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Top Five Reasons to Visit the Madikwe Game Reserve for a Safari Holiday

Madikwe Game Reserve – is special for many reasons, Besides being the fifth largest game reserve in South Africa, it's also one of the most breathtaking national parks in the country. 

This stunning national park is located strategically between Johannesburg and Gaborone, almost like a hidden gem. And it is somewhat less crowded, as it lies strategically in the North West Province of South Africa, bordered with Botswana and spread across 75,000 hectares of wilderness. It is the ultimate getaway if you are a safari holiday enthusiast! 

If South Africa is on your vacation wish-list, then you simply cannot miss Madikwe Game Reserve. If you need convincing, then here are the topmost reasons why you should visit Madikwe Game Reserve: 

The views

Madikwe is one of the most scenic locations on the western side of the beautiful Marico river. Set amongst boulders, huge craggy mountains, and old Tamboti trees, it has an almost primal beauty. The red sand and landscape of the Kalahari desert give you the most dramatic views and photo opportunities. Its enchanting beauty can captivate the young and old alike.  It truly is African scenery at its best and most picturesque. 

Malaria free

The game reserve is absolutely malaria-disease free throughout the year. And this alone is an excellent reason to visit Madikwe with friends and family. 

Additionally, there are lodges that offer special help to look after children, so that you can enjoy quality time in the flora and fauna of Madikwe Game Reserve. 

Game life

This reserve is part of the ‘Big Five’ game reserves of South Africa. And it also boasts the ‘Super 7’. That is, you will find cheetahs, wild dogs, leopards, lions, buffaloes, elephants, and rhinos.

You will rarely find such a rich game view anywhere else. The huge concentration of wildlife here also includes brown hyenas, sables, eland, gemsbok, giraffe and large herds of plains game. 

If you are an avid birdwatcher then you are in for a treat with more than 350 bird species at the reserve.  

Wild dogs

You might have heard that African wild dogs are an endangered species.

Well, wild dogs are a specialty of Madikwe Game Reserve and they are gorgeous creatures.

Also known as cape hunting dogs or painted dogs because of their unique coloration (black, tan and white), you will find these hunting dogs in plenty. 

A fascinating fact about Wild dogs is that they have strong and special family ties and they take great care of their young. 

The lodges

Madikwe has a wide range of lodges and camps to suit any type of experience you want during your stay. 

From family safari lodges to corporate conferences, romantic getaways, exclusive ecological experiences, child-friendly lodges, ultra-luxurious to eco-bush camps, you can find accommodations that are right for you. 

Since access to the reserve is only allowed if you have booked lodgings in the park, you should take note that there are no day-visitors approved. This makes it a unique experience without any other additional traffic and crowds. Choose from more than 20 options of Safari lodges and accommodations. 

The Tour Guides

Madikwe has some of the most friendly, warm and hospitable people, ensuring every step of your holiday becomes memorable. 

But the guides here deserve a special mention. They are truly experts in their domain and know how to bring the tour alive for each guest. 

More importantly, they have tremendous respect for ecology and the animals found on the reserve. Their approach to guiding is driven by this passion for exploration and conservation. Game viewing is a peaceful and educational experience and never over-crowded. 

Easy to reach

Madikwe is also easily accessible by road or air. One of the best ways to reach Madwike is to take a one-hour flight from Johannesburg. The other option is to rent a car and drive down to the reserve which is located about 360 km from Johannesburg. 

Self-driving is quite popular among tourists who drive from either Gaborone (1 hour away) or Johannesburg which is about 3-5 hours away. Although if you are unfamiliar with South African roads, it is preferable to use road transfer services.

Richard Mullin has famously said, ‘The only man I envy is the man who has not yet been to Africa – for he has so much to look forward to. “ 

Madikwe possesses the unique location of a transition zone on the borders of Kalahari where a large number of rare species are found and the bushveld. The climate is typically mild to hot with winter nights being very cold. If you want to experience the very best of South African landscape, wildlife, and ecosystem, then look no further.

 Madikwe Game Reserve


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  • Madikwe Game Reserve
Last edited by pratikg
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