had warning notices - in English - not to do this. But ....

Re: The Worst Train in the World

PortMoresby ·
If I live it won't be my last. Just prior to that one, same trip, I'd gone from Guilin to Nanning, then after lunch got on another, overnight to Hanoi. Later overnight again, Hanoi to Hoi An. Now that I think about it I realize they got progressively worse as I went along, culminating in The Worst. I hadn't thought about it until just this minute, hindsight is a wonderful thing that way. A great disappointment to me several years ago was the apparently permanent cancellation of the Hanoi to...

Re: We Love our Travel Gadgets--And We Take Them with Us

Paul Heymont ·
You're probably right, but I think the gap is narrowing rapidly. In the study, nearly half those surveyed cited fear of losing touch with friends and news. And, it's getting easier to travel with your phone! For those who aren't sure how, I recommend our TravelGumbo series on Staying in Touch on the Road

Re: We Love our Travel Gadgets--And We Take Them with Us

PortMoresby ·
That's interesting. I travel in part just so I CAN lose touch. Except once. On a stroll through a Borneo jungle, emerged alongside the only restaurant for many miles, it's TV announcing the election of Pres. Obama. An exciting moment but the only one I can think of when I was momentarily glad to be in touch. Maybe another thing that separates tourists from travelers is the "need" to be available.

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Hi guys, hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. It was good to be with my family again. Visiting and catching up with everyone took longer than I'd thought, but did do a little research into the trip and came out with this plan. Basically, with GarryRF's advice, I think I'll focus my time in the north to save money cause my budget is limited. After that I'll finish my vacation in London and Paris. I need to find places to stay but more important now just to frame the trip. The details I...

Re: The Worst Train in the World

John Howard ·
My brother says that he would love to travel to countries like this. He says it would be really cool to travel on a train like this. I think I'm more of a Europe guy, but it would be a really cool experience to go on a train like that.

Re: The Worst Train in the World

GarryRF ·
It isn't cool to travel on a train where you get thrown around in the carriage because the tracks are warped with age John ! Many journeys take 24 hours of hanging on like a Roller Coaster ! That's just in Asia. You'll be fine in Europe.

Re: Minneapolis in the winter

Former Member ·
The Mall's more interesting than you might think - besides the shopping there are the restaurants, amusement venues, and events going on. Here some info about stuff to see at the Mall To get to the Mall of America you Take Metro Transit (easy and clean) From Minneapolis Hiawatha Light Rail (Route 55) - The Hiawatha light-rail line offers fast, frequent service from downtown (5th Street) to Mall of America. Hiawatha light-rail trains leave every 7.5...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov 14, 2013 : Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland

Ottoman ·
Voyager... along with my free pint of Guinness, I enjoyed a delicious Irish Stew. By the time I finished both, I couldn't eat another bite. Travel Luver...I'm thinking at least two pints of Guinness were consumed by the bartender, a man who as Bling mentioned, gives his all to his work and (cough cough) may have to sample an occasional pint or two to make sure the brew meets his high standards.

Re: World's most dangerous airport? Would you land here? Lukla, Nepal

Paul Heymont ·
I try not to let any aspect of travel faze me, but I'm perfectly happy to have watched the video and call it a day on that one!

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

Paul Heymont ·
No, not thinking of mills and chimneys, necessarily--note my very pre-Industrial Revolution examples--but certainly industrial, and by the nature of sizable cities with people living in close quarters and with the side-products of their industry, an argument can be made for dirty. It's not a's just the condition of cities that are alive. Here's a quotation, by the way, from the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health: The industrial revolution in England had by the beginning...

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

GarryRF ·
Here's a good quote Paul PORTRAIT OF AN UNHEALTHY CITY - NEW YORK INTHE 1800'S by David Rosner Columbia University When a horse died, its carcass would be left to rot until it had disintegrated enough for someone to pick up the pieces. Children would play with dead horses lying on the streets. In addition to lacking street cleaning, the city also had no sewage system and no flush toilets. Garbage--which included both human and animal waste--was basically thrown out windows and onto city...

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

PortMoresby ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: According to JECH, there is an exhibit of reconstructed "back houses" at the Liverpool Museum of Liverpool Life. That must be a fascinating museum! And the author mentioned that while most of the back houses were town down in urban renewal, the few that remain have been turned into luxury housing! I visited a block of "back to backs" in Birmingham, the last left after thousands were demolished in the move to urban renewal in the city center. They've been...

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

DrFumblefinger ·
I like GarryRF's spunk. Listen, whatever it's history, I have to admit that I'm intrigued to go visit Liverpool. I think it's an interesting and worthwhile travel destination. And the first ice cold pint will be on me, GarryRF!

Re: Gifts to bring back from Portugal or Barcellona

Paul Heymont ·
I may not be much help, because we tend to send postcards to the grandchildren from each city, with notes about what we've seen and think they would be interested in, and to avoid filling the suitcase with physical items. But for those few things we do buy, we usually go to the market! One of our travel rituals, on the first day when we stock the apartment, is to look for a local preserve or jam that we don't see at home (skyberries in Stockholm, for instance). Once we've found one we really...

Re: Finally some good news! Whistler or Banff

DrFumblefinger ·
I don't ski either (bad knees), but I've visited both of these destinations. There are pros and cons to each. Both is a little over an hour's drive from their closest major airport, Vancouver for Whistler and Calgary for Canmore. Whistler is close to the coast, but high up. So they usually have good snow, but depending on the year, it can get soggy by spring and sometimes ice crusted. Banff area is far more likely to have nice light powder during the spring break season. Some people swear by...

Re: Arches National Park — One of America’s Finest

DrFumblefinger ·
There's a ton of stuff to do around Moab, Travel Luver. There's also scenic Canyonlands National Park nearby, well worth exploring. Off-road biking (bicycle, not motorcycle) is extremely popular. Hiking in the cooler seasons. Whitewater rafting is excellent in the summer. And you're less than a day's drive from your next Utah destination, such as Bryce, Zion, or Monument Valley. One of my favorite spots in the US!

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

Dave B. ·
Before I retired, I traveled quite a bit on business, both inside the U.S. and abroad. I still travel frequently to racing and club events, but almost all are in the U.S. or Canada. That said, here’s my take on tipping: Restaurants – According to the sources I checked, in the U.S. the Federal minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13. Most states have set higher amounts, but food service workers are still generally paid much lower wages that other ‘minimum wage’ employees. Unless the...

Re: Most mobile bookings are last-minute

DrFumblefinger ·
That actually makes a lot of sense. The beauty of smartphones and the like is their ability to let you get things done at the last minute -- complete with price comparisons, etc. I know that a lot of hotels offer deep discounts the last day if they have a lot of spare inventory, but you're taking a risk at a busy time in a busy place. I tend to be more of a planner and to save my travel time for traveling and not looking for hotels. But to each his own.

Re: Films that affected your Travel destinations

GarryRF ·
Originally Posted by Travel Luver: I really enjoyed the Harry Potter movies! Gave me a real sense of England, and of course all that magical stuff was great! Hope to visit England some day. We'd love you to come and visit England but I hope you wont be a bit disappointed when you don't see any Nimbus 2000s crossing the sky. But we have some wonderful Castles and Steam Trains.

Re: Films that affected your Travel destinations

GarryRF ·
Originally Posted by Travel Luver: That's very nice of you to say, Garry. I do want to go to England and no, I won't be disappointed if the trains are just steam trains. This year I'm hoping to go to Portugal, but maybe next year England? I hope I can ask you some questions when I'm ready to go.

Re: Films that affected your Travel destinations

GarryRF ·
Originally Posted by GarryRF: Originally Posted by Travel Luver: That's very nice of you to say, Garry. I do want to go to England and no, I won't be disappointed if the trains are just steam trains. This year I'm hoping to go to Portugal, but maybe next year England? I hope I can ask you some questions when I'm ready to go. Anytime!

Re: Fast Start for New Inflight Device Rules

Former Member ·
This is ironic. Electronic devices which, themselves, become rapidly obsolete are making videos about them obsolete simply by the popularity of the devices.

Re: Doctor List for Traveling

PortMoresby ·
Are you a worrier? Do you run to the doctor at the first sign of possible trouble? Are you particularly clumsy and break bones? If the answers are no, as it sounds like they might be, I'd say don't bother with the insurance. If you need an English speaking doctor in Italy you'll find one. Your hotel or any pharmacy will help. It won't cost an arm & a leg if rumor is true. I don't know precisely because even though I travel a lot I answered no to all my questions too, don't need doctors...

Re: Doctor List for Traveling

Mac ·
SueZee, wherever you travel in the world your hotel will find you a suitable doctor who will speak enough English for your needs - just like Dr.F says - and Italy will have plenty. Don't bother with lists as they will always be out of date by the time you might want to use them, plus it will no doubt not list a great doc that the hotel knows is just around the corner! At the worst the hotel will have an English speaking staff member sit with you to help translate. Conversely, I do think that...

Re: Doctor List for Traveling

PortMoresby ·
Mac says, a good travel insurance policy is an absolute requirement - The part he left off was "for me", for him. Insurance, any kind, is playing the odds. When you buy it you're betting you'll have a disaster. When you don't you're figuring the likelihood of a dire event is low. If you take an occasional trip of short duration and can afford insurance, sure, why not. When the number & length of trips begins to mount and the budget becomes more of an issue then maybe not. It's called...

Re: Doctor List for Traveling

DrFumblefinger ·
As with many things travel, insurance is a matter of choice. Travel Health Insurance seems to be a lot more expensive in the US than elsewhere. Policies in the US usually include trip cancellation and medical coverage and often run 5-6% the cost of a trip. Given the amount you travel, Mac, the investment of a few hundred dollars a year seems prudent to me. But when I was 30 the thought of insurance never crossed my mind. Not once. A few years ago I did start buying trip cancellation (and...

Re: Best Outdoor Workout Spots?

Former Member ·
We travel indie style, taking public transport whenever possible. Jumping on and off buses and trains with luggage takes a certain level of physical fitness. We try to start trips in good shape because, if not, we shape up the hard way with all of that walking to bus stops and running for trains. You have not really lived until you have jumped, with bags, at the last possible instance, to catch the ferry behind Amsterdam Centraal just before it pulls away from the dock.

Re: Hi Everybody! I'm new here.

Theodore Behr ·
Originally Posted by Travel Luver: Hi Ted, I think we're all pretty new here. I'm from the Pacific Northwest. Welcome to the group. I get out to LA some. My business takes me to Ventura County (Amgen). Any good tips for a place to eat out that way? I saw the link to on a different thread, so I'll check that out, but wonder if there's some place you like to go. Hi Nature Lover, Amgen is T.O., just west of the San Fernando Valley and I really never go there. But about 20 miles...

Re: 1000's Drawn to North Dakota

Former Member ·
A lot of people who went there are now packing out. The Salvation Army is trying to help people - who cannot afford the cost of living in these places - "escape" from boomtown. I see ads in the Indianapolis Craigslist for people wanting RVs and travel trailers to take the Dakotas and Montana. Makes me wonder where they will park them when they arrive, how they will stand the winter, and if they did any research into the cost of living...

Re: United's Award Chart: Premium Award Cost Goes UP

DrFumblefinger ·
I think you'll find reward trips from the Western USA are harder to get for European travel than from the East coast. But if your schedule is flexible, you could be lucky.

Re: United's Award Chart: Premium Award Cost Goes UP

JohnT ·
I think for premium travel,it makes sense. It has always surprised me that premium travel is so much cheaper from a frequent flier perspective (2:1) vs economy than when you actually buy the ticket. Just as a side note, aeroplan has recently reduced miles required on some of their reward charts as well.