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Tagged With "Alligator"


Re: Alligator, Everglades National Park, Florida

DrFumblefinger ·
And Little Red Riding Hood said, "My Granny! What sharp teeth you have!"

Re: Those Beady Eyed Alligators!!

Paul Heymont ·
Great pictures...I hope telephoto? Wouldn't want to be that close. They're amazingly good at camouflage...I remember a bayou tour in Louisiana a few years ago...we were very surprised when the guide tossed a block of wood into the water near a log...and the log came to life!

Re: Those Beady Eyed Alligators!!

PortMoresby ·
We need a "Don't Like" button.

Re: Those Beady Eyed Alligators!!

GarryRF ·
If Gators see you close by, will they come for a closer look ? When Gators have attacked people - is this because folks have stumbled into their territory ?

Re: Those Beady Eyed Alligators!!

Paul Heymont ·
I'm reminded of a poem (to give it dignity) by the late Ogden Nash. The Purist I give you now Professor Twist... a conscientious scientist. Trustees exclaimed "He never bungles!" and packed him off to distant jungles. Camped by a tropic riverside, one night he missed his loving bride. She had, the guide informed him later, been eaten by an alligator. Professor Twist could not but smile: You mean, said he, a crocodile!

Re: Those Beady Eyed Alligators!!

DrFumblefinger ·
Wild gators rarely attack people unless you stumble onto them -- say fall off your bike on top of a gator sunning himself. They are happiest to avoid humans. Problems arising when people feed gators. Then they can become aggressive and associate people with food. If you don't give them any, they might decide to take a bite out of you.. That said, gator attacks are still very rare. And yes, they're great at hiding themselves, Pheymont. You really need to train your eye to see them as they lie...
Blog Post

Those Beady Eyed Alligators!!

DrFumblefinger ·
There's sometime viscerally disconcerting about looking into the eyes of an alligator.  Dark, non-blinking, but clearly focused on you, it sends a shiver up my spine.  Something being tickled in the primitive parts of my brain -- prey...
Blog Post

February 29, 2016 : A Potpourri of Gators

DrFumblefinger ·
A few shots of the equally fascinating and repulsive alligator.
Blog Post

Gatorland, Florida

DrFumblefinger ·
Florida is home to lots of alligators, and there's probably no better place to see your fill of them in one day than at Gatorland, near Orlando
Blog Post

January 2, 2019: Camouflaged in the Everglades

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger comes across a well-camouflaged alligator at late dusk in Everglades National Park.
Blog Post

(Another) Gallery of Gators

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger is equally fascinated and repelled by alligators. Here's photos of some he encountered while in Everglades National Park recently.

Re: Gatorland, Florida

Marilyn Jones ·
Your post and awesome photos brought back so many memories from a trip I took to Florida in the 80s...good times with my children -- all adults now!
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Gators at Gatorland in Orlando

DrFumblefinger ·
Gators at Gatorland in Orlando
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Wrestling a gator in Gatorland, Orlando

DrFumblefinger ·
Wrestling a gator in Gatorland, Orlando
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Alligator, Gatorland in Orlando

DrFumblefinger ·
Alligator, Gatorland in Orlando
Blog Post

Airboat Tour at Sawgrass Recreation Park, Florida

Samantha ·
Once a fishing camp, Sawgrass Recreation Park is now an airboat attraction which also houses many rescued mammals and reptiles. Samantha shares pictures from her visit.