Tagged With "Zodiac"
Blog Post
Exploring the Patagonian Fjordlands: The Birds of Tucker's Islets
A Zodiac excursion takes DrFumblefinger to a small group of Islands in the Strait of Magellan that is home to hundreds of birds.
Blog Post
Take your seat...while you still have one!
Aircraft designers are always busy trying to figure out the best way to get the most passengers in without actually provoking revolt or suffocation...and the past few days bring fearsome news on that front. Included in the roundup are dead-serious proposals to stack seats in the main cabin, to sell passenger space in the hold below the cabin, and even to squeeze business-class seats into a 12-across configuration. Not even the rich, it seems, are immune to the trend. The stacked-seat idea...
Blog Post
Looking Up! Zodiac Signs Around the World
An interesting look at how Zodiac signs around the world differ -- and their similarities.
Blog Post
Viking Octantis Ship in Antarctica
LestertheInvester outlines a journey from South America to Antarctica, aboard the fabulous new expedition ship, the Viking Octantis.
Blog Post
A Day at Hidden Bay, Antarctica
DrFumblefinger explores Hidden Bay on his third day in Antarctica. The scenery is memorable, especially the large basalt towers around the Bay.