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Tagged With "name your own price"


Re: Nov. 12, 2016: Memorial to Women of WW II, London

GarryRF ·
The Cenotaph in London is a remembrance of all the war dead from all the British Empire. Canada, India, Australia, South Africa and many more. They all send servicemen to represent their own countries in a march past. Did you know that Belgium has a parade of armed soldiers at the London Cenotaph too ?

Re: Switzerland: First passengers for world's longest tunnel

DrFumblefinger ·
That sure is a long tunnel, and from a country that likes to make them as much as the prairie dogs I see on the plains. I would think ventilation would be a problem in such a long tunnel. Would you know if the trains need their own oxygen system? Having driven through the Swiss tunnels by car before, which were about 15 km long as I recall, the air was extremely bad in them and made me regret not driving the scenic route over those windy roads across the mountains.

Re: November 30, 2016: The Guggenheim Museum, New York

Paul Heymont ·
I'm not a big fan of the Guggenheim's collection, but i do love the building, and wonder why it hasn't become the template for many others. Quite aside from its own beauty, it seems one of the best ways to display art. I'm often frustrated in museums by a labyrinth of rooms, not always well laid out, that keep me from back-tracking to reconsider a painting I'd passed in light of ones I saw further on. The spiral solves that brilliantly. In 1962, my uncle, a painter, took me there to see an...

Re: Arriving in Venice, 1960

George G. ·
Almost a Big Mistake in Venice. I remember taking my daughter to Venice for her birthday then buying a $750 ring for her in one of the jewelry stores. The owner told me I could get the tax refunded from the government and he said it would be about $700. I said that is almost the entire price of the ring, then he told me the ring was $7,500 because I converted the Lira wrongly on my calculator due to many Lira zeroes with that currency. She did get a ring but not that one.

Re: Norwegian bank is out of cash, on purpose

PortMoresby ·
I'm not surprised that this is happening in Scandinavia, of all places. Many years ago I had friends in Denmark and Erik was an electrician. There wasn't enough work for all the electricians so they rotated the work and he worked for 6 months, then had 6 months off, paid. Sounds good? However, during the 6 months he was off he wasn't allowed to do any electrical work at all, including on his own house. I (and he) found the rule regarding his own house absurd. I see it related to the banking...

Re: Canada gets its first non-stop to India

GarryRF ·
You can take your own entertainment on the Dreamliner DrF. The large screen in the seat back in front of you also has a USB port. The Menu has a USB option and you can charge those devices you've taken with you. I also recommend Bluetooth headphones to keep all those singing babies away ! I have a selection of music to sleep to.

Re: Miami or Orlando to Brussels : $324 Round Trip

DrFumblefinger ·
Great price! Even for a week long getaway.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct 20, 2015: Sicilian Fiat

Paul Heymont ·
Oh, and let's not forget the original Morris Mini-Minor...not as early as the others, but wonderful in its own right.

Re: Motel 6 freshens its rooms...and its image

Travel Rob ·
The French AccorHotels owned them for a time and really made some great improvements, updating rooms and making new hotels. And those prices were the same price as their old rooms. I wonder what happened to Accors plans that they sold

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 5, 2015: Stone Gingerbread House

Paul Heymont ·
Did you happen to notice the price tag? Not that I'm thinking of moving, but...

Re: Carrick-a-Rede and the Rope Bridge

Amateuremigrant ·
It's good that if you want to get the the best places you have to use your own motive power, and a little bit of nerve, too !

Re: Airbnb's rural listings gain popularity

PortMoresby ·
"...the short-term rental site is clearly not just for urban hipsters anymore." From my own experience I'd put a somewhat different spin on it. Something like "urban hipsters seek rural experience". A good percentage of my guests come from one of the hipster capitols of the universe, San Francisco.

Re: Hurricane cancels hundreds of flights, cruises

Paul Heymont ·
I'm glad to hear good news on this's certainly a distressing time for many, including our own Travel Rob, who has had to evacuate from Saint Augustine, Florida. And there are concerns that the storm may turn and hit some areas a second time...

Re: 50 Years Later, Paris

Paul Heymont ·
Thank you for sharing your memories, and wakening some of my own. It's a trite line, I know, but despite all that changes, "we'll always have Paris." In fact, maybe that's 'because' and not 'despite.'

Re: Obama eliminates restrictions for travelers buying Cuban cigars & rum

GarryRF ·
You'll be pleased to hear that the price of Cuban Cigars ( in Cuba ) has rocketed in anticipation of American customers buying them. Is nowhere safe from Capitalism ?

Re: Money Savings Tips, for your Big Trip - Part 1

DrFumblefinger ·
These are all good tips and add up to quite a bit of coin. I've also never had luck with renegotiating cable rates. But I did give up my coffee stop and just brew my own and take it along to work. Works fine for me. Looking forward to the rest of your tips. Thanks, Samantha!

Re: Now an airline charge for NOT flying!

GarryRF ·
If you do call the airline to cancel your return ticket you get no refund. They will probably sell your seat for more than your two-way ticket cost. If you try to reschedule your return for another day they will charge full price with no discount for being polite and doing the right thing. So you just walk away and find another airline. The Philosophy of W.C. Fields. "Never give a sucker an even break"

Re: Money Savings Tips, for your Big Trip - Part 1

Samantha ·
Thanks DrFumblefinger. Glad you enjoyed the post and the second part will be out this week!

Re: October 5, 2018: Sweets Shop, Delhi

Amateuremigrant ·
Fresh cooked food doesn't often cause problems but you're right to be cautious, India has an impressive rage of bugs. I recall seeing 2 young neurotics scraping black specks off toast (what about the knife, the plate etc) - they'd eaten toast and Lomotil for 3 weeks (not advised). My own strategy was to chomp up 2 cloves of garlic and wash them down with yoghurt. Lyall Watson, writer, had a parasitologist friend supply him with a beef tapeworm (easily dispensed with); he then ate and drank...

Re: What's the Best City in the World to Eat in?

Paul Heymont ·
I won't claim any city to be the best in the world—at least not until I have time to visit them all! I'm always skeptical anyway about "the best" "the most" and so forth. That said, I'll also add that the best is not always the most expensive or famous. And I'm pleased to see that he's not pushing posh places, but rather inexpensive curry houses and a 24-hour cafe. His point seems to be that London is the best city to eat in because it is, his opinion, the best city to BE in. So, I'll...

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

PortMoresby ·
Regarding his feeling about slavery, I have no doubt, because of the nature of the man as shown by the things he did write, he was conflicted. And while he seems never to have come to a personal solution I don't believe, either, that his lack of action was de facto support for the institution. Sometimes there just isn't time to resolve one's own conflicts and be a father of a new nation too. We may be asking too much of human beings if we expect tidy packages and complete resolutions in 1 ...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #10

Paul Heymont ·
This is getting to be a bi-weekly announcement: WorkerBee zoomed in on the statue of the Sacred Heart in the background of the picture and searched for it online, and correctly identified the scene as the courtyard of the Cathedral in Cuernavaca, Mexico. The good news is that WorkerBee has some mysterious pictures of his own, and when the time comes he will join the ranks of the puzzlers! In the meantime, see tomorrow morning's "reveal" with more information about Where Gumbo Was.

Re: Everglades raccoon

DrFumblefinger ·
Those are all good resources, TravelandNature, and I certainly believe in responsible pet ownership. Lord knows we own enough pets and my wife just rushed the dog to the vet because he tore off his toenail (and was bleeding badly, poor boy ) Make sure you have a deep wallet or access to a lot of meat if you adopt a python. The python consumes 25 lbs of meat per year for each of its 225 lb adult size. Steaks and live catch preferred.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #6

Paul Heymont ·
OK. So we know it is Asian, and that it was built by colonizers/invaders from another country. Since the architecture is Asian, I think we can assume the invaders were, too. The problem then is the next term: "link them with a settlement of people from a third country." That seems to imply that the "third country" people are NOT across a border in their own land but are also in the invaded country, but living separately from the invaders. If I'm correct in guessing the bridge at upwards of...

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by JohnT: Maybe it's the old capitalist coming out in me, but I think "should" is a strong word. Free access to wi-fi certainly helps me determine where I'll stay, just like free breakfast is...but if a hotel has enough other amenities so that people are willing to pay for it's wi-fi then so be it...although it is easy enough to get free somewhere, I don't value it enough to pay for it. I agree with you John, that market forces will drive this. But the demand for "free"...

Re: How'd We Live Without Travel Apps?

Sunny ·
I love Yelp as well, and there is a app called Happy Hours. It shows me restaurants with their own happy hours and happy hour menu. I also like hiking trail apps. Those apps tells me hiking trails in the cities I am traveling in (in the US). I recently tried Wishbeen. It is a web application though. It's a travel planning and sharing web. I like it a lot because it helps me browse travel itineraries made by other travelers, and I can easily modify them for my own trip. It also has a map...

Re: Island Air: Even Billionaires Get Airline Blues

DrFumblefinger ·
Poor Larry Ellison. It's such a hardship owning your own Hawaiian Island.

Re: Island Air: Even Billionaires Get Airline Blues

Former Member ·
Mr. Ellison plays hardball. He comes by his wealth through calculated strategy. It appears that the matter of securing better aircraft for his airline is part of a larger effort to corner the market for premium service to "his" island. Who knows, maybe the island is for sale ? Make him an offer. When you own the island, let me know; I will be glad to come to Lanai and run the canoe livery.

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Paul Heymont ·
or more. This is one case where he might be better off with a Ryanair or the like to Amsterdam and then an AMS-JFK ticket separately. Price it out both ways...

Re: Happy Thanksgiving, from all of us at TravelGumbo!

GarryRF ·
Yes DrF.... Those Ozzies have some strange habits ! First time in Coogee Bay Hotel Sydney I ordered Steak and Chips (Fries) Guy showed me a Tupperware Picnic Box full of raw steak. You choose, then he puts it on a plate for you. You take it outside to the "Barbee" (BBQ). You cook it how you like it. Then come back in for your Chips and salad ! I stopped at a Restaurant in Bondi Beach and the waiter asked me if I would like a bottle of wine with the meal. "Yes please" I said. "Well git ya...

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

Former Member ·
In Europe, I have had good luck finding value accommodations at and Europe-Stays. com. Those sites list hostels with their ratings and prices. A quick peek for June shows several promising choices for around $ 21 USD per bed per night. Unless you just want company, you might budget hotels pricing similar to the hostels. They often charge per person, not per room, which is a big help for the solo traveler. Tune Hotels will work for the London part of your trip, but they are not in...

Re: Share Your Budget Tablet and Laptop Picks

Former Member ·
The Nexus 7 is good ? I have been looking at that as well as the Kindle Fire HD-7. Guess I should go with whichever has the best price that I can find. Thanks !

Re: Greenland from six miles high!

Racing_snake ·
I agree it's a spectacular sight not to be missed and that there's more to Greenland that just the ice sheet. 2014 will see me on my 7th month-long visit in the last 9 years. I will again hike alone from Sisimiut on the west coast to a location north east of Kangerlussuaq (something like 110 - 120 miles) and then join colleagues doing wild goose research. By all means aim to set foot on the ground there and enjoy camping in the remote arctic landscape - being alone out there is a unique...

Re: The Tulou of Fujian Province

PortMoresby ·
Thanks, Dgems. When I wrote this piece, last year, I didn't have access to my own photos. In the next month or so I plan to post a gallery of my own pictures of the tulou so you'll have a better idea of the variety of structures and ambiance of the area.

Re: Share Your Budget Tablet and Laptop Picks

DrFumblefinger ·
If you want something a little larger and with a keyboard and good computing power, there's a new bunch of chromebooks coming out for the holiday season. PC World recently featured one in the $200 price range, weighing on 1.25 kg. Here's that link.

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

JohnT ·
I just don't know what to think. Does every question to a front office staff or concierge deserve a tip? How many envelopes do I need to carry for three weeks for housekeeping? If you are fortunate enough to get twice daily service do you tip both times? On my last trip because it was low season, we spoiled ourselves with a very nice hotel.... I admit more times than one desperately searching my pockets for change or (gulp) even a five Euro note... I understand that hotel staff does not make...

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

GarryRF ·
You'll find most Europeans are unsympathetic to the American Tipping Rules. If I cant get the Waitress to get my 2nd cup of Coffee when its supposed to be "free refills" then she gets no tip at all. Same as when someone starts to clear the table while I'm still eating my dinner. Reaching across me and my meal with dirty dishes and napkins. No Tip. If I see the meal I ordered waiting to be collected and sitting there for 5 minutes getting cold - No Tip. And she takes it back to the kitchen.

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

GarryRF ·
I'm well aware that there may be many contributing factors to the problem of poor service. But I'm not there to consider the state of the world nor am I there to balance justice among the poor. I just want a decent meal at a decent price. Just as in any job - my own included - people just want me to do my job. Do it well. No excuses. And they show there gratitude occasionally, with a tip. Its the same with me. Good food and good service gets you well rewarded. Shape up or Ship out !

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

GarryRF ·
Yes. I get the picture Paul. To be blunt about the experience - I don't care who's fault it is ! Perhaps dining out in the UK is a less frequent event. But when I go out for Dinner I want a pleasant experience. I don't want to hear about other peoples problems. I never get a reduction in the price because the service was bad. And I'm certainly not going to reward it either ! Minimum wage of a waitress in the UK is about = $400 US for 40 hrs. But we still tip for good service !

Re: Most mobile bookings are last-minute

DrFumblefinger ·
That actually makes a lot of sense. The beauty of smartphones and the like is their ability to let you get things done at the last minute -- complete with price comparisons, etc. I know that a lot of hotels offer deep discounts the last day if they have a lot of spare inventory, but you're taking a risk at a busy time in a busy place. I tend to be more of a planner and to save my travel time for traveling and not looking for hotels. But to each his own.

Re: 25 Yr Old Wins $ 1M Picasso for only $ 135 US

JohnT ·
I saw this in the paper this morning as well. Apparently there are only 10,000 tickets left... Gotta admit it's tempting...only way I'd ever own a Picasso...just wouldn't go with the rest of my decor though...clashes with "Dogs playing poker."

Re: 25 Yr Old Wins $ 1M Picasso for only $ 135 US

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by JohnT: I saw this in the paper this morning as well. Apparently there are only 10,000 tickets left... Gotta admit it's tempting...only way I'd ever own a Picasso...just wouldn't go with the rest of my decor though...clashes with "Dogs playing poker." No John, don't think it would clash with the Dog picture. Welcome back. Hope you've recovered from your jet lag and have settled into "life as usual" (ie. starting to plan your next trip).

Re: Share Your Budget Tablet and Laptop Picks

Travel Rob ·
Dreamer, That sounds like a good idea!Hopefully someone will post their own experiences in acquiring used devises. Some of us just need function and don't always need the latest and most expensive. POI's

Re: The Tulou of Fujian Province

PortMoresby ·
No, Rob. Sorry, I don't remember. I read a lot of publications, online and off, and the original picture got lost in the dust of enthusiasm to research logistics. I don't think there's any lack of enthusiasm in the world but that obscure places are getting less obscure every day. What I do think is lacking is imagination. We tend to read about places people have enjoyed, as here on TravelGumbo and follow, rather than setting out for parts unknown. I believe if a place is hard to get to it...

Re: United's Award Chart: Premium Award Cost Goes UP

Paul Heymont ·
Not sure I agree with the "burn 'em" philosophy. At the premium class end, there's certainly been a lot of creep, but not so much in coach, which is more price-sensitive, even for awards. True, summer awards to Europe have generally gone from 50K to 60K, but on the other hand, off-season at American went DOWN to 40K--and with the flexibility of taking one-way awards and combining them in interesting's actually a better situation. Also, there are some card-linked sales on flight...

Re: Share Your Budget Tablet and Laptop Picks

Travel Rob ·
Originally Posted by Travel Rob: Hi FlashFlyer, I noticed the different colors of the Wolvol have different prices. This Lime Green one was only $109.94 when I looked. I'm going keep my eye on that brand though and see if they have a device in the f uture that will meet my needs .I'm impressed at their price levels.

Re: Bye Bye Sky-High Rental Car Fees

Former Member ·
Thanks, that was a good article. I got some ideas from it! I always get confused about whether I need to take insurance from the rental and it's always sky-high. I have some credit cards that say they cover it, but I hadn't realized that a lot of time my own car insurance would cover me with the rental. Boy, have we wasted a bunch! The other idea I liked there was taking pictures of the car before you leave their office so you can show them if they try to say you scratched up the car. Feels...

Re: Traveling in the USA in the 1930s and 1940s

PortMoresby ·
Thanks so much, DrF, for sharing these with us. I especially love the ones of San Francisco in 1940, where I can picture my teenaged father walking. And of Tucson, my own stomping grounds for many years. So many familiar places. Just fantastic.

Re: Economy cabin "skycouch" bed to debut in Asia

PortMoresby ·
I'd love it if they'd sell one person all 3 seats for 150% of the single seat price. That would be a real deal! Guess I won't hold my breath.

Re: Ryanair: Sell the Extras, Give Away the Tickets?

PortMoresby ·
For those who were traveling to Europe about 30 years ago, you may or may not remember the short-lived airline, People's Express. I bought 2 tickets from the US West Coast to Brussels for $300 each which was, if I recall, an introductory price and very cheap even then. They didn't last long which I lamented as I liked the CEO's attitude and approach. On the other hand, I think O'Leary has something up his sleeve, he always does, making noise for the publicity. A most unpleasant man, from all...