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Tagged With "ancestor"


The Value of Traveling to Where Your Ancestors Came From

pitter beraton ·
America is the melting pot of the world. There are people here from every area on the planet. It's what makes this country so great. However, when all cultures mix together, it can dim the light on what makes each culture so unique and special. Some people don't even know their heritage. Luckily, there are ways to get this information. For instance, you can use the 1840 census to learn where your ancestors came from. Once you have this information, you may want to explore your main country...
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Iceland's Elves Worry about Road Work, not Working for Santa!

Paul Heymont ·
Elves are an important part of Icelandic tradition; surveys show perhaps 60% of the population believes in them or in the possibility. While some say "elf" is from "alfar" or ancestor spirit, many believe in the little people. Now the Icelandic...
Blog Post

November 6, 2016 Day of the Dead Altars

Jonathan L ·
I spent The Day of the Dead in Mérida, Mexico where people create 3 level altars to celebrate their ancestors.
Blog Post

Connecting with Ancestral Roots, Dresden, Tennessee

Samantha ·
Samantha shares her emotional yet wonderful visit to her granmother's home town of Dresden, Tennessee on what would have been her 107th birthday.