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Tagged With "Cass Gilbert"


Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#110)

Norman ·
I really, really don't mean to spoil the fun, knowing that whenever someone says that he does in fact exactly that. However I'll use the occasion to share a very useful tip for anyone: Google Picture Search. it allows you to search for any picture on the web and it will find similar pictures or - like in this case an exact match. You can either paste in the direct url of the picture or download a copy and later upload it again. If the website doesn't allow that (which really makes no sense...

Re: U.S. Customs House, Battery Park, NYC (Where Gumbo was #110)

Travel Rob ·
What an incredible building! Great reveal and photos!

Elena Gilbert

Elena Gilbert

Interesting Info for Travel Bloggers Seeking Crowdfunding

Travel Rob ·
 Tnooz published an interesting article by Christine Gilbert on her succesful kickstarter campaign to fund a documentary on people who travel the world and work remotely .She gives tips on what works in crowdfunding and how it's changed.  ...
Blog Post

Small Museums of New York State

Jonathan L ·
While driving across New York following the Erie Canal, Jonathan L had the opportunity to stop at some of the smaller museums that are often missed by tourists.
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Ganong's Candy Bench, St Stephen, NB

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob shows us Ganong's Chocolate Museum in St. Stephen, New Brunswick.
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May 4, 2018: Glencoe Massacre Monument, Scotland

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares a detailed history of the story of the Massacre in Glencoe Scotland, whose monument we visit in our Pic of the Day.
Blog Post

Dec. 9, 2017: New York's Opulent Customs House

Paul Heymont ·
Another visit to New York City's old Customs House gives PHeymont the chance to see and photograph a hidden masterpiece: the Collector's Room.
Blog Post

Museum of the Earth, Ithaca NY: A Journey Through Time

Paul Heymont ·
The Museum of the Earth! A big name for a fairly small institution, but the name really reflects its topic rather than any huge ambition. Its task is big enough: to tell the story of life on earth through fossils. And it has the fossils to do it: with...
Blog Post

My Favorite Pile of Bricks: London's St Pancras

Paul Heymont ·
St Pancras International and the St Pancras Hotel, once tagged for demolition, live on to serve, and to captivate hearts anew.
Blog Post

Chester Cathedral, England

Paul Heymont ·
Chester Cathedral isn't the oldest, largest, or most famous but PHeymont calls it one of the most beautiful...and with a most fascinating history.
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Liverpool's Two Cathedrals

Paul Heymont ·
Liverpool made it to the 20th century before building a cathedral—but when it did, it built two of the most spectacular anywhere.

Top 12 Blogs For Travel Bloggers

Himel ·
This is a list of creative travel blogs that I read and follow. They are written by independent travel writers, the list include those that I consider as heavy-weights in travel blogging. These bloggers are associated with large travel sites/blogs but their focus is on living a unique life (getting to see the world around them) and be an insightful writers. All of them are fun and inspirational to read. Blog: Everything-Everywhere Writer: Gary Arndt Gary has been on the road since 2007 as a...
Blog Post

A View from the Bridge

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont shares a favorite walk, across the Brooklyn Bridge, with its views of both Manhattan and Brooklyn

Re: My Favorite Pile of Bricks: London's St Pancras

Paul Heymont ·
Afternoon tea at the Gilbert Scott restaurant in the St Pancras Hotel...
Image Featured

Classic 'high tea,' London

Paul Heymont ·
Classic 'high tea,' London
Blog Post

A Prairie Pioneer Cemetery in rural Manitoba

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits a small cemetery for Ukranian Orthodox pioneers in western Manitoba
Blog Post

New life for London's Battersea Power Station

Paul Heymont ·
Once slated for demolition, a classic 20th century industrial building has found a new life as a destination for art, shopping and more.
Blog Post

Visiting the House of the Man Who Discovered Oxygen

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Stephanie visits the home of Joseph Priestley House, a minister and Renaissance man whose interests in science lead to his discovery of oxygen.
Blog Post

U.S. Customs House, Battery Park, NYC (Where Gumbo was #110)

JHeymont ·
Sometimes you make a plan to see something, but don't get there for a long time. And sometimes you have no plan at all, and just find something worth seeing. The latter happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I was left with time to kill in Lower...
Blog Post

Wandering in Hamburg

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont shares bits and pieces from a recent re-visit to Germany's big port
Blog Post

Child's Play: Edinburgh's Museum of Childhood

Paul Heymont ·
An unusual museum examines the history of childhood while offering kids a place to play and adults a chance to revisit childhood toys.
Blog Post

Towers of London

Paul Heymont ·
A reminder from Paul Heymont that the famous and infamous Tower of London is far from the only tower of London!
Blog Post

Wickham House, Richmond, Virginia

George G. ·
George G visits the Wickham house in Richmond, historic home of a colorful attorney who defended and helped acquit Aaron Burr.
Blog Post

London's Battersea Power Station gets flashy neighbors

Paul Heymont ·
A raft of new buildings, including efforts by A-list architects such as Norman Foster and Frank Gehry will soon be going up around London's Battersea Power Station, seen below.