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Tagged With "inflight wifi"


Re: Crashing the geocache

Janine ·
Hello TatToo, I live in Europe especially Germany. I do know Geocaching and of course the game is known here. If you don't have a GPS device with a European card in it you can use your mobile phone as long you have the geocaching app. Before your son goes to Europe just with that mobile phone, make sure he looks for geocaches in areas he will be first and download the map and the cache itself. Even if you don't have an Internet connection they can use it via GPS. I did it in USA and it has...

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

Travel Rob ·
I am amazed at how internet access to tourists vary by city.Not only WiFi but libraries.Some cities libraries either sell a one hour guest pass or won't even let a visitor on the computer.While other cities are generous

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

Paul Heymont ·
Technically, it would be possible to create very large WiFi zones, whether free or paid. But since someone gets paid (either on the meter, or a fee for the project) and there is a cost to constructing/installing the equipment to broadcast that won't happen unless someone is paying. In the case of the hotel, picking up on rbciao's point about breakfast--have you noticed that the free WiFi and the free breakfast tend to come with the budget chains, while the high-end places charge...

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

DrFumblefinger ·
Good discussion! WiFi has for me become an indispensable part of traveling. It allows me to stay in touch with family easily and cheaply (remember how hard it was even 25 years ago -- a phone call could run you $5 a minute? And there was no email). It lets me spend evening hours clearing out a hefty email que, and doing research on what I am going to see tomorrow and the next day. And with "Gumbo on the Go", it lets me share my travels as they happen with fellow Gumboites! I echo PHeymont's...

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, privatized toll roads are the coming thing these days! Some states have sold off roads; others have allowed private companies to build from scratch. The road to Dulles Airport near Washington is a prime example. But the comparisons to WiFi here don't really work. No one charged extra for electric light in hotels when it was new; it simply replaced the gas lighting. It took 70 years of broadcasting to create a pay system. As for WiFi, or internet access in hotels generally, it's not...

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by JohnT: Maybe it's the old capitalist coming out in me, but I think "should" is a strong word. Free access to wi-fi certainly helps me determine where I'll stay, just like free breakfast is...but if a hotel has enough other amenities so that people are willing to pay for it's wi-fi then so be it...although it is easy enough to get free somewhere, I don't value it enough to pay for it. I agree with you John, that market forces will drive this. But the demand for "free"...

Re: How'd We Live Without Travel Apps?

Janine ·
I had Viber on my phone and it was nice in the beginning. But when my calls got interrupted a lot and the quality of the talk was bad too, although I have WiFi at home, I deleted it finally. I think Skype is still the best for me.

Re: How'd We Live Without Travel Apps?

Janine ·
I had Viber on my phone and it was nice in the beginning. But when my calls got interrupted a lot and the quality of the talk was bad too, although I have WiFi at home, I deleted it finally. I think Skype is still the best for me.

Re: How to not miss a connecting flight

DrFumblefinger ·
There are a lot of good tips in the article about streamlining your connections. While I mostly enjoy flying, travel days are busy and tiring enough that I hate to be rushed. I try to get to the airport early (often I've been grateful that I gave myself that extra time), and I don't take flights that have connections I consider too tight. I like at least 1.5-2 hours between my connections. I've been delayed on arrival often enough that having less time than that is no fun. As planes travel...

Re: Help with mobile phone for Morocco

PortMoresby ·
While I haven't been to Morocco for over 2 years, phone service for locals in non-industrialized nations all over the world tends to be cheap phone, available locally, with prepaid sim cards that you reload. It depends a great deal on what services your friend wants and can they, for instance, do without data and use the wifi in their accommodations or will they go to pieces without having it all, all the time. If that's the case, I can't help and will be expensive, all things relative, I...

Re: How do you use the internet while traveling?

Travel Rob ·
One problem I had was the places I stayed at had no Wi-Fi , so I noticed the lack of public wi-fi a lot more than on other trips. In Japan, besides the airports, Starbucks and 7-11, I had rarely could find Wi-fi and they blocked my VOIP phone, which I don't remember from previous trips. In Europe it wasn't much better and even some major train stations were lacking Wifi. I talked to a lot people in Europe and heard the same feedback about lack of Wi-Fi .

Re: How do you use the internet while traveling?

DrFumblefinger ·
I see what you are getting at! I don't stay at a place unless it has WiFi. It's as important to me as a good bed and a quiet room. I rarely use public WiFi except at airports because I don't think it is as secure. So I can't really comment on that.

Re: Camera Advice, Please?

Paul Heymont ·
In the end, I've gone with a camera that is bigger than I hoped (but I wasn't going to get all my wishes in a compact...I knew that). I've gotten a Sony HX300, with more zoom than I imagine I'll need (50x), 20Mp and Zeiss lenses. It's one of those "bridge" cameras; looks like a DSLR but lens doesn't change and viewfinder is not optical, but electronic. In fact, it's a miniature of the LCD, viewed through an eyepiece...but that's fine when the sun is too bright. AND, the LCD pulls away from...

Re: Camera Advice, Please?

GarryRF ·
Travelling as light as you do it would be an awful burden Rob. I found a lovely bargain today. A Samsung ST 72 camera. It has wifi to view the pix on my TV and its so tiny that I could tuck it into my sock. $50 US and brand new ! Its been in the stores for over a year. So its reduced ! Getting to be a collector I'm afraid ! Sounds just like your "Cup of Tea" though Rob

Re: Camera Advice, Please?

Paul Heymont ·
Three-year later follow-up on my original camera-quest. Still happy with the Sony despite its size, but never made a complete switchover: there are just some times when you have to have something that's pocket size. So, sometimes that's my Samsung S7 phone, but especially on the road, it's a camera that fit ALL of my original specs. It's the Panasonic Lumix ZS-50 (TZ50 outside the US). Eye-viewfinder (electronic), built-in WiFi to link to phones, 30x optical zoom and the Leica lenses. I've...

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

HistoryDigger ·
My husband would never switch phone allegiances! So, he'd still have to buy a new iPhone at home. Right now he's using his laptop to iMessage from the hotel wifi. But it's a good idea, and one that other travelers may want to try.

8 Tips To Actually Relax On Family Vacation And More

John Peter ·
Traveling has many benefits in terms of both physical and mental health, which is an effective way to improve mood. However, the feeling of traveling alone or with friends is not the same as when you go with the family members. It will be the most precious moments to help the members closer. You are looking forward to your family holiday and you really need a vacation, but at the same time you fear the packing, children’s behavior, their potential sickness and unpacking all over again? You...

How do occupy your time while flying?

DrFumblefinger ·
Despite the hassle of security clearances and waiting at airports, I usually enjoy my time in the air.  I find it relaxing and productive.  No cell phone or pages to deal with.  No bureaucratic meetings.  I stay off wifi (as I'm...

Camera Advice, Please?

Paul Heymont ·
My current carry-everywhere camera is a Nikon S9400 that is always on my belt; I've also always been happy with the Panasonic Lumix TS/TZ series. The Nikon is 18.1 megapixels with 18x zoom. BUT, I find myself lacking a few items that I'd like to...

Cancun Vacation Guide

Vikas Bhatnagar ·
Cancun is a place for people who want to enjoy their weekend after a long tiring week. Luxury, parties, spring break, beaches, and large resorts, everything can be found at Cancun. The kids from college enjoy their spring breaks to get a tan body and high in Cancun. The people around Cancun are friendly. There are a lot of fun sights that you can visit with your friends and family like Isle Mujeres, Cenote adventure park Chichen Itza and the underwater museum. Cancun holds a lot of exciting...