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Tagged With "New York Harbor"


Re: New Orleans—Museum Highlights Young Voices of Resilience

Travel Rob ·
Thanks for this great piece Whitney! I'm glad New Orleans is focusing on the strength and resiliency of the people (especially the children). I too would like to visit soon.

Re: Air Miles vs Low Fare Airline

Paul Heymont ·
The AA-BA mashup is tricky, yes, but not as devious as it may seem. Between New York and Paris, for instance, AA has only two non-stops a day; BA has a half-dozen (or more, including Open Skies). And, BA has many seats LON-PAR, so availability is greater. A similar situation exists on this side of the ocean, where BA feeds many AA domestic flights. It's sometimes possible to get around better if you don't mind one stop...we've used AA to Madrid paired with Iberia to Paris (Iberia's charges...

Re: Going Underground in Toronto

Paul Heymont ·
I'm a big fan of underground passages (we've lost a few, gained a few lately in New York) and will be sure to check out the PATH next time we visit family in Toronto! Thanks!

Re: Norway getting an all-electric fjord ferry

Paul Heymont ·
Norway's in an odd spot on that: It's one of the world's leading oil suppliers. It's also the case, sometimes, that it's worth moving and concentrating the 'dirtier' parts to keep things clean where the people are. Everything's a balancing act... Like the hydrogen-cell cars I was happily awaiting here in New York, until my wife asked "Do you know where the hydrogen is coming from? How are they producing it?"

Re: April 24, 2018: Thirsty?

Paul Heymont ·
And not the first time for a toilet as a museum exhibit. The Guggenheim in New York last year had a solid-gold working replica by Maurizio Cattelan, entitled America, that could be used by visitors. And, famously, in 1917, Marcel Duchamp challenged concepts of art and esthetics by exhibiting a 'readymade,' a standard urinal turned on its edge, signed as if by an artist, and labeled... Fountain.

Re: Paris from the River

Paul Heymont ·
Your question reminded me of another squeeze. I worked for many years at Automotive High School in New York, where freshmen were occasionally shown a line of cars outside the shops, parked one behind the other with barely an inch between them, and no space before or after the line. Only the quickest realized they had been moved into place on small dollies, called 'skates.'

Re: Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg, Canada. Where Gumbo Was #36

GarryRF ·
In 1858, Frederick Law Olmsted won a design competition to improve and expand Central Park with a plan he entitled the Greensward Plan . 8 years AFTER Olmsted visited the Peoples Garden - Birkenhead Park England. He said "that in democratic America there was nothing to be thought of as comparable with this People’s Garden" So he took the plans back to New York. Entered the Central Park competition 8 years later. And won using Paxton plans from the Peoples Garden in England as a guide.

Re: Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg, Canada. Where Gumbo Was #36

GarryRF ·
Apr 13, 2013 The boss of New York’s Central Park hailed his first visit to Birkenhead Park which inspired its design as “a dream come true” Doug Blonsky, president and chief executive of the New York Central Park said: “You drive around Birkenhead Park and there is no question that the physical similarities between here and Central Park are there" “To come here and take a look at it is a dream come true for me."

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo (#38)

Mac ·
I'm tempted to suspect that it is in the north of England, perhaps near York. The trouble is that so much of the country outside the major cities would have been poor. The clue must be in "selling it's goods" which suggests that they had a manufacturing or production base already established. Or was that perhaps farming produce.... I do like the filigree cast iron roof supports - very "of the period". Oooh, this is a tough one.

Re: Sylvia Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia

DrFumblefinger ·
I do indeed have photos of the interior....It's got a great bar area with wonderful views of English Harbor. Stay tuned....

Re: Gallery: Boulder County Farmers Market, Colorado

Paul Heymont ·
I love markets...and the history they embody, from those like Basel that have been in the same place for hundreds of years to the 19th century enclosed markets that many cities developed (and some kept!) but I have an especially good feeling about markets like this one, and our New York Greenmarkets that have revived the market tradition in places where it was nearly gone, and made a success of it. What a long sentence!

Re: A Busy Weekend in Philadelphia

GarryRF ·
Philly really is a beautiful city. Its best feature is it's pedestrian friendly. I love the Architecture and the people there. The Football (soccer) stadium too. It has a slower feel compared to New York. No one rushing to get there - like they're late. I like the smaller stores closing at 5. Behind the counter those folks have got families to go home to. And in Philly the folks stop and talk when you need directions. Best and friendliest Airport north of Florida too. It's a shame that...

Re: Why tickets stay high while fuel prices drop

GarryRF ·
The cost of an Airline Ticket has little to do with the cost of a barrel of oil. That's why I can fly to Sydney Australia for the same price as I can to New York. That's 3500 miles to New York or 10,500 miles to Sydney. Same price. It's solely based on the principle of how much juice you can squeeze from an orange.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#77)

PortMoresby ·
OK, onward. Sprint Insight, a Canadian company ( 78 Millwick Dr , North York ON , M9L 1Y3) and grain elevators, maybe? But I haven't been to Canada for a number of years so the city isn't familiar to me.

Re: Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, November 28, 2014: Postcards from Morocco - the lamp shop

GarryRF ·
Hi Paul - Good to see you're keeping on your toes. Recycling is a noun . "The recycling of paper" - again and again. Recycle is an adjective . "He made goods of recycled waste" Two different words ! Never too old to learn !! Google "Recycled Art" - it's fascinating stuff. Example of "Recycled Art" in New York. Surprised you've never heard the expression !

Re: Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, November 28, 2014: Postcards from Morocco - the lamp shop

GarryRF ·
So all those making "Recycled Art" are wrong ? Even in the picture above - in New York ? OK Paul - I'll tell 'em !

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb 11, 2015: Fruit of the Vine

Paul Heymont ·
We have a lot of different state and local laws, so, as they say, Your Mileage May Vary. Since New York is a significant wine-producer, it may be a bit easier here, and in summer there are several wine producers sampling at our local Greenmarket

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb 11, 2015: Fruit of the Vine

GarryRF ·
I never knew that New York was a wine producer. I'll add that to my shopping list in August. Blossom Hill of California is a big seller here in the UK. Thank You !!

Re: Rando Review: SoFi Café

Travel Rob ·
Thanks,It does look like a great healthy place. If you go back,please update on us on their lunch choices too. From their menu that looks interesting too.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#45)

Paul Heymont ·
Well, it's Saturday night, and time for a review of progress so far, guys! Yes , a bank. Yes , a big time gap between the two sculptures. No , not in Rome, San Francisco, New York. Free Hint: It's not in North America.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Paul Heymont ·
Other cities with at least two distinct rail mass transit systems (excluding trams) include Barcelona, New York, and London. So...where is Gumbo? The rest of yesterday's clue should fact each of my comments contains a piece of the puzzle...

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

DrFumblefinger ·
Bloomberg is a big business type publication so I believe they would tend to favor the big corporate guys. And the unions they employee. And the government officials these big corporations tend to grease. I personally believe in free choice. Let people decide where they want to stay. New York City, being one of the most expensive for hotel rooms in the world, needs more consumer choices in my opinion. AirBnB is one of the most innovative products to hit the travel market in a long time.

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

Paul Heymont ·
As a frequent Airbnb renter (about 16 times) I obviously think it's a valuable thing and want it to succeed. I also think that there's room for reasonable regulation that's sensitive to local needs, and that a reasonable compromise can be found. Let's take the case of New York City...there is a real shortage of affordable housing. While it's not caused by Airbnb, but rather by a series of market issues that I won't rehearse here, it's reasonable for the city/state to ban short-term rentals...

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

Paul Heymont ·
In their negotiations with New York and San Francisco, among others, Airbnb has offered to collect and transmit the taxes imposed. Don't know if they currently have an agreement along those lines in any jurisdiction.

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

Paul Heymont ·
I did, indeed, go to the two exhibits at the Met...and they actually have a relation to the SF show that PortMoresby has described. Marville, in particular, was working at the beginning of photography, without all the digital devices, or even a light meter, and with media so slow that a photograph of a relatively busy street appears to be empty of traffic—because during the 30 seconds needed to expose that plate no one stayed in front of the camera long enough to register an image! The Paris...

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Maybe "monochrome" is a better word for what we think of as black & white photography. An extreme example would be cyanotypes, in shades of blue. Many thanks, PHeymont, for your descriptions of the Met shows, and for reminding me that everything old is new again. The addition of Man Ray's fantastic picture above is perfect. Joyeux Anniversaire, Tour Eiffel.

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Speaking again of black&white, the monthly events newsletter from Mrs. Dalloway's Literary & Garden Arts store in Berkeley just arrived. Down at the very bottom was this intiguing notice which I mean to check out in person in 11 days. Mrs. Dalloways is at 2904 College Avenue in Berkeley. "The Watchmaker Series." Beautiful black and white silver gelatin prints on archival quality paper. Ready for 8 x 10 frame. $65. When Craig was asked to fix a case that contained a...

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

DrFumblefinger ·
Among my greatest photography influences were Matthew Brady, whose grainy and gritty images of the Civil War made it so very "real" to future generations just learning about it in history books. And of course the great work of Ansel Adams. Far from gritty and grainy. Truly a visionary.

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Did you know that the visionary faked 'Moonrise, Hernandez'? Yep. I guess you could say "enhanced". There was no moon. Information courtesy of a friend who worked with AA. Said he was the nicest guy ever.

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

GarryRF ·
I enjoy photos of local history. Places that you can visit today with buildings that remain mostly unchanged. This is Lord Street Liverpool around 1890. ....and present day Lord Street - (from a different angle)

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Another addition to the list of current shows of great photography, this one in Paris. Ten years after his death, Henri Cartier-Bresson at the Pompidou, until June 9th.

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
One more for the list of wonderful things to see, the world's largest pinhole photograph at Washington D.C.'s National Air & Space Museum. So many things, so little time.

Re: How loooong does it take to get to your airport?

Paul Heymont ·
There's certainly a lot of variation, as I also noted above. And sometimes the planners don't help much either, as is the case with all three of our New York airports, where the whole AirTrain concept is completely botched. At Kennedy, the AirTrain's stations are not in, but sort of near, the terminals. That means you have to drag your stuff outside, across the roadways, and then up stairs or elevator to the train. And then, you have a choice of going to the commuter rail station (about 3...

Re: Las Vegas Celebrates the Chinese New Year!

GarryRF ·
Even for people who don't gamble - like me - Las Vegas puts on such a great show that its an absolute pleasure to visit. The colours and the floral displays are second to none. I do miss the water show at the Bellagio. And so much of it is free. Maybe not as old as some of the exhibits would have you believe. But a thing of beauty is a joy forever !

Re: Las Vegas Celebrates the Chinese New Year!

DrFumblefinger ·
If Vegas relied on gamblers like us, none of those fabulous buildings would exist. I like Vegas in small doses. A long weekend is just about perfect, and usually then to meet with friends or family to catch up some. I agree the best stuff in Vegas is the free or near free, like the floral display at the Bellagio.

Re: Las Vegas Celebrates the Chinese New Year!

GarryRF ·
There are only a few destinations where all the family over in the US and us English can meet. Vegas, Florida and New York. So we all went to Vegas to meet up. Walking along the strip towards NY,NY. 9 Fine Irishmen looked like an attractive bar - so in we all went. They had real "Pint Glasses" - 20 ounce. Not the 16 ounce we've had to suffer ! But after a few minutes we were frozen. They do love AC in Vegas. Too much like Ireland. Freezing cold. So we moved outside and sat in the shade...

Re: 52 Places for 52 Weeks

DrFumblefinger ·
Seems the New York Times needs to take a lesson from TravelGumbo. We offer you a new destination or two every day -- not just one a week! Go Gumbo!

Re: Beating Jet Lag

Paul Heymont ·
I hate to say it, but I think that Songhua Ni's advice—sleep as much as you can, and walk around a bit—is going to work much better for front-of-the-plane flat-bed-seat people like him than it is for the rest of us. I recently had the pleasure of New York-Doha round-trip on Qatar, bumped up to the front, and it made an immense difference in my sleep, especially the quality of it. Otherwise, my best advice, based mostly on trans-Atlantic travel, is get on the plane to Europe tired, sleep as...

Re: Beating Jet Lag

DrFumblefinger ·
Some people claim the newer generations of jet-liners, like the Boeing 787, will reduce jet lag because they allow higher humidity in the cabin and higher air pressure (more oxygen). In fact that was discussed right here on a TravelGumbo during an interview with Norwegian Air . A few more points. I try not to have more than one or two connections on any flight, especially on overseas trips (for people traveling from small cities, this can be challenging). I find the fatigue factor clouds my...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 24, 2015: Chinese lantern festival in Toronto’s Ontario Place

DrFumblefinger ·
What a beautiful colorful display! Do you happen to know how long they leave it up, DrY?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 24, 2015: Chinese lantern festival in Toronto’s Ontario Place

Dr.Y ·
Hi Karl, just back from USCAP trip. The one in Ontario Place actually happens in summer and the exhibition lasts several weeks each year (I noticed this year, Ontario Place is undergoing a major renovation). The festival also happens in other North America cities like this year's "Arizona Chinese Lantern Festival - February 19-22 and February 26-March 1 ~ 5PM to 10PM Each Night".

Re: Ryanair's 5-year plan: Trans-atlantic for 10£

Jennifer (aka Dr. J) ·
I love Ryanair for short haul flights but I'm not sure I could 'survive' a trans-Atlantic with that level of comfort. Then again, the trip from Dublin to New York isn't *that* much longer than other flights we've done on Ryanair (e.g., Dublin to Latvia). Perhaps I can be convinced if the price is right ;-)

Re: How do you see Airbnb? The Times keeps track.

Travel Rob ·
I've noticed the press in general is more positive in their reporting for companies such as Airbnb and TripAdvisor when they became mainstream.

Re: How do you see Airbnb? The Times keeps track.

Paul Heymont ·
In the beginning, it wasn't so much not positive, as puzzled by what this strange new thing was. All the early articles try to explain by comparing with hotels, couch-surfing, etc. These days, things are often described as being "Airbnb-like." One of those Times articles, in late '09 or early '10, was the first I had noticed and it was a revelation, because we simply don't like hotel rooms. We love being able to be in two or more rooms, and do some cooking and feel like we're living...

Re: How do you see Airbnb? The Times keeps track.

Travel Rob ·
The NY Times wasn't so much negative, but I remember reports elsewhere that were strongly negative .I'm just not seeing the quanity of those negative stories .

Re: How do you see Airbnb? The Times keeps track.

PortMoresby ·
The most negative feelings I've seen expressed online directed at Airbnb have been on forums, almost all from those not adventuresome enough to try it but who consider themselves "in the know". I think it must be terribly frustrating for those who'd like us to think they know everything, but who know nothing but hearsay about what's really become a movement. I've been verbally turned on when I've posted anything positive, accused of shilling for the site, among other imaginary sins. I always...

Re: A Price War over Trans-Atlantic? TravelGumbo interviews Norwegian Air

Travel Rob ·
In one of Norwegians press releases they do raise an interesting question. "Why should a flight between New York and Europe cost three times as much as a flight between New York and Los Angeles? The flight to Europe is only about an hour longer, sometimes even less." I've noticed flights to Asia from Europe are sometimes two to three times as cheap versus flights from the US to Asia and they have roughly the same flight time.

Re: A Price War over Trans-Atlantic? TravelGumbo interviews Norwegian Air

GarryRF ·
Lasse could well be correct on the Jet Lag. The air was fresher on the Dreamliner. The Captain decided when night fell by using the window dimmers. Same with sunrise. I can get a flight - UK to Australia - 23 hours - for the same price as UK to New York - 7 hours. Trans Atlantic flights have been price-rigged for years.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#124)

HistoryDigger ·
Old Stone Mill at the New York Botanical Garden? Could that be it?