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Tagged With "Ecuador"


Re: Where do the "permanent travelers" go?

PortMoresby ·
I have one friend who's a permanent traveler. While he spends time in a variety of places, his preference is Asia, with Thailand at the top of his list. Chiang Mai is where we met and in nearby villages is where he spends the majority of his time. He has a private income so work has nothing to do with his choice. I'd be interested to see how the results of the survey would change if that element was removed from the equation. And how it would change if broken down by age group. Also, how...
Blog Post

Where do the "permanent travelers" go?

Paul Heymont ·
Expat Insder, a curious publication of, surveyed 14,000 expats in 160 countries for their views on where they have found happiness, a safe comfortable life, affordable living, etc.    Surprise! Only three European countries...
Blog Post

Roses are red, violets are blue...and UPS will deliver 110 million of them

Paul Heymont ·
Valentine's Day is this Saturday—only Mothers' Day rivals it in the flower business—and UPS expects to be handling 110 million flowers for the occasion.   You may think of UPS as the brown truck that brings your Amazon package, but...
Blog Post

JetBlue looking south to Mexico, Ecuador

Paul Heymont ·
JetBlue is starting to take on a real international tinge, adding Mexico City to its destination list for this year, and opening service to Ecuador in 2016. JetBlue already serves over 30 cities in the Caribbean and Latin America.   The Mexico...
Blog Post

LAN, TAM to become single airline as LATAM

Paul Heymont ·
  LAN, originally from Chile, and TAM, from Brazil will now become a single airline under the name LATAM, and will begin merging all their operations, with a 3-year goal of complete integration.
Blog Post

Hotel Oro Verde, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Marilyn Jones ·
On the way to the Galapagos Islands, Marilyn Jones stops for a couple of days in Guayaquil and finds a hotel worth remembering.
Blog Post

Cruising the Galapagos Islands

Barry Barford ·
The Galapagos Islands are home to a remarkable variety of flora and fauna, with many species found nowhere else on earth.

Re: Cruising the Galapagos Islands

Marilyn Jones ·
Great article and photos. I was there several years ago and would love to go back. It is such an amazing place!