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Tagged With "signs"


Re: Signs of Delhi

Amateuremigrant ·
The signage all over India presents marvels of interpretation for visitors and locals alike. Somewhere I have a pic of a sign down an alleyway in Tamil and English "URIN STRICKTLY PROHIBITED" �� - to no apparent effect ! Signage in English is largely because it is the only language understood throughout the country ! When the first Congress convened in 1947, speakers of Hindi, Bengali and Tamil etc eventually agreed proceedings to be held in English - the only common language ! Check out any...

Re: Gallery: Signs of Waikiki

GarryRF ·
A taste of "Modern Culture" - but how long will it stand the test of time ? I found it hard to find examples of Hawaiian culture - pre American influence.

Re: Gallery: Signs of Waikiki

DrFumblefinger ·
Signs of the Modern Culture, indeed, Garry. Waikiki is about as new a neighborhood as you'll find in any major city. There are no old man-made artifacts or structures here. How long will it last? Like most modern culture, it likely will keep evolving trying to keep up with the times. Old places torn down to be replaced with newer structures. But Hawaii certainly does have places built by the early civilizations that inhabited it. It's not clear when man settled these islands but let's say...

Re: Gallery: Signs of Prague

Paul Heymont ·
Here's another odd Prague sign (although it may be gone by now, and the merchandise sold). We saw it on a large and perhaps-not-lovely street sculpture that was seeking a new home in 2003. It was also seen in a Gumbo blog a while ago...

Re: Gallery: Signs of Prague

GarryRF ·
I always find that to see something of the history of a city you have to look UP ! The façade of latter day stores only reaches up one or two floors. But look above and you'll Gargoyles, Coats of Arms, Eagles and Shields and a thousand other pieces that tell a tale of a bygone time.

Re: Signs of Pinedale, Wyoming

GarryRF ·
Cant decide. Is that really an Old Cowboy Town ? Or a bit of Disney magic to bring in the tourists. Looks interesting enough to make me want to explore.

Re: Signs of Pinedale, Wyoming

DrFumblefinger ·
It is not only an old cowboy town, Garry, it is a modern cowboy town. If you suggested to the locals that they're a Disney act, you'd be as likely to be hog tied as run out of town. The people here are real ranchers, farmers, cowboys and outdoorsman. Some seasonal help might come to help the restaurants during peak seasons, but they usually don't settle down here.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug. 30, 2015: Just don't go...

TravelingCanuck ·
I believe what it means is the end of a traffic-free pedestrian zone.

Re: Signs of Aspen, Colorado

Travel Rob ·
Nice of the Bear to tell us to fight back if attacked

Re: Signs of Aspen, Colorado

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Travel Rob: Nice of the Bear to tell us to fight back if attacked He is a nice bear to tell us, and that's good advice with BLACK bears only. There are no grizzlies left in Colorado, but the general advice for them is to "play dead" and not fight back. If a black bear attacks you he likely wants to eat you. If a grizzly attacks you he likely wants to dominate you. Of course, you need to use your judgement on the spot, if you've time to assess. A thin wasted grizzly might...

Re: Signs of Aspen, Colorado

Ottoman ·
I don't know what amazes me more...this cocky bear telling us we better be ready to rumble if he comes at you, or the fact that he posed with this sign in the first place

Re: Signs of Boston

GarryRF ·
Lovely walkable city. The trains were a great way to get around too. Just move along one station at a time and pop up out of the underground railway for another look around. Around Quincy Market was very strange. It was St Patricks day and the sun was shining. The sellers were wearing shorts and T-shirts. But around the corner the sun hadn't made any impression. It was still in the shade after a long winter. Snow was everywhere and the market traders wore hats and coats. Around the next...

Re: Signs of Boston

HistoryDigger ·
Thanks for the visual reminders of my hometown. Sigh!

Re: Signs of Boston

DrFumblefinger ·
There was plenty of snow this time of year and in a week, only a few days where it was nice enough to walk around and enjoy the city. But spring sun is like that. It really warms a sheltered spot, whereas in the north facing shade it's cool and icy.

Re: Signs of Boston

Mac ·
Fascinating and excellent photos of all the shops - what imagination some folks have!! Thanks for a great report Dr. F.

Re: Gasoline Alley: The signs

Paul Heymont ·
That's a great collection! I remember many of them from childhood trips in the 1950s, and in others I see signs with familiar shapes and designs, but Canadian names...also quite a few that remind us of commercial history...Richfield Oil before Atlantic Richfield before ARCO, for instance. I'm beginning to think my day in Calgary at a teacher conference a few years ago was spent in the wrong part of town!

Re: Gasoline Alley: The signs

Marilyn Jones ·
What an awesome museum and collection of auto-related signs!! Very interesting article about Gasoline Alley!

Re: Signs of Key West

GarryRF ·
Wonderful collection and some wonderful memories DrF. 3 years ago when my son got married there.

Re: Signs of Halifax

GarryRF ·
So is Halifax cleaning its act up ? Wonderful collection of signs on show here. Is the area on the way to becoming a tourist Hot-Spot ? Would it get a Travel Gumbo "Must go to ........!" Badge ?

Re: Signs of Halifax

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the comment, Garry. I do think Halifax is trying to rejuvenate itself, best seen along the waterfront. It really does have a lovely harbor and a number of fine restaurants and pubs. And the people are very friendly and helpful. As for "must see", I'd say 'no'. Much more important for a great travel experience is to visit the small coastal towns of the Maritime which will charm you to no end. But to get there most people would fly through Halifax, so definitely take a day or two to...

Re: Signs of Halifax

GarryRF ·
I'm stuck for choice now between the Charm of the Maritime and my constant search for Small Town America (that includes Canada if you're a Brit) I shall ask Google.

Re: Gallery: Signs of Quebec

Paul Heymont ·
Especially love the "Toilettes" sign!

Re: Gallery: Signs of Quebec

GarryRF ·
Were these pix taken in one area of Quebec or are they typical of the City ?

Re: Gallery: Signs of Quebec

DrFumblefinger ·
They were all taken in the historic area of Quebec City, Garry, which is not that large an area. Probably geographically in a square mile area or less.
Blog Post

Gallery: Signs of Waikiki

DrFumblefinger ·
    There's a lot you can tell about a city simply by looking at small things, like its signage or public art.  Every place has unique and interesting shops and landmarks that add to its personality.  I've posted several...
Blog Post

Gallery: Signs of Charleston

DrFumblefinger ·
Those who have been following TravelGumbo for awhile know that I enjoy looking at the signage of cities I visit.  We've looked at signs of Quebec City , Prague , Toronto and Honolulu . Today we expand the list by adding the beautiful city of...
Blog Post

Signs of......

DrFumblefinger ·
If you're interested, you can find collections of signs from the following cities:   Boston Charleston Honolulu Las Vegas Prague Quebec City Toronto Toronto (Queen St West)  
Blog Post

(More) Signs of Boston

DrFumblefinger ·
Those of you who are regular readers of TravelGumbo know that I like to collect photos of signs.  I've come to find that signs tell us much about a destination and the people who inhabit it.   Boston was filled with artistic, clever and...
Blog Post

Signs of Boston

DrFumblefinger ·
  I'm fond of looking at a city's signage, and often find it a reflection of that city's personality.  I've previously published several galleries on this website featuring signs I've encountered in different cities, a listing of which you...
Blog Post

Signs of Berlin

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger presents a collection of signs from the German capital.
Blog Post

Signs of Delhi

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger shares some of the signage he encountered when he visited one of the world's largest cities.
Blog Post

Signs of Dubai

DrFumblefinger ·
As part of his ongoing interest in viewing signage when traveling, DrFumblefinger shares some of what he encountered in Dubai.
Blog Post

Walking around New York City: Surprises everywhere!

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L loves walking around a city. It is the only way to really understand its life and rhythm. And his hometown, New York City, is one of the most walkable.
Blog Post

Nov. 3, 2019: Economy Candy, Lower East Side, New York

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes a walking tour of the Lower Eat Side's storefronts.
Blog Post

November 13, 2019: Welcome to Montana

Samantha ·
Samantha arrives in Montana, her 40th state, with a welcome that matches its name as Big Sky state.
Blog Post

Feb. 26, 2020: Welcome to New Mexico

Samantha ·
Samantha shares some pictures of the Road Signs she saw while traveling to New Mexico last October.
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Signs and Street Art of Seward, Alaska

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger enjoys collecting photos of street art and signage, and shares some he found in Seward.
Blog Post

Gasoline Alley: The signs

DrFumblefinger ·
  This post concludes our visit to Gasoline Alley in Calgary, a great car museum with the world's largest collection of gasoline pumps and car-related signs.  We've previously looked at the museum in these posts: antique gasoline pumps...
Blog Post

Signs of Aspen, Colorado

DrFumblefinger ·
The small town of Aspen is a beautiful, if somewhat unusual, place to visit.  The gorgeous mountain setting is something you'd never tire of, but the town is quirky.  It's a blend of hippy, cowboy, the frontier, and recently a lot of...
Blog Post

Signs of Pinedale, Wyoming

DrFumblefinger ·
  Pinedale is a small town in Wyoming, the southern gateway to Jackson Hole (about a hour's drive away).  It's situated at the base of the beautiful Wind River Mountains.  Pinedale has a population of about 2,000 residents and is an...
Blog Post

Gallery: Signs of Quebec

DrFumblefinger ·
Quebec is one of the oldest cities in North America, founded in 1608, now a city of 500,000.  It was built on a rocky promontory (Cap-Diamant) which provided excellent defensive views including of the St. Lawrence River...
Blog Post

Signs of Halifax

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger shares some of the signs he encountered during a visit to Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Blog Post

Signs of Grand Central Market, Los Angeles

DrFumblefinger ·
A Los Angeles institution for more than a century, the Grand Central Market has evolved into a venue specializing in quickly served meals of great variety and ethnicity.
Blog Post

Signs of Key West

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger collects photos of signs, and very much enjoyed those he encountered during his visit to Key West
Blog Post

May 5, 2019: Signs of Spring in NYC

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L visits Rockefeller Center and finds it's transitioning to Spring
Blog Post

The Signs of Williamsburg, Virginia

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes us to Colonial Willaimsburg to explore the use of art in the historic business signs
Blog Post

Apr. 14, 2016: Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas!

Ottoman ·
Although much of Las Vegas has changed over the last five decades, this iconic landmark has withstood the test of time.
Blog Post

Signs of Banff

DrFumblefinger ·
A collection of colorful signs from the Rocky Mountain town of Banff, Alberta.
Blog Post

A Few Signs of Gatorland

DrFumblefinger ·
Recently we featured the old-fashioned family park, Gatorland .  The park has a number of clever signs posted around it's grounds, such as the ones you see above and below this paragraph. My favorites of the bunch were two signs that were about 10 feet apart.  Here's the first: And here's the second: Smile!  It's a joke.
Blog Post

Signs of Butte

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger collects photos of signs, and enjoyed those of old mining town, Butte.