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Tagged With "Avebury"


Re: The Lure of Stonehenge

GarryRF ·
I've never written a review and used the opening paragraph to criticise a few idiots I may have encountered. Of which there have been many. Nor have I needed to draw on the bad experience of another to make a critical point. I've never heard it called "Boring" and I've been here for 60 years. I suppose this will add to the list of "Warm Beer" questions I find boring whenever I visit my American Family. Nice photo's.

Re: The Lure of Stonehenge

George G. ·
Likewise I was enthralled to be standing there. There was no line on the chilly day of my entrance. Didn't want to leave, but just stare. I was on a road trip from London up north, but I just had to make this detour and it was totally worth it.
Blog Post

The Lure of Stonehenge

Kirsten Hines ·
Kirsten Hines shares thoughts and memories, and great photos of a visit to Salisbury Plain.