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Tagged With "East German"


Re: How to Irk the Brits

Paul Heymont ·
Like all myths exaggerated with a grain of truth or not, he lives on, along with his companions the Snobby Brit, the Nasty Frenchman, the Pushy German and all the rest. These days, it’s easy to find articles creating new misconceptions about Japanese and Chinese tourists. Point being, whatever these so-called “national characters” are, they are built on ignorance and prejudice; it is one of the great things about travel that they seldom survive actual experience.

Not-so-famous museums with great exhibits

Paul Heymont ·
Since we're off from school for spring break, we've had time to catch up on a few exhibits at local museums...but not the big and famous, such as the Met or MoMA. Here are a few of interest, and one we haven't been to yet, but will! Neue Galerie has an exhibit with a dual purpose: reproducing the infamous Nazi exhibit "Degenerate Art" of 1937, and commenting on its effects, both then and now. Also at the Galerie, which focuses on German and Austrian art of the last century, is an exhibition...

Replacing iPhone Abroad

HistoryDigger ·
My husband dropped his iPhone 5 into the toilet on Day One of his 3 weeks in Europe. We checked at Frankfurt airport phone stores, and they will only sell an iPhone with a phone contract. In Cologne on Day Two, we discovered that Kaufhof will sell...

Seychelles reopening to tourists this month

Barry Barford ·
The Seychelles Tourism Board has reported that the country will reopen to tourists, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated or not, from March 25. However, visitors from South Africa will remain barred from entry, with this decision set to be reviewed in the coming weeks. Visitors will now only be required to present a negative PCR test taken 72 hours prior to departure. There will be no quarantine requirement or restriction on movement upon entry into the Seychelles. The minimum...