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Tagged With "Ptarmigan Cirque"


Re: A fall visit to Highwood Pass and hike in the alpine meadow of Ptarmigan Cirque

GarryRF ·
Looks like a great hike DrF. I have taken a liking to the circular trail that keeps offering new vistas rather than the "there and back" routes. 6k sounds just right for a lazy day stroll in the sun. And so much to see too ! I'm looking forward to all these trails when I retire ! But I'm always aware of the old adage "The mind is willing - but the flesh is weak" So I'll keep training - ready to rumble !

Re: A fall visit to Highwood Pass and hike in the alpine meadow of Ptarmigan Cirque

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your note, Garry. I also prefer loop hiking trails. This particular place would be great to hike in the spring (which comes late this high up) because of its large numbers of wildflowers. The only time I was up here during that season the trail was closed because a grizzly bear was hovering over a carcass. But the fall colours are also lovely. And get out there and hike before you can't. Would love for you to share a hike from the Liverpool region with all of us.
Blog Post

A fall visit to Highwood Pass and hike in the alpine meadow of Ptarmigan Cirque

DrFumblefinger ·
  Kananaskis country  is one of the lesser traveled gems of the Alberta Rockies.  Locals know this area well but it’s off the radar for most tourists who selectively go to such highly worthwhile (but much busier) locations like...