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Tagged With "ship extension"


Concerns about the rising number of cruise visitors to the Arctic

Louder ·
Cruise lines sell the chance to see Arctic wildlife and claim they can do so without causing harm. However, many Inuit and other indigenous people who have inhabited the Arctic for millennia are deeply worried. Tourists buy souvenirs and bring income but also a growing threat of sewage and heavy fuel oil pollution as well as the disturbance and destruction of wildlife, such as ships striking whales in narrow channels. Shrinking sea ice is allowing larger cruise ships to venture farther into...

Cruising with cargo

Barry Barford ·
Looking forward to cruising again but worried that it may not be the same after COVID? Perhaps too many health checks and rules for it to be the relaxing and fun-filled experience it used to be. Or maybe you just don’t want to mix with 3,000 other passengers any more. For a completely different experience have you ever considered cruising on a cargo ship? Of course cargo ships still have to make sure they stay healthy, but as there will likely be no more than 12 passengers on your cargo ship...

Re: Cruising with cargo

PortMoresby ·
Something to keep in mind, a variety of factors can conspire to keep passengers on the ship at ports. Having sailed on CMA CGM from Singapore to Malta, for a variety of reasons we were never allowed off the ship. Travelers should definitely check specifics before booking if it's important to them.

Re: Cruising with cargo

Elena Swan ·
Hello everyone, my friends and I are going on vacation to Turkey, I would like to explore all the historical places and excursions, do you have any tips?