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Tagged With "Non-fiction"


Re: Books That Sent You Packing (your bag, that is)

Paul Heymont ·
Detectives and espionage thrillers. George Simenon in France, Eric Ambler all over and especially in Istanbul, an expanding list of Scandinavians going back to Maj Sjovall/Per Wahloo and including Mankell, Nesbo and Larsson; Arnaldur Indridadsen and others in Iceland, Brunetti and Montalbano in Italy...the list is endless and appears to be a real driver of our travel. I've tried to think why, and I think it is in part because detective and spy novels, when well done, are of their time and...

Re: Books That Sent You Packing (your bag, that is)

DrFumblefinger ·
People always laugh when I tell them this but the book that most inspired me to travel was Arthur C Clarke's "2001 a Space Odyssey". It made me want to see the universe -- or at least Clavius Base on the moon. It wasn't until later that I learned I'd have to settle for staying on the planet. Little did I know those journeys would one day lead me to the home and friendship of the man who wrote the book that so inspired me.

Re: Books That Sent You Packing (your bag, that is)

PortMoresby ·
I get booksellers' e-newsletters and paper catalogs and run across interesting travel-related items from time to time. Many are on remainder sites so "quantities are limited" but when a post is fresh here, you'll likely get it if you want it. Spotted today in the Daedalus Books catalog is one by Ian Buruma, Bad Elements: Chinese Rebels from Los Angeles to Beijing , " a dissident's eye-view of the world's most secretive superpower, observing, "Strange things happen when Chinese dynasties near...

Books That Sent You Packing (your bag, that is)

PortMoresby ·
The book I always think of in this regard is ‘The Sheltering Sky’, by Paul Bowles. And the subsequent movie, with the devilish John Malkovich as, guess who, Port Moresby. It inspired me to take the plunge and travel outside Europe, to Morocco, a place I’ve returned again and again, sure that would be so as soon as I read the book. But there have been others - ‘The River’s Tale: A Year on the Mekong’, by Edward Gargan, added Yunnan Province in China to my first round-the-world destination...
Blog Post

CheapAir adds non-stop flights to Cuba

Paul Heymont ·
CheapAir, which a few weeks ago became the first U.S. online travel agency to book passengers for flights to Cuba, but only through other countries such as Mexico or Panama, has now begun to offer direct non-stop flights.   That's become possible...
Blog Post

Austin Gets Its First Non-stop to Europe

Paul Heymont ·
Austin, TX is getting more connected, this time with a non-stop daily flight to Heathrow on British Airways' new 787 Dreamliner. Five times a week until May, and every day thereafter.