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What can't you live without on a plane flight?

I've noted that travelers seem to vary as much in what they do during a flight as with everything else in life.  Some are glued to videos on their backseat monitors or ipads.  Others love to read their kindles or -- in a throwback to the good old days -- real printed books and magazines.  Some seem to need certain headphones or articles of clothing, etc.


I'm kind of curious about what the TravelGumbo community can't live without on a plane flight.  


For me, it's recorded books.  Formerly filling my iPod but now on my smart phone, I love to sit back and be entertained with the spoken word.  And I like an ExOfficio shirt with 2 pockets (one for passport, tickets etc and one for my smartphone).


What about you?  What indulgence makes a flight that much better?


Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

Last edited by DrFumblefinger
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