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Tagged With "San Giulio Island"


Re: Bologna: a Wonderful City to Walk Around

Ron B. ·
Some of my pix from a couple of years ago

Re: February 17, 2020: San Francisco Views

GarryRF ·
Go to Fishermans Wharf. Rent a Bicycle. Ride across the Golden Gate Bridge. Stop at all viewing spots. On to Sausalito. Stop for Coffee and a cake. Sit on the sea wall and watch the Fishing Boats cleaning their nets. The Seagulls will steal your piece of cake when you're not looking . Back on the Bicycles and on to Tiburon using the Cycle Tracks. Find the Ferry Terminal then back home to base. Wonderful days excersise !

Re: Mosaic Floors, Paphos, Cyprus

TravelingCanuck ·
I love this blog. I had the pleasure of spending 7 months in Cyprus in the early 80s and made several trips to Paphos (my favorite spot on the island). This was before the tourist resort invasion and there was only a couple of smaller hotels in Paphos. The town still had all the old charm, the harbor had some great family owned restaurants and the Tombs of the Kings was a pleasant 30 minute walk in the countryside. Sadly, like so many charming little places it has been caught up by the...

Re: Rhode Iceland? State tourist video shows Iceland in error

Paul Heymont ·
Not a great day for Rhode Island tourism folks, I think. Besides the video, they are catching heat from people who dislike the state's new ad slogan: "Rhode Island, Cooler and Warmer." And they don't like the logo, either! Click HERE to read...

Re: Visiting Erupting Mount Etna

rbciao ·
We were there in 2014 and it was one of the most interesting days to walk around this area. We had no idea the volcano had so many side vents. We did not purchase the guided tour on the big tire vehicle, but were very impressed, nonetheless. We stayed in Taormina for a week and took day trips to various locations in the eastern part of the island. One place we spent an afternoon was a mountain to town with my last name. It was very cool. This place does not see many travelers and everywhere...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 11, 2015: Colorful Puerto Rico

Marilyn Jones ·
Awesome photos! Beautiful destination.

Re: Lanai: Sorry, Island Closed for Renovation

DrFumblefinger ·
Any idea how long the island is going to be closed? I'd hope to visit Lanai in about 2 years. Must be nice to buy your own Hawaiian Island -- and interesting to see if this "green" scheme will work. Lanai has limited resources, except for lots of sunshine a great weather.

Re: Walking the Burgundy Canal

PortMoresby ·
I received Melinda's newsletter this afternoon (she of ), and she confirms what I mentioned above about the down side of trying to follow French paths. "... I backtracked and turned right, thinking that walking around an island would be fairly straightforward. That path ended soon after, at the end of the port, so I backtracked again and followed another path which would join the coastal path at the eastern side of the island. It did, but was so badly marked that I...

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

Paul Heymont ·
I see that it started at the Tate, and has been at the Getty...and much as I'd love to join you in SF, I'm too booked up between now and September. Do you know if it will visit other museums in the U.S.?

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: Do you know if it will visit other museums in the U.S.? I have no idea. Enlighten us, please, Pheymont.

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

Paul Heymont ·
I’ve been searching and found nothing…I hoped perhaps someone else had information! Tomorrow I will call the DeYoung and ask.

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Don't let them hear that capital D in de Young. If you change your mind and visit SF before July 19th, you can hop over to the Legion of Honor and catch the Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection show, too.

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

DrFumblefinger ·
It sounds appealing but I also have a summer of commitments... But please do report back on what you find, PM! I love Turner's work.

Re: Mar. 17. 2016. Why did the Chicken cross the road ?

GarryRF ·
Quote from Key West Guide Book "Luckily, the southernmost city outlawed cockfighting in 1970's, putting the Cubalaya chickens out of business, and out on the streets of Key West. Domestic chickens on the island were losing their homes at the same time when their owners moved away. Now the roosters & chickens were left to roam free, and nature took its course. So, some forty years later, we now have what we call 'Gypsy Chickens'. Like in the 1970's, they are still protected, and make Key...

Re: Mar. 21, 2016: St. Augustine Beach

Travel Rob ·
The recession really hit Anastasia Island hard. There were lots of foreclosures and empty hotels, restaurants and stores. But the last couple of years has seen a total transformation and the island is crowded and businesses are packed like never before.

Jill's Scene

Jill's Scene

Mia Escobud

Mia Escobud

Re: Is a stopover in Iceland worthwhile

DrFumblefinger ·
PHeymont has given you some excellent advice, Travel Luver. By all means, spend some time in Iceland. If you can fit it into your trip, 4 days would be my minimum stay here. As Paul pointed out so well, Iceland is unique. It is also very sparsely populated, with only 300,000 people on the island and two thirds of those living in Reykjavik. And it is a newly form volcanic land with tons of glaciers, waterfalls, and geothermal events. So by all means, see it. When you land at Keflavik airport...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #4.5, 12/6/13

WorkerBee ·
Balboa Pier on Harbor Island.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day. January 14, 2014: Calgary Peace Bridge

Dr.Y ·
The bridge on the bottom right of the picture 3 is called Bow River Pathway. It's a pedestrian/cycling bridge connecting the downtown ore - Prince's Island Park - The North bank of Bow river. The Peace bridge and C-train bridge are further west! Ha Ha Karl, you need get out more

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day. January 14, 2014: Calgary Peace Bridge

DrFumblefinger ·
I do need to get out more! Of course, I live south of downtown while you look at this view every day. We'll need to go for a walk there this summer, DrY! Prince's Island is a great place for those visiting Calgary. A lovely island oasis right off downtown. Wonderful escape from bustle of a city and literally just a minute from it all.

Re: Pesuta Shipwreck, Naikoon Provincial Park, Haida-Gwaii, British Columbia

Former Member ·
Like the tree pics. I picked up all of my glass floats a bit farther south - on the seaward side of Vancouver Island and on the western shore of the Olympic Peninsula. I think it was always in the summer. Maybe the tides and winds bring different material at different times of the year.

Re: La Dolce Vita (Part 6) Murano and Burano

rbciao ·
Dr. Fumblefinger, Nice slideshow with great pics. We were in Venice in 2012 for 6 or 7 days and made an excursion to Burano as a day trip. The first thing we noticed was that tourism has reached the tiny island. There was a new docking station for the vaporetti and all sorts of kiosks selling the usual stuff. The first time we were there was in 2008 and it was a sleepy island that time seemed to forget. In fact, we came across four elderly ladies sitting on a bench gabbing and knitting. I...

Re: Hawaii: Coping with Hurricane Ana

Paul Heymont ·
It's not often we get an inside view of an event like this, while it's going on. Thanks! I've been wondering whether people on Kauai, where Iniki changed everything, had very different reactions to the possible storm than those on the Big Island?

Re: Pineapple field, Dole Plantation

DrFumblefinger ·
Pineapples grown in Hawaii are consumed in Hawaii. There is no export to the lower 48 states. Between the locals and tourists that's still a lot of pineapples. Shipping anything to or from a remote island is expensive. Mainland USA gets a lot of its pineapples from Central America.

Re: Coastal California: A Village, a Hamlet, and a Wide Spot in the Road

Paul Heymont ·
Great pictures, great vegetables, great kids... The San Gregorio Stage Stop...would I be right in guessing that it also served as a gas station at some point? The architecture suggests so...

Re: Coastal California: A Village, a Hamlet, and a Wide Spot in the Road

PortMoresby ·
The Stage Stop is one of those buildings that's become invisible, even while being half the commercial district of San Gregorio. Maybe this illustrates the fact that we see things differently when we're in the picture zone, that it was the first time I really looked at it. I assume it was a gas station, looks like a pump rusting there on the left. But even I'm not old enough to have seen it in action.

Re: The St. Augustine Lighthouse

Travel Rob ·
GutterPup -Great job sharing about the lighthouse. Anastasia Island, or known as "the Island" there has some pretty cool sights, beaches and restaurants. It's friendly and relaxed atmosphere is commented upon frequently and I found it's really true.Many people come back year after year and stay for months at a time. The historic sights of downtown bring people in, but the Island brings them back.

Re: The St. Augustine Lighthouse

rbciao ·
GutterPup, You posted some great pics of the place. The St. Augustine Light is one of the 10 most beautiful lighthouses in the USA. I read that in a travel magazine, so this is not just my opinion. It's gorgeous! In another lifetime, ex-wife type other lifetime, we were going there for a winter interlude in February from 2002 until 2006 and we stayed on Anastasia Island, not far from the light. We joined the member society, bought bricks in our kids's names, and visited there frequently.

Re: Iceland's Keflavik airport aims to become major global stopover

DrFumblefinger ·
Traffic at the airport has about doubled in the past 10 years. Who would have guessed that the UAE airports would be so successful. After all, very few people actually get out there, We'll see what happens. Iceland is beautiful and unique. I'm fond of Icelandair's deal where you can stop at the Island for up to a week without extra cost enroute between Europe and North America. If they keep expanding their routes, that alone will cause significant increase in traffic.

Re: Coney Island Photos at Museum of the City of New York

Travel Rob ·
Very Cool. Last year PHeymont took me to Coney Island and we were lucky enough to see the Carousel that had recently been restored . That craftsmanship alone is worth the trip to Coney Island.

Re: Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, August 29, 2014: Postcards from Greece - The Portara on Naxos

Mac ·
It's delightful for a few days stay. We went there as part of a 3 Island visit - Santorini, Paros and Naxos. The Island of Delos, birthplace of Apollo, can conveniently be visited from Naxos. It is worth the, sometimes rough, trip to see what must have been the equivalent of the Las Vegas of its time in terms of its exotic extravagance.

Re: Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, August 29, 2014: Postcards from Greece - The Portara on Naxos

PortMoresby ·
I stayed once for a week on Naxos and the window of my room on the hill in the center of this picture had exactly the opposite view, this structure from a distance. I remember the guesthouse and the island fondly and could happily stay there for some time. An unpretentious and friendly place.

Re: Mission San Juan Capistrano -- "Worth a Visit"

GarryRF ·
Interesting tour DrF. Other than a living museum does the mission have a function today ? Very comprehensive collection of photos and well described too. There must be a long and interesting story to these missions - other than teaching religion. Fascinating history of a new country. Thanks.

Re: Mission San Juan Capistrano -- "Worth a Visit"

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks the comment Garry. Yes the mission still functions as a place of worship. But the main place of worship is the new basilica which is right next door. Today it is mostly a museum.

Re: Roadfood -- the best "American food" out there!

Jonathan L ·
I have listened to their contributions to The Splended Table podcast for years. Their suggestions are wonderful!

Re: Valletta, Why Do I Love Thee So?

GarryRF ·
The island of Malta became part of the British Empire in 1800. The French had invaded Malta 2 years previously and were unwelcome. The British removed the French and established a base there at Valletta to give them a port in the Mediterranean Sea. And it provided employment and security to the local people. In 1964 it voted for Independence. The Coat of Arms of Queen Victoria can be seen over the VICTORIA GATE photo - above. The current Queen Elizabeth ceased any connection with Malta in...

Re: San Diego Model Railroad Museum: Where Gumbo Was #39

Andre Pur ·
So nice, i love trains And i love to travel by train too, i don't know why but traveling by train makes me more relaxed!

Re: A Day at the Zoo: San Diego, California

IslandMan ·
A well written and informative blog piece Dr F...I agree with you that zoos should not be abandoned. There is a place for them especially when it comes to protecting endangered species. The San Diego Zoo certainly looks like a great place to visit and the variety of animals there is a regular Noah's Ark (good to see a few Aussie Koalas). You've captured some amazing shots in the gallery too.

Re: A Day at the Zoo: San Diego, California

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks IslandMan! Probably the rarest animal at the zoo is the California Condor. Only the San Diego and Los Angeles zoos exhibit these birds and were instrumental in saving them from extinction. With only a few dozen birds left in the wild, a controversial decision was made several decades ago to capture them all and place the remaining birds in these two zoos for a captive breeding program. They now number several hundred and are slowly being re-introduced into the wild, with limited...

Re: A Day at the Zoo: San Diego, California

Travel Rob ·
Great photos and glad to hear the Condor is making a comeback.i still visit zoos all over and both the San Diego and LA Zoos are two of my favorites.The old advertising for the San Diego Zoo was <You belong in the Zoo and the Zoo belongs to you.

Re: A Day at the Zoo: San Diego, California

Andre Pur ·
I really love the Panda, I'm so happy when i see those bears Thank you for the pictures they are really lovely .

Re: A Day at the Zoo: San Diego, California

DrFumblefinger ·
Thank you, Andre! This was the third zoo I've ever seen giant pandas in. And by far it was the best one. They had two pandas, in separated but adjoining enclosures (one male, one female). Both were sitting there eating bamboo and seemed to enjoy watching the throng of people walking by them. It was as though the zoo's visitors were there to entertain the pandas, rather than the other way around. As for bears, I'm always happier to see them in a zoo than on a hiking trail in the Rockies...

Re: Agritourism Bed and Breakfast in Normandy

DrFumblefinger ·
Definitely visit the Mont St. Michel (island) after the tour buses leave. So a great time to head out to the island is mid afternoon (ie. get there by mid afternoon, don't leave Bayeux at that time). By the time you get to the old island itself the crowds will be thinning. It's a bit of a climb up to the monastery, but the views are incredible as the great history and beauty of the place. Just be sure you don't delay visiting the monastery too long (believe it closes at 6 pm but double check...

Re: A Tale of Two Food Tours: Buenos Aires

Paul Heymont ·
This blog has left me feeling so full...and so envious!

Re: A Tale of Two Food Tours: Buenos Aires

Travel Rob ·
Your blog has converted me into an aspiring Foodie now!

Re: A Tale of Two Food Tours: Buenos Aires

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Travel Rob: Your blog has converted me into an aspiring Foodie now! That's the best compliment a blogger can receive, Travel Rob!