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Tagged With "Slovakia"


Re: It's not a train, it's not a plane, but it's superfast!

DrFumblefinger ·
If not cost prohibitive, it would be an excellent way to travel around Europe.

Re: Bratislava: An overlooked travel destination

Former Member ·
Thanks for the great pics! I've only ever seen Bratislava from the river while on a Budapest to Vienna ferry...but now you've put it on the menu for our next time in Vienna. Worth noting: since Ryanair flights to "Vienna" actually land at Bratislava, it's a good opportunity for budget flyers to pay a visit before or after their time in Vienna.

Re: Bratislava: An overlooked travel destination

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks, Ready2Go! I didn't know about Ryanair landing there. Bratislava has the benefit of being much cheaper than Vienna, so if you want to spend time in the region, your budget will go much further here than in Austria. Also, it's much less heavily touristed, and in some of the side streets you'll feel like you've got the place to yourself.

Walking on ice

DrFumblefinger ·
Came across this video of some guys walking across a frozen and crystal clear lake in Slovakia.  Quite interesting footage.  Some are claiming it's a hoax, but looks pretty convincing to me.  Thought some of you might enjoy it.  
Blog Post

Bratislava: An overlooked travel destination

DrFumblefinger ·
(Bratislava's Slovak National Theater) Bratislava, capitol of land-locked Slovakia, was not what I expected.  It’s an old city whose history goes back to well before the time of Christ, including envelopment into the Hungarian and...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 18, 2013: School group, Bratislava, Slovakia

DrFumblefinger ·
 I've previously described what a great travel destination Bratislava is (click here for that link).   Clean, historic, vibrant --  in a healthy recovery after decades of repression under the Soviet regime. As we were...
Blog Post

It's not a train, it's not a plane, but it's superfast!

Paul Heymont ·
Based on an idea from Elon Musk, Hyperloop hopes to move passengers at 700 mph from Vienna to Bratislava. They've signed a contract to build it.