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Tagged With "Terminal 3"


Re: Hamburg concert hall: Overdue, Over Budget, Finished

DrFumblefinger ·
Nothing like inept bureaucrats to run up the budget....Imagine, €300 for a toilet brush! I'm sure an adequate brush could have been purchased for €3. And that's just one example. Beautiful building, but at a cost of nearly $US 1 billion, it does seem a bit pricey.

Re: Antarctica, part 3. Antarctica Rocks!

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Kirsten, Behind in my emails, but did want you to know that the last of your series on Celebrating Nature went live today. I want to personally thank you so very much for sharing your tremendous talents with our audience. I enjoyed reading -- and learned a lot -- from your posts and greatly enjoyed your wonderful photography! I'm sure many others did, too. If you have more material you'd like to post on TravelGumbo in the coming months, it would be our pleasure to host it. Hope you had a...

Re: Trains in Cuba

Paul Heymont ·
Great question...and possibly not an easy clear answer. Cuba's trains have generally been in poor shape in recent years as older equipment has run down and spares not available. However, according to Mark Smith (The Man in Seat 61), that's changing with the arrival of a fleet of new Chinese-built locomotives. On his site ( ) he has an extensive update of recent changes in schedules, routes and locations (that's important because Havana's main station is closed for a 3-year...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#287)

DrFumblefinger ·
Here are your next puzzle clues...

Re: Belgium and Sweden see night-train link

Paul Heymont ·
I haven't found a definitive answer to that; the nearest I have come is speculation that DB is concerned about competition with existing conventional trains along the route; DB is the major carrier on the route, but they are clearly not doing much of a job of it as the schedule I've linked here shows. The minimum number of train changes is 2, with some itineraries requiring 8! And the ones with only 2 or 3 changes sell for nearly $200, compared to $70 with 8 changes. I'd think a direct...

Re: 12 Countries ask vouchers instead of refunds

Paul Heymont ·
In a conversation with Travel Rob last week, I set out my minimum conditions before a bailout or other relief can be discussed: 1) All boarding to be by efficiency, no priority for anyone except physical need 2) minimum one free checked bag for all flights over 250 miles (under 250, you should drive or take a train, anyway) 3) elimination of most nuisance fees 4) minimum 32" pitch with no more than 2" recline 5) 20-year cap on exec salaries...CEO to earn max 20x full-time flight attendant...

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

DrFumblefinger ·
Agree with PHeymont. Plan your trips around the leaf watching. Lots of pretty small towns around New England, although many will be pretty booked. I'd leave at least 3-4 days for Boston. Lots to see and do there, including many items relating to the rebellious Yankees throwing off the ties with old King George. And great museums and restaurants and such. We can get into more details if you'd like, but you'll definitely want a good guide book. Many people find a day in Salem (famous for its...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#140)

Paul Heymont ·
Puzzler's apology...very late with today's clue. To make up for it a little, I'll load tomorrow's, too!

Re: Yes, Winter's coming: France gets first snow

GarryRF ·
Hurricane Joaquin crossed the Atlantic and got split in two by the jet stream. France got trapped in the middle of the two. Allowing cold air from Siberia to blow across northern Europe. So the Geese have arrived here on the wind too. 3 Weeks too early. Its what the remnants of Hurricanes do.

Re: Sydney Expat Guide

GarryRF ·
My first impression of Australia was how clean and modern everywhere is. Oz has a shorter history span than the US. Their view of people from other countries is limited to what they see on TV News. Similar to Americans. My 3 kids lived in Australia for a while and found it very safe with well mannered folks. I have lots of family over there and the great plus of living in Oz is being able to enjoy the great outdoors. Even in winter when most days are above 60f - which the locals call cold !

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #187

Paul Heymont ·
A very limited exterior view...but not without solid hints, both in the names and the style. Starting tomorrow, double clues and more specificity!

Re: 50 Years Later, Paris

TravelingCanuck ·
Some great memories. My wife and I head there in 3 weeks for the first time in over 25 years. We are so looking forward to it. Thank you.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#188)

Paul Heymont ·
Here's the Thursday clues...inside now. Inside a hall that's 30' x 80' and next to another nearly as big. Living large! And there's more upstairs...

Re: France's love-hate relationship with Mickey D

GarryRF ·
The French see themselves as being the pinnacle of epicural delight. But unfortunately the McD chain provides a good and affordable alternative. Not everyone wants waiter service 3 times a day. Only the well heeled could afford it. The French object to calling a fast food outlet a "Restaurant". So that's the root of the problem. Snobbery. You can take the quails eggs in aspic - at the top of the "dress for dinner" brigade - or a Big Mac to fill your belly. I love a well presented meal as...

Re: October 5, 2018: Sweets Shop, Delhi

Amateuremigrant ·
Fresh cooked food doesn't often cause problems but you're right to be cautious, India has an impressive rage of bugs. I recall seeing 2 young neurotics scraping black specks off toast (what about the knife, the plate etc) - they'd eaten toast and Lomotil for 3 weeks (not advised). My own strategy was to chomp up 2 cloves of garlic and wash them down with yoghurt. Lyall Watson, writer, had a parasitologist friend supply him with a beef tapeworm (easily dispensed with); he then ate and drank...

Re: Istanbul: From Ottoman palace to grand hotel

Ron B. ·
In August 1995, after my brother, a friend and I sailed the Aegean for 2 weeks, traveled to Istanbul and stayed at the Ciragan Palace for a week. In addition to seeing the city, we spent time at the pool and watched ships sail pass. We ate 3 dinners in the hotel. I had never seen so much caviar loaded on my plate at one sitting. Here are some photos from the stay. View from the room, poolside, and a lobby photo. Forgot to mention, there were fireworks every night.

Re: Notes and Noticings from the road

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, I think the banks have a fairly minimal (as small as I can make it) impact on my currency transactions, in part because I never deal with exchanges; I use bank ATMs. That way, the exchange takes place not on my account, but as an interbank transaction at the base rate banks use with each other. I used to use my ATM card from Citibank, but eventually they began charging a 3% foreign exchange fee even on withdrawals. At that point, I opened an account with Charles Schwab, a brokerage...

Re: Slim airline seats unpopular

DrFumblefinger ·
I think the intent of a lot of the airlines is to move the rows closer together, PHeymont, but give the illusion that you still have the same amount of space. They can squeeze 2-3 extra rows into a plane (depending on the type), so that's at least 12 or so extra seats for sale. But if they genuinely use it to enhance personal space, all the better!

Re: Made in Romania-Beauties from Romania

Former Member ·
Yes here is the description: 0:00- 0:04- Apuseni Mountains 0:04-0:14- Dragan Valey 0:14-0:24- Danube Delta 0:24- 0:31- Sighisoara City 0:31- Danube River 0:48- Constantin Brancusi's art- "Coloana Infintitului" 1:05- Sibiu county 1:44- Bran Castle- Brasov County 2:06- Huniazilor Castle- Hunedoara 2:22- Peles Castle 2:30- Brasov County- Central Square, and The Black Church 3:14- Sarmizegetusa- The Capital of antique Dacia 3:24- Bucharest- the capital of Romania I think that's it

Re: Gallery: Fuli Town Market, Guangxi, China

Paul Heymont ·
Gorgeous pictures, thanks! I think I'm doing well to be able to identify about 2/3 of what I see (thanks to Chinatown markets here), but it all looks wonderful (except the hotter peppers).

Re: Scotland Bridge Nominated for Heritage Site

PortMoresby ·
I wonder what became of the first 3. (You know, the firth, the 2nd, the 3rd...)

Re: Russia looks to Sochi Olympics to Showcase Country

GarryRF ·
Russia has kept tons of snow in the deep freeze just in case ! But its snowed 3 times the normal amount ! All is well.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #11

GarryRF ·
Chester is a Walled City. It has 3 miles of Battlements enclosing the Centre. The Roman Amphitheatre is just outside the City Gates. The seating was wooden. It has no raised sections like other Roman Amphitheatres. You can see the remains of this 2000 year old settlement and walk the circuit on the original walls of Chester. Tudor Buildings

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #11

PortMoresby ·
All hail, IAM_NOTATOURIST. Please join us and tell us please, how the heck could you tell the difference between one arena and another? Artsnletters, same question, and the reason I suggested 3 (not 4) as possibilities. Maybe it's the age-old answer, you just had to be there. But still, I'd like to hear it from the sources.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? # 9

GarryRF ·
How many Folk Singers does it take to replace a roof ? 3. 1 does all the work - and the other 2 hold the ladder while singing a song about how much better the old roof was.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #10

PortMoresby ·
I think we may need a new category here, Gumbo Puzzlers Emeritus. Several of us may want to step aside and have a pint while we watch the rest work it out. Then, of course, we could join with a new name (or 3) if it was VERY important to win. Not accusing anyone, you understand.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

DrFumblefinger ·
So far we've only had one stab at the solution, by member Andredeya ( Florida- Miami Design Preservation League- Beach Patrol Headquarters Building). Appreciate the effort, Andredeya, but that is not the correct solution. So I'm offering up two additional clues today: This is a view of the interior of the hotel, again with strong nautical influence And this is the view south from the hotel's pool. The next piece of real estate to the south is Antarctica. So, where in the world is Gumbo?

Re: Tampa Bay Automobile Museum: 1) Museum Overview and its Czech collection

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks for a look at some cars we never see, even in museums. That Tatra 26-30 is a very odd duck indeed. In the slideshow, you can see it has 3 axles (double in the rear) so it must have been intended for some serious load--and up front, an engine compartment with no grill (and what looks like a hole for an engine crank!) kinda see why there were only 181 made... Looking forward to the rest!

Re: Newgrange; Ireland’s ancient Passage Tomb

GarryRF ·
Walking the "Walls" that enclose the City - maybe 3 miles around - is a local ritual ! At frequent intervals there are Pubs to stop at. The idea being that you stop at each one , have a drink and proceed to the next. Its only the hardened drinkers who complete the circuit. A friend from Anna Maria Island, Florida sent his daughter to stay with us for a while. Same age as my daughter and they got along like a house on fire ! So when we arrived in Chester I told her our day was walking around...

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 2

Travel Rob ·
This is a great report PHeymont!Exactly the step by step instructions we all need.Can't wait for parts 3 and 4.

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Wow, this is turning into a real education!! I checked with my uncle and yes, I can fly Chicago to Manchester and return from either London or Paris to Chicago. The ticket is free to him and he said he would cover any fees as a "graduation gift to me" (he's a pretty cool dude!), but I don't want to burden him with a heavy departure fee, so maybe Paris would be the way to go. I'd like to leave about Friday, May 9th and return 4 weeks later, June 6th. A few days later and returning a few days...

Re: Spring Honeymoon Help

DrFumblefinger ·
Congratulations SueZee! We're delighted in your marriage, and you've picked a great country in which to honeymoon. May is not too early to go to Italy, although pack a light jacket just in case. The crowds won't be there yet and you'll save some money when compared to the peak summer season. Where to go is very much a matter of taste. Most definitely you need to go to Venice and I'd say spend at least 5 days here, maybe with a day trip or two (such as to the glass making island of Murano or...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
That's helpful too, Rob. So with your guys advice, I'm thinking of the following plan, which still has holes I need to fill. I actually like the idea of Paris more than Scotland for this trip, plus I worry about the cost of travel to Scotland back so unless I can get a really cheap plane ticket or train ticket to Edinburgh, I think I'll drop that and focus on eastern UK and then on to Paris. So this is where I'm at now: 1) Arrive in Manchester. Maybe ??2 days 2) Travel Liverpool. 3 days 3)...

Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

GarryRF ·
A review for London ? Haven't been there for 40 years Paul. Really don't like big Cities and the "too busy to care attitude of people who live there" It's just my personal opinion. On the Tube Train into London people don't make eye-contact or talk to strangers. Here in Liverpool you'll be in conversation with 3 or 4 strangers and share a few laughs on the journey ! Someone falls on the street here ( and most of Northern England ) and folks rush to help. London they step over you. Rant over...

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

JohnT ·
Hi Dreamer I can only tell you about my experiences... 1) How long? It depends. Apartment rental have been around in Europe for a long time. It used to be mostly for a week from Saturday to Saturday, but mostly anything goes now. 2) Buyer beware - It will be up to you to research the neighbourhood. You can do that many ways. Perhaps the easiest is using google streetmaps 3) There is no one way to check in. Sometimes you meet the owner or manager and they will give you the key. Sometimes...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Hi guys, hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. It was good to be with my family again. Visiting and catching up with everyone took longer than I'd thought, but did do a little research into the trip and came out with this plan. Basically, with GarryRF's advice, I think I'll focus my time in the north to save money cause my budget is limited. After that I'll finish my vacation in London and Paris. I need to find places to stay but more important now just to frame the trip. The details I...

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

HeyJude ·
Hi, I've been renting apartments in Europe, mainly Germany, for years, and the only problem I've had was a complete rip-off booked through Ah-Paris. I've rented from probably 3 different people in Berlin and have paid the deposit up front and cash on arrival. Made me nervous at first, but I was never disappointed. Renting apartments is the way to go. Not only do you get much more space, but you can have your coffee in your jammies, the way I like to start my day. Happy travels!

Re: Visit Canada! Kiss a Canadian

DrFumblefinger ·
I think there are three main problems Canadian tourism faces. 1) The weather. Very limited season, unless you want to ski. 2) Expensive airfares. In the last 5 years, air fares went from being competitive to being very expensive -- overly taxed, I guess. And predictably, when you charge more for something you get less of that activity. 3) Heightened border security between Canadian and US border can cause long delays and has greatly reduced cross border crossings in the past 15 years. It's...

Re: Gifts to bring back from Portugal or Barcellona

Paul Heymont ·
I may not be much help, because we tend to send postcards to the grandchildren from each city, with notes about what we've seen and think they would be interested in, and to avoid filling the suitcase with physical items. But for those few things we do buy, we usually go to the market! One of our travel rituals, on the first day when we stock the apartment, is to look for a local preserve or jam that we don't see at home (skyberries in Stockholm, for instance). Once we've found one we really...

Re: Airbus Survey: 41% Willing to Pay for More Space

DrFumblefinger ·
Good for Airbus! It seems the airline industry may have reached a tipping point where people will pay a little more for a little comfort. I hope that's the case and that they listen and provide options. I always look for a good airfare, but I also look at what kind of comfort that airfare buys me and am willing to pay a little more for a little more. 8-12 hours on a plane is not great fun, although I can divert my attention usually. But it's made infinitely more pleasant by a few extra...

Re: Finally some good news! Whistler or Banff

DrFumblefinger ·
I don't ski either (bad knees), but I've visited both of these destinations. There are pros and cons to each. Both is a little over an hour's drive from their closest major airport, Vancouver for Whistler and Calgary for Canmore. Whistler is close to the coast, but high up. So they usually have good snow, but depending on the year, it can get soggy by spring and sometimes ice crusted. Banff area is far more likely to have nice light powder during the spring break season. Some people swear by...

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

DrFumblefinger ·
Remember these recommendations were in essence from the hotel owners. They are trying to have the consumer subsidize the poor salaries many of them pay. I'm a reasonably generous person, and I realize that most hotel employees are not wealthy, but I don't tip at those levels. I usually leave a few bucks for the maid if a good job is done, and for an excellent bit of advice or help will as well. But if I ask the concierge where the nearest bus stop is, that's his job and not worth the five...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #3.5

DrFumblefinger ·
So a few questions, PHeymont? 1) Is it in Europe? 2) Is it in France? 3) Is it in Paris?

Re: Economy cabin "skycouch" bed to debut in Asia

PortMoresby ·
I'd love it if they'd sell one person all 3 seats for 150% of the single seat price. That would be a real deal! Guess I won't hold my breath.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #19

Paul Heymont ·
Saturday Night Hints... 1. It's not a movie car 2. Although a German source made the picture available it's not a German car 3. It's arguably the world's first mini-van, and was custom-built on a stock sedan chassis Let's go, guys!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#311)

Paul Heymont ·
The Puzzler apologizes! He forgot to post this morning's clues. Here they are...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #297

George G. ·
Thursday's clue tells us more about our mystery location. In addition to private homes, this famous street has a few buildings used for other purposes. The church with the sharp steeple was built in the high Victorian Gothic style, while the Jewish Temple was built in the Queen Anne style with neoclassical revival details.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#299)

Travel Rob ·
Another beautiful view as Gumbo explores the area.

Re: Grand Central Terminal, New York (Where Gumbo Was #164)

GarryRF ·
Looks like you have a great liking for the good old days of the railroad. Loved the reference to the new complex - It was picking up steam in the 80s and 90s. Fascinating slice of architecture hidden away. But better a market hall than a memory.

Re: Grand Central Terminal, New York (Where Gumbo Was #164)

DrFumblefinger ·
Love the history and old photos! Nice post!