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Tagged With "Phone repair"


Re: Money Savings Tips, for your Big Trip - Part 1

DrFumblefinger ·
These are all good tips and add up to quite a bit of coin. I've also never had luck with renegotiating cable rates. But I did give up my coffee stop and just brew my own and take it along to work. Works fine for me. Looking forward to the rest of your tips. Thanks, Samantha!

Re: Money Savings Tips, for your Big Trip - Part 1

TravelingCanuck ·
Thanks Samantha. All great tips. Some we do now and some (public transit) we do not since we live outside Edmonton and both work in the city. A 15 minute commute would turn into over an hour on transit. We actually just redid our cable subscription, obtained a better plan and updated internet with a reduced monthly cost. With our kids now moved out we are able to save a good bit on our utilities, phone costs and especially food costs. All extra coin for the next trip.

Re: Money Savings Tips, for your Big Trip - Part 1

Paul Heymont ·
And don't forget: use a miles-earning card for everything you DO spend! Between bonuses for new cards and steady use, you can go a long way!

Re: Money Savings Tips, for your Big Trip - Part 1

Travel Rob ·
Great tips.! Cable companies usually don't reward loyalty and offer their best promotional rates to new people. Netflix, Amazon Prime are good ways to save on cable bills if you can get internet. As far as eating out, I always find it's a question of what I order. I avoid drinks, desserts , and the cost is not bad at all.

Re: Money Savings Tips, for your Big Trip - Part 1

Samantha ·
Thanks DrFumblefinger. Glad you enjoyed the post and the second part will be out this week!

Re: Money Savings Tips, for your Big Trip - Part 1

Samantha ·
Hi there Rob. Since I wrote this post we actually cut the cable and only have OTA and Netflix. Saves us over $100.00 a month. Nice amount to save for our travel adventures! And you are right about the drinks. That is what will kill you. Stay away from them and it should help. Thanks for the comments. Part 2 this week!

Re: Money Savings Tips, for your Big Trip - Part 1

Samantha ·
Yep, it definitely adds up. Thanks for the comment. Make sure to read part 2 coming this week.

Re: Money Savings Tips, for your Big Trip - Part 1

Samantha ·
Thanks for the comment. Glad you were able to get a new contract with your cable company. We had Comcast and they don't care about retaining customers, only getting new ones Such a shame. Thanks for the comment and happy travels.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #5.5

Paul Heymont ·
JohnT, the answer to your question "what is that on the facing of the archway" can be revealed. It is a number of large iron staples apparently used to repair damage to the stonework.

Re: Budget Way to Use a Cell Phone and VOIP in Europe

Paul Heymont ·
Sounds like a real money-saver, at home in the U.S. but it might not suit all travelers abroad. Since the phone uses the Sprint network (CDMA) you couldn't just add a local SIM in Europe where GSM is used. That would mean it would only work on wi-fi in Europe, and you might find it inconvenient to not be able to make or get calls when you were away from it.

Re: Budget Way to Use a Cell Phone and VOIP in Europe

Travel Rob ·
Thanks for sharing that PHeymont.It's definetly not a perfect solution and my thinking it's a partial solution to those who normally don't travel with a cell phone. Or if travel with one,they can use is in conjuction with theirs.It's also a great solution for people who don't have good cell Phone connection at home if they have WiFi,no need to run outside for coverage. phone reception in their house.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Mac ·
It's a nightmare! A fair chunk of my packing now includes various chargers, connection cables and mains power adaptors for phones, iPads, Kindles. cameras.... Oh, plus a universal backup power supply battery (RAVPOWER - good value) in case I cannot get to a mains socket - just to keep in touch! I have to say that the Euro proposal to have ONE single charger for all devices has some merit!! PS - watch out that chargers that are sold as suitable for iPhones are often not powerful enough to...

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 2

Travel Rob ·
This is a great report PHeymont!Exactly the step by step instructions we all need.Can't wait for parts 3 and 4.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Mac ·
The RAVPOWER unit that I went for is shown on the following link (a real mouthful): This model has enough power to fully recharge an iPad! Currently available from Amazon for USD 36.00 They also do more powerful packs. (Hope this doesn't cut across any "No Advertising" policies

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 2

Former Member ·
There is a lot to know on this topic. Thank you so much for the education.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

DrFumblefinger ·
No, Mac, that doesn't cross any sort of policy. We want to help travelers get good honest feedback about products that might be helpful to them on the road (or conversely that aren't worth the money). What's not tolerated is people paid to promote products on our website and providing dishonest information. Ravpower is exactly the kind of unit I'm looking for. Need to go order it soon.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Paul Heymont ·
In the Duel of the Devices, I'm going to declare the RAVPower unit the winner. Both of these devices are essentially external batteries, something that's becoming more popular as more phones come with non-removable batteries. There are two critical differences, however: capacity and output. The PowerStick has a capacity of 750mAh (about half the power held by an average cellphone battery) and a maximum output current of 700mA (phone chargers usually supply 1000mA). The RAVpower device has a...

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Paul Heymont ·
By the's my solution to the other charger issue (plugging in at home). It's a 5-port USB host that has a short cord to plug in (no brick to get in the way at the outlet) and takes 5 standard USB cords for your devices...the kind that come with your device, although more are available cheaply. The five outputs include 2 2100mA for iPad, 2 1000mA for most phones, and 1 1300mA for Samsung. All can be used for any device up to the designated output (that is, you can plug your phone...

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Former Member ·
PowerStick only charges from a USB port. The PowerStick has a capacity of 750mAh Perfect ! That is all that I need for my modest travel needs - just a little juice for a camera or my old flip (!) phone, if needed during a day of sightseeing. The PowerStick is only about the size of a pen, takes no thought to use and does not involve batteries. My kind of tool. Travelers who carry a lot more toys have greater needs than little me.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Former Member ·
Well, I understand the urge for simplicity and not getting tied down...but both the PowerStick and the RAVPower ar e batteries. The RAVPower isn't big; about the size of a cellphone. But it costs 30% less, and will actually put a full charge on a phone, which the other won't. In fact, it will put a full charge on about 6 phones.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 4

Travel Rob ·
Great Info! Skype is great but I found Magic Jack versatile when the other person is not sitting on a computer. I am also a fan of Google Voice ,but I don't think I'm using all their features.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Former Member ·
Ran across this device for charging smartphones

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

PortMoresby ·
Armed with the street address, online maps and Streeview you can certainly see all you need to know about a neighborhood. If it looks spiffy and interesting it's a safe neighborhood. If, on the map it's in close proximity to something you'd rather not be near then look on. See well dressed residents on the sidewalk and inviting bistros? Good neighborhood. Auto repair shops and shady-looking characters? Maybe not. It's not difficult.

Re: No place like home? 41% of Americans stayed there!

Paul Heymont ·
You're certainly right about the prioritiess and affordability; I've never understood, for instance, couples who put off having a glorious honeymoon in order to pay for a fancy wedding. Or who save for years for a big trip instead of camping with the kids while they are young... At the other end, though, there are lots of people who've had very hard times the last few years, and may be cashing in vacation time for home repair or mortgage payment. And as for the 20 days (4 working...

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 3

Former Member ·
PH - You are explaining so much about mobile communications. Thank you for putting it in words non-geeks like me can understand. I am learning a lot by reading this series.

Re: Worlds Cheapest Phone?

FlashFlyer ·
Gotcha beat, mate! TracFone in the U.S. has a new Samsung for $9.95 and a reconditioned LG for free. They're here TracFone is owned by a Mexican company owned by Carlos Slim, one of the richest men in the world, so I guess he doesn't use these phones!

Re: Worlds Cheapest Phone?

GarryRF ·
Nope - you're still spending $9.95. Is that plus Tax ? 2 phones is just being greedy ! $8 still gets you a NEW disposable phone that works across Europe !

Re: Worlds Cheapest Phone?

FlashFlyer ·
Well, okay, it's not new...but it's free. You don't have to buy the other to get just buy airtime and they'll ship the free phone with it.

Re: Worlds Cheapest Phone?

Travel Rob ·
GarryRF-That's great to hear.Can you tell us what the rates are If you go to other countries in Europe with those pre paid phones? Seems to me it would be worth buying for a traveler just as a emergency phone.

Re: Worlds Cheapest Phone?

GarryRF ·
Its always best to get another TMobile SIM in each country.

Re: Worlds Cheapest Phone?

Paul Heymont ·
Is it locked to T-Mobile, or can other SIMs be used? By the way, walking home tonight I saw a bunch of TracFones at 7-11. FlashFlyer, if you want one, now's the time. They've got a $20 model on sale for...wait for it...$7.11!

Re: Worlds Cheapest Phone?

GarryRF ·
Nope - its not SIM free Paul. That's why I refer to T Mobile.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

DrFumblefinger ·
Hello HistoryDigger, I have some friends in Cologne who might be able to give you some on the ground advice. I'll send you their contact info via dialog. Check for the top right corner for a message.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

PortMoresby ·
I'd be inclined to contact the original source of the phone and see if they can Fedex a replacement.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

HistoryDigger ·
UPDATE: We went to GRAVIS on Ehrensrasse 2 : They told us that nobody will repair a wet a iPhone. So, upon their advice, we booked a genius appointment at the Apple Store in the suburbs of Cologne: There, we can exchange our wet phone with a refurbished iPhone 5 for 250 euros. Not cheap, but we can put my husband's SIM card into the refurbished phone, and he'll be on his way. We're trying not to think...

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by PortMoresby: I'd be inclined to contact the original source of the phone and see if they can Fedex a replacement. Be careful with that. There might be a huge duty/tariff you'd have to pay to do so. Check this out with your concierge before you take this route. But if no customs fee, I'd probably get a new phone from back home, too.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

PortMoresby ·
"Be careful with that. There might be a huge duty/tariff..." VAT may, of course, be imposed but then most likely refunded when you take it home again. It's certainly worth checking out if all else fails. Then there's the dreaded "do without" option, if imagination allows.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

DrFumblefinger ·
I don't know much about Germany's import taxes, but there may be taxes on certain classes of merchandise beyond and in addition to VAT. For example, in one country I know of, importing a car is associated with a tax of 100% of the value of the car. And after that, you also pay VAT.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

PortMoresby ·
To me, VAT means any tax added onto the price, but I'll defer to the doctor in his quest for exactitude, while also mentioning, neither of us really knows, do we?

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

HistoryDigger ·
I do expect a tax. If it's terrible, my husband will do without a phone. I remember we had to pay a big tax even when bringing in our own (used) car from the USA to use during the two years we lived in Germany. It was cheaper to ship our own car to Germany than to buy or rent one for two years. But, back to to phone...We will update this post with relevant news.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

Paul Heymont ·
While I know iPhone users can be very brand-loyal, if the price is too high, consider buying a cheap Android phone and using it with your SIM. At the end of the trip, you can put it back in a new iPhone, or (dare I say?) change sides... The iPhone 5 uses yet another made-for-Apple incompatible SIM size, but phone stores will have a small plastic holder to retrofit it to the sizes used by others.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

HistoryDigger ·
My husband would never switch phone allegiances! So, he'd still have to buy a new iPhone at home. Right now he's using his laptop to iMessage from the hotel wifi. But it's a good idea, and one that other travelers may want to try.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

HistoryDigger ·
UPDATE ON REPLACING AN iPHONE 5 IN EUROPE: Cologne's Apple store didn't have a US iPhone 5 in stock and the technician offered to order one for us. However, the phone would not arrive for a week, and we would be in London by then. So we made an Apple store genius bar appointment at London's Stratford City-Westfield location near the Olympic Park. WARNING: we made this appointment a week in advance, which is standard for Genius Bar schedules in Europe. (For laptop appointments, the wait is...

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

DrFumblefinger ·
Moral of the story: don't flush your iPhone down the john! What a saga! I'm curious to see how it all plays out.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

Paul Heymont ·
Is there enough cooperation among Apple stores that if the phone arrives in London after you've left that they could express-ship it to Apple at your next stop?

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

HistoryDigger ·
NO cooperation between Apple stores in different countries. We made FOUR visits to Apple stores—Cologne, London, and twice to the Paris Louvre store—before my husband was finally able to exchange his water-damaged iPhone 5 with a replacement. He bought his replacement for 249 euros, only 1 1/2 days before he finished his three-week Europe vacation. The Louvre Apple store (which is underground in the Carousel shopping mall) was packed with confused and anxious Apple product users. Some...

Re: Plugged In and Ready to Go?

GarryRF ·
I use this device from "Anker". Its a rechargeable battery that holds 13,000mAh. Or 13 Amps of power to take on the move with you. Two recharge outlets using your USB charge lead. 1amp per hour or 1.5amp per hour. I've had plenty of use from it and keeps its charge for weeks - with its internal Lithium Ion Battery. Excellent company Anker. Emailed me after my on line purchase. Asked if they could be of any further help just Email them. I bought this for $30 when it was on offer with Amazon.

Re: Plugged In and Ready to Go?

Paul Heymont ·
We've been carrying a couple of their external batteries (since our newer phones don't let you change batteries!), although ours are only 6800 mA. They've been great.

Re: Delta: Cheap inflight WiFi for Smartphones

PortMoresby ·
It seems to me the smart thing for all the airlines to do would be to offer free wifi for any device, any flight, any distance. Southwest has stood out from the crowd by continuing to offer a free checked bag when others haven't and have gained loyalty as a result. May it continue. I understand that baggage fees have added a huge amount to the bottom lines but brand loyalty is worth a lot too. By giving away a $2 item and thereby correcting the notion, to a certain degree, that airlines mean...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 3, 2013: Chateau Usse, Loire Valley, France

DrFumblefinger ·
 One of my favorite places in Europe is France's Loire Valley.   That's partially because of its pastoral beauty -- rolling hills, farmland, vineyards, forest, dairy herds  -- but largely because the people are much more relaxed and...