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Tagged With "Chinese tourists"


Re: Iceland: 'No we're not Disneyland'

DrFumblefinger ·
Iceland is a great destination, but it has limited tourist facilities. The population of the entire island is about 300,000 and there aren't all that many hotel or B&B choices in smaller places. I think the lack of infrastructure is the main problem. They certainly have the space and ability to handle more tourists, but need to develop services for them outside Reykjavik.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 16, 2015: Franklin Automobiles in Tucson, Arizona

Paul Heymont ·
The pictures I found on my quick look were all of NY and Montreal tourist buggy drivers...and I since realized that they must be a special case because...even more important than the whip, have to sit on the side where the lever for the brake is!

Re: Local Flavor: Pearl Brewery Farmers Market, San Antonio

GarryRF ·
I'm so tempted to buy the wonderful foods I see in street markets. But being a tourist with nowhere to store and cook I regret I must pass. Much of the fruit and veg I have never seen before and I'm eager to try. Which is true I suppose for most folks in England. If we don't recognise a sweet potato - then we don't buy it. I do miss the vanilla flavoured Apples ( Custard Apples ) I had in Australia.

Re: Why I Travel

GarryRF ·
My early travels in the US were all done with maps. I've been lost many times. So I bought the American Maps for my UK TomTom Sat Nav. Best thing I've done in years ! I love taking roads that aren't tourist routes - and getting lost - now. Explore the back woods and the one horse towns. Explore where the rich folks live and the poor. Taking photo's of local characters. Folks that have worse teeth than the Brits ! Show me the tourist route and I'll go the other way !

Re: Where Gumbo Was #12. Brasov, Romania

Travel Rob ·
Years ago ,I went. It wasn't as big of a tourist draw back then. If I'm remembering right, they told me at the time it might not of been one of Vlad castles,but I guess that makes little difference in the enjoyment.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day: Jan. 16, 2014: Liverpool Victoria Gallery

IslandMan ·
Hello GarryRF, good post. Interesting to know there is more to see in Liverpool than The Beatles (it's okay, I'm a huge Beatles fan). I've always wanted to visit there, not only for Beatles sights, but I've heard it's had a revamp over the last few years and is now a tourist hot spot. Can you recommend a good time of the year to visit and how many days to see the main attractions?

Re: Where Gumbo Was (#9): Poiana Brasov, Romania

Travel Rob ·
This area brings back fond memories I remember falling a lot too because I was unable to buy good boots in an era when Romania rationed just about everything. The hike from Brasov to Poiana is a nice one and there is a bus as well if you don't have a car. Besides skiing, there is also a good tourist restaurant in Poiana that serves hunters food. Not sure if the outdoor ice skating rink is still there?

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Staying in the UK is no more expensive than being a tourist in the USA. You wont get a month in London. Same as me travelling from the UK to New York. Silly Prices ! So decide on what you want to do over here and start planning, Have a look at the YHA web site. Youth Hostels Association. Forget the Youth reference. My Kids aren't Youths anymore. And I use them too! They are used by Travellers like yourself - and me - across Europe. They are Family groups and Ramblers ( Countryside Walkers)...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Hank, While you're in London you can get a Coach (Bus) Tour that will show you Stonehenge and Bath and The Cotswold Villages - very pretty and very old. Leeds Castle (not in Leeds, close to London). Stonehenge is not an overnight stop - remember what I said about distances in the UK being smaller? If you need to fill a gap take the Train (or Bus) to York. Very old - lots of History and a Museum that will take you back 150 years walking the streets of Victorian England. Go into Old Shops and...

Re: The Tulou of Fujian Province

Former Member ·
Wow, an interesting way of living, but people are still living there or is just a tourist attraction?

Re: The Tulou of Fujian Province

PortMoresby ·
These are living communities. A few have been abandoned in favor of apartment blocks and are melting back into the earth, as mud-brick construction does, but most of the thousands scattered through the hills of the province continue to be villages in themselves, enjoyed and maintained by the Hakka communities that occupy them. A few of the largest individual tulous and clusters have become tourist attractions but if you hurry you'll likely be, as I was, one of the only western tourists for ...

Re: The Tulou of Fujian Province

PortMoresby ·
HistoryDigger, I'll explain. At the end of the first day of tulou visits, the large tour bus rendezvoused with a small van and it was indicated that I should bring my things and come with a young man. Since no one could explain, I had to simply trust and go along, an interesting sensation. I later realized that I was the only one who had opted for the second day. The young man drove me to a very basic village of mostly new buildings built, I suspect but of course don't know, for...

Re: Finally some good news! Whistler or Banff

DrFumblefinger ·
I don't ski either (bad knees), but I've visited both of these destinations. There are pros and cons to each. Both is a little over an hour's drive from their closest major airport, Vancouver for Whistler and Calgary for Canmore. Whistler is close to the coast, but high up. So they usually have good snow, but depending on the year, it can get soggy by spring and sometimes ice crusted. Banff area is far more likely to have nice light powder during the spring break season. Some people swear by...

Re: Swindon's 7 layer traffic circle

DrFumblefinger ·
That is amazing! And I see it as a convincing argument for traffic lights. Perhaps locals know their way, but for a tourist traveling here it would be a nightmare. While the videoclip says that there are few fatal accidents, that's likely because of the low speeds involved in the roundabout. I suspect the rate of fenderbenders is extremely high. Thanks for sharing this, Jonathan.

Re: Good news, bad news on UNESCO's world heritage

DrFumblefinger ·
I enjoy traveling to UNESCO sites because most of them are very interesting destinations. I even know of some travelers whose goal it is to see "every" UNESCO listing. Good luck to them! I really think UNESCO is doing it's job by identifying important places and encouraging their conservation. I shudder at the thought of a global UNESCO police swooping in to "defend" these sites. It's up to the countries that govern them to do so. Some do a great job; others don't. Some citizens care, others...

Re: New Orleans—Museum Highlights Young Voices of Resilience

Bluragger ·
Great piece! Yes, it is good to hear from our children about what they learned in the past decade living in New Orleans after the storm. So many were impacted, many were harmed and suffered PTSD. Great to hear kids speak about the positive outcomes from their Katrina experiences. I can't wait for the new LA Childrens Museum to open in its new and amazing facility in City Park, another NOLA gem. Ya'll come visit soon and often to experience a city like no other, New Orleans. It has not been...

Re: The Difference between Tourists and Travelers

Amateuremigrant ·
Interesting thoughts on a constantly recycled debate. I certainly tried to prise the tourist out of the people in the groups I led, but not all were willing victims. Part of it surely is the time allocated to holidays - the tourist tries to see as much as possible in that time, but a traveller would be as happy poking around local markets - it's TOO easy to get sight-sore !

Re: The Difference between Tourists and Travelers

Paul Heymont ·
I think it may not be all that easy to divide the world into 'tourists' and 'travelers;' the world is not really that binary, and there are many shades between them. And many of those we meet are on the path to deeper experiences as they experience more and travel more. I think of the many new travelers who used to post on the Frommer forums about their desire to 'see as much as possible' and 'do as many countries as possible' in impossibly short time allowances. Some of us who were regulars...

Re: Heather in Bloom - North York Moors.

DrFumblefinger ·
A most amazing and lovely landscape (with tip of the hat to its Scottish counterpart). When is a good time for a tourist to see the heather in bloom? I know some folks that would plan a trip just to see these colors.

Re: Heather in Bloom - North York Moors.

Paul Hunter Landscape Tog ·
Early to mid august would be the prime time to visit and view.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #62

Roderick Simpson ·
I have never been to Iceland, although I've flown over it many times (usually covered in clouds), but looking at the Reykjavik Tourist wesite, the windows resemble those of the Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre.

Re: Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, November 14, 2014: Postcards from Morocco - Ait Ben Haddou

Mac ·
Still very much an inhabited ksar but the numbers of folks are, I suspect, pretty much reduced to those living off the tourist trade. I had great photo sessions in 2 different dwellings, both where the lady of the house was making carpets in the very traditional way. One lady cooked us a great cous-cous lunch!! Very welcoming people.

Re: VisitBritain, British Air point out "undiscovered places"

Travel Rob ·
VisitBritian is my favorite official tourist info agency and what they are doing really is working .

Re: Endangered tourist destinations around the World

GarryRF ·
Without the tourist would many of these places survive? Without the billions of euros spent on Venice to keep the water out would it still be walkable ? Would the Taj Mahal still be showing the scars of conflict if people didn't visit and contribute to its hunger for refurbishment ? Or maybe leave it to fall into ruin like the pyramids. Which do we remove? The tourists or the high heels ?

Re: Endangered tourist destinations around the World

Zohaib ·
I agree that these destinations are famous and must-sees for every tourist, but all of us have an obligation to not destory these beautiful corners of the World. Like for Venice, as mentioned in the article that so many Cruises pass through here (stops) each year, so they must have dig-up the area and hence the water level keeps rising?! If we don't take care, our future generations wouldn't be able to see these historic places.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 22, 2015: Machu Picchu

DrFumblefinger ·
Beautiful photos, Grand Escapes! I'm especially fond of the one of the llama roaming the streets of Machu Picchu. They are the official "lawn mowers" of the park. Machu Picchu after the tourist train leaves and before it arrives is a totally different experience than during the peak of the day. If there's one travel spot you'll want to spend a night or two so that you can enjoy some tranquility before it gets overwhelmed with people, then I'd say this is the one.

Re: Italian Competition Authority fines TripAdvisor €500,000

Travel Rob ·
I know TripAdvisor has had some problems with a minority of people posting false reviews so I can kind of understand in 2012 the Advertising Standards Authority in the UK telling TripAdvisor not claim the reviews were from real travelers or use the word trusted describing reviews. As far as the Italian Competition Authority goes, below is their Press Release when the investigation started in May. It seems like it would be very difficult for TripAdvisor to prevent fake reviews , so I'm not...

Re: Visiting Versailles

jack james ·
Palace of Versailles is an awesome royal place of France which is very famous among tourist. I also went there before going to san diego fun trip . Although I visited this site but after reading your detailed blog post many new things is came to my knowledge. I am highly grateful at this informative post and increase my information.

Re: Americans Leaving Half Their Paid Vacations Ununsed

DrFumblefinger ·
I also can't imagine not using vacation time....I never had enough and I have more than many. Travel doesn't have to be expensive. There are inexpensive destinations and activities one can do. "Being a tourist at home" is one way -- seeing those sites others come to see and that locals never seem to get around to. Visiting family and friends. And of course, there is camping. If you've the gear, or can borrow some, a tank of gas and cost of a tent pad is your only expense. I certainly did...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo (#31)

Paul Heymont ·
One last night for this puzzle, and some hints. Yes, it is in France...and it is near, but not in, a popular tourist destination

Re: GPS v. Sicily = WTF

GarryRF ·
Since I downloaded the US Maps to my UK TomTom I've had great fun ! I love exploring the single track roads through villages and one horse towns! Exploring is great fun - getting lost is a pain. GPS opens up a whole new world to the Tourist !

Re: GPS v. Sicily = WTF

Paul Heymont ·
Originally Posted by GarryRF: Exploring is great fun - getting lost is a pain. GPS opens up a whole new world to the Tourist ! Sometimes getting lost is the beginning of the fun...but it's nice to know the way back!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 3, 2014: Metropole Hotel, Hanoi

DrFumblefinger ·
I too am a fan of Colonial era hotels. The only ones I've ever stayed at were in Sri Lanka where, at the time, they weren't much more than a night at a Howard Johnson's. When you make your way to Sri Lanka, PortMoresby, check out some that island has to offer. You might be pleasantly surprised. Sri Lankan people I interacted with actually were quite grateful overall for the contributions the British made to their island -- tea plantations, roads, railroads, and government. And, of course,...

Re: Russia to Open Up Gulags as "Tourist Camps"?

DrFumblefinger ·
So I've finally heard of a place that I want to go even less than the "Jihadi hotspots of Afghanistan"! Thanks, but no thanks. My grandfather died in one of those gulags. The Puttinites aren't getting a dime of my tourist money -- not that megabillionaire Putin needs it.

Re: The Banff Park Museum National Historic Site. Where Gumbo was #(133)

TravelingCanuck ·
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Its been several years since I have even been to Banff and I haven't been to the museum since the early 80s. It is a nice look at the old Banff before it exploded into the mass tourist site it is now. I will have to revisit the museum in the near future.

Re: An Hour from Rome

Marilyn Jones ·
It's amazing what you can find so close to major tourist destinations. I really enjoyed this post and photos...beautiful!

Re: Iran: Friendliness, Culture, Modernity - So Far Away From The Clichés!

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a fascinating look at a country rarely visited by people in North America. I especially enjoyed your lovely photos, which share so vividly the experience with all of us. I have two specific questions: 1) What is the tourist infrastructure in Iran like? Easy to find hotels or hostels? Restaurants? Public transit? 2) I've always enjoyed those Iranian people I know, but I'm not sure if the bulk of our readers (Mostly from the USA and Canada) would receive the same welcome from the...

Re: Thinking Cuba? Tickets not so easy yet!

DrFumblefinger ·
I've also heard that there are concerns not enough hotel rooms exist in Cuba for the expected flood of American tourists. Besides flights, it's important to have a room reservation at hand. I truly hope the flood of tourist money will be of benefit to the Cuban people whose plight I have great empathy for.

Re: Thinking Cuba? Tickets not so easy yet!

GarryRF ·
Mac. Cuba has already changed since my first visit 15 years ago. Buses and cars are everywhere now thanks to those intrepid Chinese salesmen. Living standards are rising rapidly thanks to the tourist dollar. Fields of Sugar Cane are now rare. Castro has decided that Cuba's future lies in tourism. Bicycles prevail in most Towns and a horse and buggy are common. When I first went to Cuba it was painfully poor. It's like going back in time to a 3rd world country. But with safety and very civil,...

Re: Las Vegas Celebrates the Chinese New Year!

GarryRF ·
Even for people who don't gamble - like me - Las Vegas puts on such a great show that its an absolute pleasure to visit. The colours and the floral displays are second to none. I do miss the water show at the Bellagio. And so much of it is free. Maybe not as old as some of the exhibits would have you believe. But a thing of beauty is a joy forever !

Re: Las Vegas Celebrates the Chinese New Year!

DrFumblefinger ·
If Vegas relied on gamblers like us, none of those fabulous buildings would exist. I like Vegas in small doses. A long weekend is just about perfect, and usually then to meet with friends or family to catch up some. I agree the best stuff in Vegas is the free or near free, like the floral display at the Bellagio.

Re: Las Vegas Celebrates the Chinese New Year!

GarryRF ·
There are only a few destinations where all the family over in the US and us English can meet. Vegas, Florida and New York. So we all went to Vegas to meet up. Walking along the strip towards NY,NY. 9 Fine Irishmen looked like an attractive bar - so in we all went. They had real "Pint Glasses" - 20 ounce. Not the 16 ounce we've had to suffer ! But after a few minutes we were frozen. They do love AC in Vegas. Too much like Ireland. Freezing cold. So we moved outside and sat in the shade...

Re: How to Irk the Brits

DrFumblefinger ·
I find the guy bothered by people stopping to take photos a charmer. Hope I don't run into him over there, but I'm never without a camera when I'm abroad. When I see a tourist taking a photo either in Calgary or nearby Rocky Mountains, I'm always intrigued by what their subject matter is and the angle of how they're capturing the image -- that sort of thing. Hardly a bother!! I guess they don't realize how important we tourists are to the economy. According to Visit Britain website, tourism...

Re: How to Irk the Brits

TravelGirlJenn ·
Interesting. I work in San Francisco near the Ferry Building and frequently jaunt down to Pier 39 on my lunch break for exercise. Tourist alley, especially now that they have a new cruise terminal between the Ferry Building and Pier 39. Just today I nearly fell into a couple who stopped to take a picture of Coit Tower, speaking in an English accent. I moved on and got out of their way. 'Tis different when the shoe is on another foot, I suppose.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 25, 2015: A Moment in Rural India

GarryRF ·
Just part of the life that many locals have on our travels. Something we often miss by doing the tourist spots. It's good to get off the "beaten track".

Re: The Historic Fort and Town of Galle, Sri Lanka

GarryRF ·
How did you discover Galle ? Did you read of its existence prior to your travels ? Or merely stumble upon it and get the urge to explore further. It appears to be untouched by tourism - or is it on the tourist itinerary ? After all these invaders what language do they speak now ? Good collection of photos - gives a real taste of this town.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 24, 2015: Chinese lantern festival in Toronto’s Ontario Place

DrFumblefinger ·
What a beautiful colorful display! Do you happen to know how long they leave it up, DrY?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 24, 2015: Chinese lantern festival in Toronto’s Ontario Place

Dr.Y ·
Hi Karl, just back from USCAP trip. The one in Ontario Place actually happens in summer and the exhibition lasts several weeks each year (I noticed this year, Ontario Place is undergoing a major renovation). The festival also happens in other North America cities like this year's "Arizona Chinese Lantern Festival - February 19-22 and February 26-March 1 ~ 5PM to 10PM Each Night".

Re: Where the lost bags go: Scottsboro, Alabama

Travel Rob ·
I happened to stop by the store today. it's really is a tourist attraction now. It's huge and a lot of the merchandise has never been used and their original tags are still on. I didn't think the prices were that cheap ,but I was amazed at the high end merchandise people have lost including lots of electronics.