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Tagged With "Remove term: Alfred P. Murrah Federal Bu"


Re: Ryanair, Norwegian near a 'feeder flight' deal

DrFumblefinger ·
Sounds like a good strategic move for both carriers, and should have positive benefits to consumers, at least in the short term.

Re: Dec 15, 2016: Kamloops, BC, Canada

DrFumblefinger ·
British Columbia, if you've never visited, is a really spectacular destination. The BC tourism board uses the term "SuperNatural British Columbia" when describing it -- and if you don't know why you will after you visit. And it is a nice safe environment for raising polite kids. Canadians, as you known, are mostly polite to a fault (present company excluded).

Re: Airbnb's rural listings gain popularity

PortMoresby ·
"...the short-term rental site is clearly not just for urban hipsters anymore." From my own experience I'd put a somewhat different spin on it. Something like "urban hipsters seek rural experience". A good percentage of my guests come from one of the hipster capitols of the universe, San Francisco.

Re: CS series jets are now Airbus A220

GarryRF ·
An unfortunate necessity to ensure survival. But long term it should be good for everyone. Employees and shareholders. And us -The Travellers !

Re: Luxembourg, Old City

PortMoresby ·
Very interesting. Eating them for decades and never heard the term. I love to learn something about which I believed I already knew it all! Yum.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #6

Paul Heymont ·
OK. So we know it is Asian, and that it was built by colonizers/invaders from another country. Since the architecture is Asian, I think we can assume the invaders were, too. The problem then is the next term: "link them with a settlement of people from a third country." That seems to imply that the "third country" people are NOT across a border in their own land but are also in the invaded country, but living separately from the invaders. If I'm correct in guessing the bridge at upwards of...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

FlashFlyer ·
Sadly, that $4K isn't going to go a real long way in's a pretty expensive place. You'll need to find seriously cheap lodging and really mind your pence! If you're not really stuck on UK, you might look at other places where English will do, including Jamaica and Puerto Rico or even Guyana. If UK is really IT, though, you should look into hostel costs, and into sharing sites like Depending on when you're going, you might find some luck with college spaces that are...

Re: Safe to fly on New Years?

Former Member ·
The space-time continuum will only be interrupted if this flight does not land at its scheduled time at New Year's midnight p;us a few. What are the chances of that ?

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
England is only as big as Florida ! I haven't seen a Guide book that sub-divides us! Wales is full of Castles, Mountains and Lakes. Tourists often divide England between the North and South. The North is often cooler and wetter than further South. But your Dollar will go twice as far up here in the North! And we're much friendlier. Have a look at places you'd like to visit. York (the old one) will keep you busy for 2 days. Train or Bus from Liverpool. Or a day or two in Europe from Liverpool...

Re: The Difference between Tourists and Travelers

Paul Heymont ·
I think it may not be all that easy to divide the world into 'tourists' and 'travelers;' the world is not really that binary, and there are many shades between them. And many of those we meet are on the path to deeper experiences as they experience more and travel more. I think of the many new travelers who used to post on the Frommer forums about their desire to 'see as much as possible' and 'do as many countries as possible' in impossibly short time allowances. Some of us who were regulars...

Re: Marriott Teleports Guests to a Marriott Future

Paul Heymont ·
I can’t remember who coined the term, but it was intended to convey a sense of being so far out on the “leading edge” that one might easily cut oneself on some unfortunate reality…

Re: Montmartre Cemetery, Paris

PortMoresby ·
Speaking of la Goulue, you know the neighborhood, PHeymont. She could have just about fallen off the stage at the Moulin Rouge into that box. The famous nightclub is at the bottom of Rue Lepic, mentioned in a recent blog, and some of my "best friends" were can-can dancers. Before someone asks, not la Goulue. And don't feel bad, P., she's enjoying the rest.

Re: Help with mobile phone for Morocco

PortMoresby ·
One more thought. Think long term. If you're likely to travel again and might need a phone again, buying one will be even more cost effective. And buying one after you arrive will be least expensive. Phone service in the US is notoriously expensive. People in developing countries all have mobile phones because of the lack of infrastructure for land lines. So low-income working people all over the world rely on cell service and it must be cheap. So doing as the locals do when you travel...

Re: Gallery: Signs of Toronto -- the City at Large

NonstopFromJFK ·
Being compared to NY is always a good thing! But I am biased. =P I do want to go to Toronto sometime, I've been there as a kid but I would like to actually explore the city as an adult.

Re: Streetscape, Old San Juan

PortMoresby ·
The scenes of 5 years worth of my mid-20's. Feeling a little homesick, P.

Re: Streetscape, Old San Juan

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by PortMoresby: The scenes of 5 years worth of my mid-20's. Feeling a little homesick, P. You are a child of the planet, PM.

Re: Food, glorious food...

PortMoresby ·
My favorite food stand in PR sold Cubano sandwiches. If you see one, P., eat one for me.

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

PortMoresby ·
From the Bloomberg article: "Airbnb has been working hard in recent months to change the law in the company’s favor." This limited characterization makes me wonder whose side Bloomberg is on, given any individual NYC host or user has more to loose or gain than Airbnb, since the company will succeed with or without NYC listings. Given the timing of the original law, it seems clear that it's largely commercial interests that back the law limiting just who can participate in the short-term...

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

Paul Heymont ·
As a frequent Airbnb renter (about 16 times) I obviously think it's a valuable thing and want it to succeed. I also think that there's room for reasonable regulation that's sensitive to local needs, and that a reasonable compromise can be found. Let's take the case of New York City...there is a real shortage of affordable housing. While it's not caused by Airbnb, but rather by a series of market issues that I won't rehearse here, it's reasonable for the city/state to ban short-term rentals...

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

PortMoresby ·
Everything you say, P, is logical and fair. The problem becomes compliance and enforcement, not a separate issue. A segment of people will always try to game the system and it's impossible to enforce these kinds of regulations in such a complex and populous place. Even here, where I live in a relatively rural place, I suspect I'm the only one in a large county collecting and paying the short-term occupancy tax. I do it, not because I'm honest, but because I don't want to think about possible...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#113)

PortMoresby ·
"...I thought the background was painted on a wall..." Anything is possible P, - deciduous palm trees painted on a wall?

Re: Florida warned: take action against future flooding

Paul Heymont ·
Garry, aside from the fact that climate change involves far more than the question of polar ice caps, we're not in huge disagreement, I think. 1. Climate change is a more accurate term than global warming, because it's not all about warming, and in some cases the change brings colder rather than warmer. 2. The effects are not the same everywhere, nor are they always immediately harmful. It is possible for one area to be threatened with inundation while another benefits from a return of...

Re: Munich: In the Englischer Garten

GarryRF ·
Interesting and colourful . Worth reading twice. Thanks P.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#343)

DrFumblefinger ·
Here are your final puzzle clues. Review all prior clues and see if you can put it all together. Reveal goes up Monday, so good luck solving this.

Re: Are goats the answer to Portugal's wildfires?

Amateuremigrant ·
I can see benefits in this, provided regulation is encouraged to retain deeper rooted vegetation that stabilises slopes. Continuous grazing to maximise food would be a longer term disaster, giving rise to soil erosion at high rates and inability of reforestation to redress because only subsoil survives. Everything has a place, in moderation.

Re: The Barnes Foundation: A Most Unusual Museum

PortMoresby ·
Excellent, thank you, P.

Re: "The Norwegian Job" runs out of juice

Travel Rob ·
Actually the prison is more like a resort complete with Bansky style art, a gym ,a recording studio and a library.,00.html

Re: Boeing Announces the Biggest Aircraft Order Ever by China

DrFumblefinger ·
The deal is worth a $38 billion to Boeing in the short term. What the long term costs will be to the company are impossible to know. There's also details on this story at this link .









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Sarah Towle







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Liisa Vexler



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