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Tagged With "Highway 395"


Re: August 23, 2017: Wolf Creek Pass - Colorado

DrFumblefinger ·
I know it's high up, but there is still an awful lot of snow up there. What time of year did you take the photos, Samantha?

Re: August 23, 2017: Wolf Creek Pass - Colorado

Samantha ·
Hi there DrFumblefinger, it was the middle of May! Crazy huh? lol

Re: Terry Fox Monument, Thunder Bay, Ontario

Travel Rob ·
What a moving piece about a true hero!

Re: Terry Fox Monument, Thunder Bay, Ontario

Travel Luver ·
What a great story! That guy is an inspiration to all.

Re: Terry Fox Monument, Thunder Bay, Ontario

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for sharing this story with our audience, Ottoman. I remember Terry Fox well. His run across Canada became an important news story, and the image of him hoping on his good leg before stepping with his prosthesis has always remained with me. He was a remarkable brave young man, and it's sad that he didn't live to see the profound influence that one life can have. A reminder how how cancer can strike anyone. No age, no sex, no race, no social class is immune from its reach. I really...

Re: Terry Fox Monument, Thunder Bay, Ontario

Ottoman ·
Thank you Travel Rob, Travel Luver and DrFumblefinger for taking the time to share your thoughts. I appreciate it, and am happy that you all enjoyed this blog.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 12, 2014: Multnomah Falls, near Portland, Oregon

Travel Rob ·
Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 12, 2014: Multnomah Falls, near Portland, Oregon

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 12, 2014: Multnomah Falls, near Portland, Oregon

PortMoresby ·
You're a funny man, Rob.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 12, 2014: Multnomah Falls, near Portland, Oregon

Travel Rob ·
The photo from the bottom gets the bridge in too ,so you picked a great location for the shot.

Re: Jan. 10, 2019: Driving the Alaska Highway to Kluane

Amateuremigrant ·
Definitely getting away from it all. A slice of time to clear the mind of the junk we carry around

Re: Coastal California: A Village, a Hamlet, and a Wide Spot in the Road

Paul Heymont ·
Great pictures, great vegetables, great kids... The San Gregorio Stage Stop...would I be right in guessing that it also served as a gas station at some point? The architecture suggests so...

Re: Coastal California: A Village, a Hamlet, and a Wide Spot in the Road

PortMoresby ·
The Stage Stop is one of those buildings that's become invisible, even while being half the commercial district of San Gregorio. Maybe this illustrates the fact that we see things differently when we're in the picture zone, that it was the first time I really looked at it. I assume it was a gas station, looks like a pump rusting there on the left. But even I'm not old enough to have seen it in action.

Re: The Dempster Highway: a Drive to the Arctic Coast of Canada

Paul Heymont ·
This is amazing! I'm far too adventureless to attempt a trip like this, but your pictures and descriptions make me wish I were there. And to think, before your piece on Tuktoyaktuk, I had never even thought of the expression "Arctic Coast!"

Re: The Dempster Highway: a Drive to the Arctic Coast of Canada

DrFumblefinger ·
It sounds like a great adventure! Thanks for sharing it with us. This road trip has been on my bucket list for some time, but sounds like it's worth delaying until the road to Tuk is completed. I've heard fall is a nice time to go. Not only is the tundra vividly colored, but there are no mosquitos (frozen to death by evening frost). Know any downsides to this, Tom?

Re: The Dempster Highway: a Drive to the Arctic Coast of Canada

Travel Luver ·
An amazing place!

Re: The Dempster Highway: a Drive to the Arctic Coast of Canada

My Thatched Hut ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: It sounds like a great adventure! Thanks for sharing it with us. This road trip has been on my bucket list for some time, but sounds like it's worth delaying until the road to Tuk is completed. I've heard fall is a nice time to go. Not only is the tundra vividly colored, but there are no mosquitos (frozen to death by evening frost). Know any downsides to this, Tom? Yes, I would wait until the road is finished. I had to fly from Inuvik to Tuk and return by...
Blog Post

The North Cascades: a National Park and Scenic Highway

DrFumblefinger ·
The North Cascades Highway (Washington SR-20) offers the northern most route across the Cascade range in Washington state, just south of the Canadian border.  The eastern (and highest) part of the road is...
Blog Post

Road Trip, Day 1: City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and The Skunk

PortMoresby ·
  Gateway to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas     March 9, 2015   In the late ‘80s, I lived in L.A. for a couple of years.  My S.O. knew lots of cool L.A. stuff.  One of those was something he’d read that...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 18, 2015: A Rainy Morning at Point Arena

PortMoresby ·
  Leaving Elk on the Mendocino County coast, I turned left onto California Highway 1 and drove south under a heavier-than-foggy sky.  The plan was to make a couple of stops for pictures, then turn inland and head into wine country for an...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 25, 2015: Форт-Росс (Fort Ross)

PortMoresby ·
  It had been raining off and on as I drove down California Highway 1 along the Mendocino and Sonoma County coast, when I arrived at the closed gate to Fort Ross State Historic park, a real blow.  I hadn’t visited this beautiful and...
Blog Post

August 23, 2017: Wolf Creek Pass - Colorado

Samantha ·
Join Samantha for an excursion to the San Juan Mountains, and to this scenic pass on the Continental Divide.
Blog Post

A Final Walk in Tierra del Fuego National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger explores Lapataia Bay. The southern end of the PanAm highway is located here, and the Bay is within a stone's throw of the Chilean/Argentinian border, a border that has long been disputed.
Blog Post

"American Treasure Tour"—Extensive Collection of Americana

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Love Americana? Then Stephanie Kalina-Metzger has the perfect tour for you, featuring some of the most unusual and rare vintage items you'll ever see.
Blog Post

April 12, 2018: Lincoln Highway Murals (and more)

George G. ·
George G shares some sights from Pennsylvania's Lincoln Highway.
Blog Post

Gold Country, California: Grass Valley

PortMoresby ·
  We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, knowing the place for the first time.   These words on a mural overlooking a parking lot in Grass Valley pretty much sum up the...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 12, 2014: Multnomah Falls, near Portland, Oregon

PortMoresby ·
    Fed by springs, rain and snow melt, the 611 foot high Multnomah Falls was still spectacular last September when I drove along the Columbia River Gorge Scenic Highway and stopped 30 miles east of Portland.  An admitted acrophobic, I...
Blog Post

Terry Fox Monument, Thunder Bay, Ontario

Ottoman ·
    On this, the thirteenth anniversary of 9/11, I thought it would be a nice idea to tell a story of courage, hope, inspiration, of a hero...Terry Fox was all of these, and more.         For those of you who may not be...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 11, 2014: Highway 395

PortMoresby ·
    My favorite stretch of lonely road in the world is the 200 miles of Highway 395 south from Topaz Lake, where it enters California from Nevada, where these pictures were taken, south through Bridgeport and the turnoff to Bodie , past Mono...
Blog Post

The Dempster Highway: a Drive to the Arctic Coast of Canada

My Thatched Hut ·
Most of Canada is well-travelled by tourists and not off-the-beaten path. But there is one highway in Canada that is remote and relatively few Canadians go there.  That is the Dempster Highway. It stretches some 736 km (457 miles) from Dawson...
Blog Post

Coastal California: A Village, a Hamlet, and a Wide Spot in the Road

PortMoresby ·
  I was born in San Francisco and grew up in the Bay Area, mostly in Redwood City on the Peninsula, 25 miles south of the City, on the east side of the mountains that separate the bay from the ocean. During my teens, on warm weekends and hot...
Blog Post

Smart car? Smart phone? Now Germany's building a smart bridge

Paul Heymont ·
Germany is building a new bridge on the Autobahn at Nuremberg which will use embedded sensors to provide maintenance and traffic information.
Blog Post

Denmark's eagles are on the rise

Paul Heymont ·
Coming back from near-extinction, Denmark's eagles are setting record numbers.
Blog Post

August 7, 2019: Red's Old 395 Grill, Carson City

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger enjoyed the food and décor at Red's in Carson City. The décor is quite unique and it's a popular place.
Blog Post

Montpelier, Home of President Madison

George G. ·
George G shares details of a visit to Montpelier, the home of President James Madison and his spouse, Dolly Madison, in Orange County, Virginia.
Blog Post

Norway's 'most spectacular road' opens for season

Paul Heymont ·
Summer season is starting for Norway's Trollstegen, a road that is among the most beautiful and most dangerous in Europe.
Blog Post

Jan. 10, 2019: Driving the Alaska Highway to Kluane

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger shares the story of the Alaska Highway and some photos taken while driving a segment of it this past summer.

Re: Road Trip, Day 1: City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and The Skunk

Travel Rob ·
Thanks, you made us feel like we are on the journey with you!Can't wait for the rest of your Roadtrip!

Re: Road Trip, Day 1: City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and The Skunk

DrFumblefinger ·
Agree with you, Rob! Thank you, PM, for letting us sit in the back seat of your road trip! Can't wait to see where we drive to next. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? (I was an annoying kid)

Re: Road Trip, Day 1: City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and The Skunk

Paul Heymont ·
And what a great teaser headline!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 25, 2015: Форт-Росс (Fort Ross)

Marilyn Jones ·
I didn't know this history about California and I find it very interesting. I love to visit state and national historic sites; they offer such insight into America's complex history! Thank you for a great post!

Re: Road Trip, Day 1: City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and The Skunk

TravelingCanuck ·
What an interesting place. Looking at the city on Google maps it certainly has that institutional utility look of a government facility. If not knowing it was the Mendocino State Hospital I would have thought it was an old military base. Thanks for sharing.
Blog Post

Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#395)

Paul Heymont ·
A new travel puzzle is posted for the week. Gumbo is off on another adventure in a unique place — and it's up to you to figure out where that is!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#395)

Paul Heymont ·
Here's are the first new clues... one from the interior and one exterior. There will be more each day...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#395)

Paul Heymont ·
We'll keep our indoor-outdoor pattern going a while longer; here are two more clues to our whereabouts...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#395)

Paul Heymont ·
Here are the last clues before the weekend... If you think you're ready, send your answer to

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#395)

Paul Heymont ·
Satruday, with a lovely interior and a less-than-lovely piece of exterior. If you have an answer, email it to ; if you don't yet, you can hold out for tomorrow's last clues. If you guess right (two have already!) your name will be in the Monday blog revealing the answer...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#395)

Paul Heymont ·
Last call...Here are the Sunday clues. Answer Monday morning—will you have your answer in in time? Send to
Blog Post

Brooklyn's Lost City Hall

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont explores the ups-and-downs of Brooklyn's iconic Borough Hall, built when Brooklyn was an independent city.
Blog Post

Peak to Peak Highway, Colorado

Samantha ·
Samantha, husband, and their dog Dolly did the Peak the Peak Highway in Colorado and share some of the beautiful fall scenery they saw while driving around.

Re: Peak to Peak Highway, Colorado

DrFumblefinger ·
Fall in Colorado is magical! Thanks for these!!