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Tagged With "ruins"


Re: Trabzon, Turkey: Ancient History, Modern Life

George G. ·
Excellent coverage of a Black Sea treasure. Enjoyed the photos and your superb recommendations on this visit.

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 6) Slea Head. A Tour of the Dingle Peninsula

IslandMan ·
Beautiful landscapes DrF. I especially like the stone walls and dwellings. There are similar ones in Malta except they are made of limestone

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 6) Slea Head. A Tour of the Dingle Peninsula

DrFumblefinger ·
The landscapes of the Dingle Peninsula are truly beautiful and memorable. What will especially stick with me are the many rocks and stones and how they were used -- fences, beehive huts, even a grand old church (Gallarus Oratory). I become more and more intrigued by Malta ever day, IslandMan. It is quickly moving up my travel list!

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 6) Slea Head. A Tour of the Dingle Peninsula

rbciao ·
Slea Head on The Dingle Peninsula is one of my favorite places in the world, even though it is not in Italy. The Slea Head Cafe is also one of my favorite places for a latte, a brownie, and the VIEW. The coffee and dessert. Between Sea Head and Dingle Town is the Stonehouse Restaurant, which overlooks the Dingle Bay. The crabmeat sandwich on brown bread was really good along with the view.

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 6) Slea Head. A Tour of the Dingle Peninsula

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for those very helpful comments, rbciao! I definitely need to try that crabmeat sandwich at the StoneHouse restaurant next time we're there. I was extremely pleased with how helpful and pleasant the StoneHouse staff were!

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 6) Slea Head. A Tour of the Dingle Peninsula

GarryRF ·
IslandMan. Those limestone megalithic stones in Malta got me. I heard a passing tour guide telling folks "Where that man is standing is a fertility temple" Whoooa ! Too late .. first kid 9 months later - to the day !

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 6) Slea Head. A Tour of the Dingle Peninsula

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by GarryRF: IslandMan. Those limestone megalithic stones in Malta got me. I heard a passing tour guide telling folks "Where that man is standing is a fertility temple" Whoooa ! Too late .. first kid 9 months later - to the day ! GarryRF. Any megalithic stone that can make a man carry and deliver a child for 9 months has earned my respect -- and a place in medical history!

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 6) Slea Head. A Tour of the Dingle Peninsula

GarryRF ·
As any Woman will tell you DrF. It is the male of the species that does all the hard work. Like popping snow peas !
Blog Post

Trabzon, Turkey: Ancient History, Modern Life

Lestertheinvestor ·
Lester shares a visit to the ancient city of Trabzon, exploring its history and sights.
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June 1, 2018: Lownathwaite Lead Mine, North Yorkshire

Ian Cook ·
Some more fascinating images from Ian Cook's visit to the ruins of the Lownathwaite Lead Mine, Gunnerside Gill, Swaledale, North Yorkshire.
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 2: In Athens, the Past is Always Near

Paul Heymont ·
Remains of the Temple of Olympian Zeus stand in an open park near downtown Athens. The Acropolis, with the Parthenon, is the most famous site for remains of ancient Greece, but there are many others scattered throughout the city--sometimes as part of...

Re: Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka (Where Gumbo was #328)

Professorabe ·
A great set of photos! You are right about the need for transport at the site. We contemplated hiring some bicycles, but in the end opted for a tuk-tuk. They were reasonably priced - relatively cheap, actually - and the drivers are quite knowledgeable about the attractions.
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Temple of Juno, Agrigento

DrFumblefinger ·
Temple of Juno, Agrigento
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Temple of Juno, Agrigento

DrFumblefinger ·
Temple of Juno, Agrigento
Blog Post

A Visit to Ireland: Part 6) Slea Head. A Tour of the Dingle Peninsula

DrFumblefinger ·
  One of the highlights of any visit to Ireland is a chance to explore the Dingle Peninsula.  While it’s only half as large as the Ivernaugh peninsula ( Ring of Kerry ), it’s packed with beautiful views and interesting things to...
Blog Post

Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other (Part 4). The Rock Fortress of Sigiriya

DrFumblefinger ·
 “You absolutely must go to Sigiriya!”, Arthur C. Clarke insisted to me during my first visit to Sri Lanka.  “There are other countries with beautiful weather and beaches, but there’s only one Sigiriya.
Blog Post

Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka (Where Gumbo was #328)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting the ancient city of Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka. The city dates to the 11th century and contains some beautifully preserved ruins and art.
Blog Post

Visiting the Roman Ruins at Volubilis, Morocco

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits the ruins of the Roman city of Volubilis in northern Morocco. The city thrived during its short period of Roman occupation but was abandoned. A massive earthquake in 1755 caused most of the structures to collapse. Restoration has partially restored key buildings.

Re: Visiting the Roman Ruins at Volubilis, Morocco

Marilyn Jones ·
Wonderful photos. I love the mosaic floors; such detail!