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How do occupy your time while flying?

Despite the hassle of security clearances and waiting at airports, I usually enjoy my time in the air.  I find it relaxing and productive.  No cell phone or pages to deal with.  No bureaucratic meetings.  I stay off wifi (as I'm too cheap to pay for it), so don't have the distraction of the email or the internet.  So I have some free time on my hands when flying, a rarity for me.


That said, I don't have trouble filling those hours.  Depending on the length of the flight, the type of aircraft and how tired I am, I might watch a move if an interesting one is on the in flight menu.  Or I might read a book, or listen to an audiobook.  Or combine an audiobook with organizing  and labeling my thousands of photos on my laptop.  If it's a long overseas flight, I'll definitely try to get some sleep.


I recently came across a story at this link about a woman who wrote a novel while flying.  Talk about an impressive use of time!  Among her tips for being productive in the air are:  1) don't use the wifi, 2) pick an uncomfortable seat (so you don't nap), 3) drink lots of coffee, 4) people watch for inspiration.... and a few other tips.


How do you fill up your flying time?

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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